Alexandre Steiger

Alexandre Steiger

Рождение : 1976-08-17,


Alexandre Steiger


No Love Lost
Étienne is barely twenty when he falls in love with Valérie. They are hardly any more when their daughter Rosa is born. And then, one day, Valérie leaves and never returns. He chooses not to make a drama of it and builds a happy life for him and his child. Sixteen years later, when Rosa is about to lead her own life, Étienne recognizes his wife in a television report. The past brutally resurfaces, and father and daughter are propelled into one last chaotic family journey.
Neneh Superstar
Alexandre Boucher
Born to dance, Neneh is a 12-year-old black girl who dreams of entering the Paris Opera Ballet School. Despite her enthusiasm, she will have to redouble her efforts to escape from her condition and be accepted by the director of the school, Marianne Bellage, the guarantor of traditions and the bearer of a secret that links her to the little ballerina.
The Green Perfume
Le père Thalys
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
All the Way
15-year-old Solange lives in a little town in the French Alps. When her parents get divorced, she discovers her femininity and has her first sexual experiences.
Кровавые апельсины
В одно и то же время во Франции происходят следующие истории: пара обремененных долгами пенсионеров пытается победить в танцевальном конкурсе, министра подозревают в уклонении от уплаты налогов, девочка-подросток встречает сексуального маньяка. Наступает долгая ночь. Собаки спущены с цепи.
Jean Compagnon
Париж, конец XIX века. Талантливый инженер Гюстав Эйфель мечтает строить метро, подземную железную дорогу будущего. Однако встреча с таинственной женщиной из его прошлого буквально переворачивает мир Эйфеля. Их головокружительный роман вдохновляет его на создание немыслимого архитектурного шедевра – гигантской ажурной башни, ставшей в итоге символом Парижа, романтики и любви.
A Quiet Man
From the 17th floor of an office building, Pierre is staring out a colleague that is here for hours.
Жизненная необходимость
Le Lieutenant Michel Smicer
Размеренная жизнь Пьера Пердрикса изменилась с появлением искрометной и неуловимой Жюльетты Вебб. Подобно урагану она ворвалась в его замкнутый мир, заполнив его чувственностью и хаосом. Пьеру и его родным придется пересмотреть свои взгляды и начать жить по-настоящему.
Алиса и мэр
Мэр Лиона после тридцати лет в политики оказывается в щекотливом положении, у него больше не осталось ни одной стоящей идеи. На помощь к нему приходит новая помощница — молодой и талантливый философ Алиса.
Words in Your Hair
Two bored extras from the ‘Tristan and Isolde’ opera roam the underground of the Garnier Palace.
По воле божьей
Фильм повествует о трех друзьях детства, которые спустя много лет пересекаются, чтобы сравнить свой жизненный опыт, пролить свет на страшные воспоминания далекого прошлого и переосмыслить свое настоящее.
Alexandre is celebrating Joëlle’s birthday in an Asian restaurant, trying to save their relationship. Jade is a lethargic waitress who takes life as it comes. Lee, the manageress, has succumbed to Jade’s charms but suffers from her indifference. Meanwhile, in the kitchen Souleymane dreams about becoming a great chef; his bibimbap recipe could perhaps bring hearts together and arouse desires.
Why did I write the Bible
Francis, a man in his sixties, is found in a diving suit, swimming in a river in the city center. Even his children, accustomed to their father's escapades, are surprised: since Francis knows he is condemned, it seems really unmanageable. Samuel and his sister must therefore find a way to accompany him at any cost.
Why did I write the Bible
Francis, a man in his sixties, is found in a diving suit, swimming in a river in the city center. Even his children, accustomed to their father's escapades, are surprised: since Francis knows he is condemned, it seems really unmanageable. Samuel and his sister must therefore find a way to accompany him at any cost.
Why did I write the Bible
Jésus Christ
Francis, a man in his sixties, is found in a diving suit, swimming in a river in the city center. Even his children, accustomed to their father's escapades, are surprised: since Francis knows he is condemned, it seems really unmanageable. Samuel and his sister must therefore find a way to accompany him at any cost.
Wedding guest
Céline, Thomas and Maxence always go by three. Just like the republican motto. They want to get married, to get a house, work, good children and eat oysters every day. Rebellious and ill adapted to the furious economical and administrative reality, they ride their burning quad bikes and travel across an afflicted France, looking for new landmarks, deserts strewn with bipeds and moments of ephemeral bliss.
Miaou Miaou fourrure
The Virgin Soldier
Two soldiers, Daniel and Jerome, flee a war we don’t see and we know nothing about. Jerome is badly injured, he will die, he says it, he knows it, he is afraid. Then Jerome confesses to Daniel his last will: he does not want to die a virgin, he wants to die loved…
Les Bêtises
Never Ever
An Easter weekend in a country town. On duty at the police precinct, lieutenants Francoise Ruiz and Clementine Arpinon are dealing with day-to-day matters. The ad hoc boredom arouses the tension between these two women that have very little in common. An intervention for disturbances of the peace at night gives them a chance to go beyond confrontation.
By Mutual Agreement
In the darkness of their living room Guillaume and Caroline are fighting for their common goods, splitting them with a dice game. All their goods... Including their ultimate one: their"flesh and blood". That’s precisely when they realise that the birth of their son is the reason why their relationship is broken. So they decide to fix it...
Любовная ситуация – это непросто
30-летний Бен готовится к скорой свадьбе со своей невестой Джульеттой. Однако неожиданное возвращение в Париж его бывшей одноклассницы Ванессы спутывает парню все планы. В юности Бен был влюблен в девушку, но та совершенно игнорировала его. Теперь же ситуация изменилась, и Ванесса совсем не против близких отношений с ним. Решится ли Бен оставить невесту накануне свадьбы или останется верен ей?..
Ив Сен-Лоран
Jean-Pierre Debord
Париж, январь 1958 года. Ив Сен Лоран в возрасте 21-го года неожиданно был призван управлять большими домами моды, которыми заведовал недавно умерший Кристиан Диор. Очень молодой помощник привлек всеобщее внимание своей первой же коллекцией одежды…
Mathieu Sauveterre
Пьер Солви работает охранником в супермаркете, в его распоряжении — несколько видеокамер, развешанных по всему торговому залу. Но вскоре он понимает, что в его обязанности входит не только наблюдение за клиентами, но и шпионаж за сотрудниками.
Agit Pop
AGIT POP, a French cultural magazine started a decade ago, is closing down due to severe financial problems. The ultimate closing times should be an occasion for joyous reunions among old friends, enemies and lovers around the completion of this special issue. This final day will become however a disaster on a Biblical scale.
Queen of Montreuil
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
Порядок и мораль
Jean Bianconi
Апрель 1988, остров Увеа, Новая Каледония. 30 жандармов взяты в заложники группой сепаратистов-канаков. 300 военных отправлено из Франции для восстановления порядка. 2 человека друг против друга : Филипп Легоржу, капитан элитного подразделения жандармерии, и Альфонс Дьяну, шеф группы сепаратистов. Выходя за рамки общих ценностей, они пытаются прийти к решению. Но в разгар президентских выборов, когда политические ставки высоки, порядок не всегда продиктован моральными принципами…
Thirty year old Alexander is a budding film-maker. One night he wakes and is stunned to find he is being filmed by the very same camera that enables us to see his every move. In bed beside him, his girl-friend, Emeline, appears blissfully unaware of what is happening to him. He begins to realise that he is trapped inside a film, a delusion that seems to embody his obsession with film-making. From now on, he battles, body and soul, to set himself free.
Main basse sur une île
Mixed Doubles
Jean is on witness protection waiting for trial in a hotel. Arthur, the cop that has him on custody, gets paranoid and bring Jean to his sister's house.
The Rebel, Louise Michel
Charles Malato
A fiercely active Communard, Louise Michel is condemned for taking arms against Bismarck. Along with thousands of other revolutionaries, she is deported to New Caledonia, whilst, back in Paris, a young parliamentarian Georges Clemenceau campaigns for a truce with the Communards. During her exile, Louise Michel becomes a teacher and wins the admiration of the other deportees, inspiring them to rise up against the colonial order…
Paul Dupuy
In London, an airport baggage handler is forced by French and British intelligence agents to seduce the wife of a businessman with ties to Syrian terrorists.
Девушка из Монако
Преуспевающий адвокат приезжает в Монако, чтобы защищать клиента в суде. Но думать о работе не получается: он влюбляется в роковую красотку. Эта дерзкая и нахальная чертовка превращает жизнь несчастного в настоящую катастрофу. К счастью, рядом с нашим героем есть доблестный телохранитель, который поможет клиенту сконцентрироваться на работе. Но захочет ли этого новоявленный Ромео?
Poison Friends
Alexandre Pariente
A group of college students are duped by a charming pathological liar.
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