Queta Claver

Queta Claver

Рождение : 1929-06-24, València, València, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Смерть : 2003-05-03


Enriqueta "Queta" Claver Delás (Valencia, June 24, 1929 – Alcorcón, Madrid, May 2, 2003) was a spanish actress.


Queta Claver
Queta Claver


Siempre hay un camino a la derecha
Los porretas
Sra. de Don Porfirio
Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing
Doña Remedios - su mujer
Theodore, a young Spanish engineer who works as a professor at the University of Oklahoma, returned to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year. Upon arrival, he discovers that his father killed his mother and, to compensate for the loss, he bought a motorcycle with sidecar to travel together. Father and son arrive in a remote mountain village seems empty, what happens is that all residents are in church every day, because the Mass is a true spectacle. Jimmy and Theodore are discovering the peculiarities of the people, attend the elections held each year to appoint mayor, priest, teacher, bitch ... In addition, the town has come a group of students at the American University of Eaton, a Belgian meteorologists, a dissident group of the Russian Army Choir, invading people's hidden above ...
Amanece como puedas
Tía Josefina
Antonio Castro, Sinatra, is a fighter of life working in an old cabaret in Barcelona imitating Frank Sinatra, accompanied in his show by Groucho Marx, Marlene Dietrich and Lola Flores. But one day, the sky dresses in gray for him; his wife, who works as a waitress in the same place, decides to leave him.
The Impeccable Sinner
Honorio Sigüenza is a man in his forties who has always lived under the yoke of his possessive mother. When his mother dies, he undergoes a radical transformation that will lead him to live numerous love affairs in the face of the disapproval of his cousin Veni, who wanted to marry him.
Voyage to Nowhere
Doña Leonor
The Iniesta-Galván family is a theatre company that goes from town to town offering its performances. Over the years, its members will have to adapt to changes and make decisions, like that of whether or not to continue performing. One day, unexpectedly, a son that he has fathered on his travels presents himself to Carlos Galván.
El orden cómico
One of the presidential candidates whose main campaign promise to end crime. When a day come back home with his wife, found the lifeless body of her son who had come to steal. The young man was a drug addict, just with what the candidate wants to end. So he decided hide his body until elections are for the matter not to spill his candidacy.
Другой поворот
Молодой человек с сексуальным конфликтом нанят для ухода за двумя осиротевшими братьями и сестрами в отдаленном приморском особняке и вскоре понимает, что призраки двух бывших слуг пытаются завладеть детьми.
El recomendado
Doña Sole
Двое молодых людей приторговывали наркотиками, чтобы поддерживать собственную потребность. Отец одного - полицейский, другого - баскский сепаратист. Они, вроде бы, с успехом боролись с пагубной привычкой и почти прекратили употреблять наркотики, но жившая с ними проститутка вновь возвращает их на опасный путь.
Doña Matilde
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Накладные ресницы
История любви и разочарования, надежды и безысходности. Что стало бы с Ромео и Джульеттой после свадьбы? Юность проходит, а вместе с ней - великие иллюзии и мечты. Хуан так и не стал богатым, а Марита не сделалась гениальной актрисой, суперзвездой. Супруги расстаются, чтобы скинуть путы и достичь своей цели поодиночке. Возможно, потом они пожалеют, что потеряли самое главное, чем обладали - любовь.
The National Mummy
Doña Charo
Saturnino, a young archaeologist, bourgeois and wealthy, lives in a luxurious mansion. He receives a visit from his old teacher, Don Felipe, accompanied by his daughter and a monumental mummy he has just discovered in one of his excavations in the Upper Nile. The Mummy, was in his time a princess and has on his bandages a curse, that when it breaks ... it will be dedicated to chasing and raping all the men it finds in its path.
Crónica de un instante
Madre de Eva
Habibi, amor mío
Young Stefano falls in love with a Spanish girl, Habibi. The two become engaged, but after a happy period, Stefano will discover the girl's betrayals. This will lead the protagonists to drift apart and seek new paths; this will be an opportunity for them to reflect on themselves and the loss of values in life.
Memorias de Leticia Valle
Doña Angelina
A fictionalized diary of an eleven-year-old girl who records an "inconceivable" seduction and scandal that forced her to leave Spain in the 1910s, based on the 1945 novel "Memoirs of Leticia Valle" by Spanish writer Rosa Chacel.
Visanteta, estáte quieta
El virgo de Visanteta
Madre de Juanito
Второй человек в компартии Испании — гей. Однажды он оказывается в больнице, и там знакомится с парнем-проституткой. Тот начинает поставлять ему мальчиков, благо есть подпольная квартира для голубых встреч. Поначалу политик довольствуется редкими одноразовыми секс-свиданиями с парнями, но потом встречает парня, в которого всерьез влюбляется. И он отбрасывает осторожность, начинает приводить его в семью…
Madre de Lidia
Madre del Padre Miguel
Статус католического священника запрещает главному герою предаваться сексуальному греху, но его постоянно, даже на исповеди, мучают греховные образы. После неудачной борьбы с мучительными демонами он ищет помощь у старших, которые утверждают, что духовность и молитвы является достаточными, чтобы противостоять «искушениям дьявола». Несмотря на это его ежедневно посещают похотливые сексуальные фантазии...
Venus de fuego
Madre superiora
Una noche embarazosa
An Italian taxicab driver is used as a "breeding man" to save the inheritance of a wealthy family in Mexico.
Tengamos la guerra en paz
La playa vacía
Ends the season and Victoria, widow, mature and owns the beachside motel, does not want to spend another winter alone. To avoid it, buy the company of Paul to continue working for her. Paul agrees, provided remain free and enjoy other women. Days after reaching the motel Gloria, a beautiful biologist who claims to be working on a book and, to the surprise of Paul, seems to know everything about Victoria and her past.
Estoy hecho un chaval
Juan, a 65-year-old accountant, is going to be a father. At the same time, he's going to retire. Needing extra money, he tries all kinds of jobs, with no success. But his wife saves the day, with her embroidery which sells well in Germany.
Тайные удовольствия
Madre de Miguel
Красавец мужчина 40-летний президент банка Эдуардо на улице случайно встречает молодого парня Мигеля, в которого влюбляется с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать этого парня он выслеживает где тот живет и посылает ему приглашение устроиться к нему в банк на работу. Приглашение было принято. Более того, вскоре Мигель становится личным секретарем банкира, допечатывая на машинке его незавершенный роман. «Крепость» с каждым днем все больше попадает в осаду. Что не осталось без внимания со стороны друзей и сослуживцев Эдуардо. В конце концов мужчина решает в открытую признаться парню в своих чувствах...
Cebrian, a blast furnace worker Asturian, being held at the Civil Guard barracks. There has to be accountable for the disasters in a day of party with two friends.
Marked by Men
La Corea
Charo 'La Corea'
Toni is a seventeen year old young man who comes to Madrid from a little village in search of work. A friend from the same village of Toni puts him in touch with Charo, "La Corea", a mature woman dedicated to facilitating contacts and boys to American men at the military base of Torrejón.
El hombre que supo amar
Nosotros, los decentes
Los buenos días perdidos
The Adolescents
Madre de Ana
A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published in 'Estimulation' Magazine.
Los pecados de una chica casi decente
A very enthusiastic girl kills her boyfriend, a carabinieri, after a long love session. She will suffer during the rest of the film to hide the body.
No matarás
Doctor, me gustan las mujeres, ¿es grave?
В натуральную величину
Мишель, мужчина средних лет, несчастен в браке. Ему одиноко, он изменяет своей жене Изабель, и хотя она относится к ситуации понимающе, отношения между ними становятся всё более холодными. В конце концов Мишель влюбляется в "идеальную женщину"...
El chulo
Doña Margarita
Una chica y un señor
Mujer asistente a la gala
The life of a young attractive singer in search of success changes when he meets an accomplished lawyer, considerably older than her. Their romance will lead to a love story in which the age difference will add to the couple a relationship problem…
Los extremeños se tocan
Corazón solitario
Antoñito is a bachelor who works in a cabaret as a clarinetist. He has put an advertisement in the newspaper, looking for a good and honest girl, and to which responds Rocío, who escapes from her native Córdoba to hide the embarrassment of her pregnancy. The coexistence with the naive clarinetist, who refuses the insinuations of a co-worker dedicated to prostitution, who idolizes his deceased mother and keeps as a relic the orthopedic leg of his late father, is not easy. The other men will tend their ties around Rocío, that makes way in the world of the spectacle pretending to be blind. When she can no longer conceal that she is pregnant, Antoñito decides to give his name to the fruit of sin.
El vikingo
Palomita, la limpiadora
El mejor del mundo
A professional runner can't run anymore since he has a heart condition.
La batalla del domingo
Irma del Plata
Alfredo Di Stéfano plays himself, not as a soccer player but as a man, husband and father. This is a personal portrait of the mythical athlete, in the decline of his career. Film made to the greater glory of the football player Alfredo Di Stefano. In principle it is a portrait of manners of the life of the athlete at the time of professional retirement. Filmed by Luis Marquina, " The Battle of Sunday " mixes the form of a conventional film with the topics of biographical documentaries. However, the film was an important public success, given the importance of Di Stefano in Spanish football.
El sexto sentido
La bella Mimí