Alfred Strasser


Привидения в замке Шпессарт
Original Music Composer
Второй фильм трилогии пародийных комедий о привидениях. Привидения обитают в замке Шпессарт, где проживает молодая графиня - Шарлотта Зандау и помогают ей в сложных ситуациях... При прокладке шоссе строители находят несколько скелетов. Это Хуго, Тони, Макс и девушка, теперь они — привидения. В качестве «места жительства» костлявые друзья выбирают замок Шпессарт, где обитает молодая графиня Шарлотта Зандау, ее тетя Ивонна и дядя Теодор.
Pole Poppenspäler
On his travels, Paul, a journeyman from northern Germany, runs into a childhood friend, Lisei, a puppeteer's daughter. They fall in love and get married. Together with Lisei's father, the young couple moves to Paul's hometown. Although Paul himself is accepted - even respected - by the stuck-up and snooty citizens, the young woman is rejected by the town dwellers, who are imbued with class arrogance. Paul stands up for his wife but the scorn and abuse heaped on her weigh heavily upon him.
Dolly is making a career
Original Music Composer
Musical vehicle for up and coming Dolly Haas, as a would be actress with a would be composer boyfriend. She sings,at one point, that she has the walk of (Lilian) Harvey, the mouth of Garbo and the legs of Dietrich.