André Abujamra

André Abujamra

Рождение : 1965-05-15, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


André Abujamra


Empirion: Uma Aventura com Einstein
Félix, a genius teenager, decides to look for the renowned scientist Einstein, brought back by the company Empirion. He is the person needed to finalize his invention and stamp the definitive passport to the world of science.
Castle Ra-Tim-Bum: Reunion
Almost 30 years since "Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum" premiered, the cast and crew of the famous children's program from the 90s reunite to talk about the backstage and the aftermath of one of the greatest achievements in Brazilian television history.
Клуб Ангелов
Original Music Composer
На протяжении многих лет семеро друзей встречаются каждый месяц. Традиция приедается, и их клуб постепенно начинает распадаться. Настроение у участников меланхоличное и упадническое, ритуалы заменяются нарушенными обещаниями. Но компания снова расцветает, когда сообщество обзаводится новым поваром. Он невероятно талантлив и готовит для собравшихся по-настоящему виртуозные банкеты из любимых блюд. Это помогает освежить отношения и вновь объединить старых друзей. Есть лишь одна проблема: на следующий день после очередного пиршества одного из мужчин находят мертвым. «Клуб ангелов» основан на одноименном романе-бестселлере бразильского писателя Луиса Фернандо Вериссимо 1998 года.
Клуб Ангелов
На протяжении многих лет семеро друзей встречаются каждый месяц. Традиция приедается, и их клуб постепенно начинает распадаться. Настроение у участников меланхоличное и упадническое, ритуалы заменяются нарушенными обещаниями. Но компания снова расцветает, когда сообщество обзаводится новым поваром. Он невероятно талантлив и готовит для собравшихся по-настоящему виртуозные банкеты из любимых блюд. Это помогает освежить отношения и вновь объединить старых друзей. Есть лишь одна проблема: на следующий день после очередного пиршества одного из мужчин находят мертвым. «Клуб ангелов» основан на одноименном романе-бестселлере бразильского писателя Луиса Фернандо Вериссимо 1998 года.
No outro encontro você
Original Music Composer
The Smoke Master
Original Music Composer
The journey of Gabriel and Daniel, two brothers cursed by the Chinese mafia with its feared Three Generations Revenge, who have already reaped the life of their grandfather and their father. To survive, one of the brothers must learn the Smoke Style secrets, a little known Cannabis martial art, taught by a single master, high up in the mountains.
8 Presidentes 1 Juramento: A História de um Tempo Presente
The movie is a collage and comentary of varied third party footage on news relating to each and every one of the eight Presidents of Brazil who took office since the end of the military government, from José Sarney to Jair Bolsonaro.
Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People
Original Music Composer
Bob Spit, a comic book character, lives in a post-apocalyptic desert inside the mind of his creator, the legendary Brazilian cartoonist Angeli. When Angeli decides to kill off Bob, the old punk leaves this wasteland and faces his creator.
Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People
Rhalah Rikota
Bob Spit, a comic book character, lives in a post-apocalyptic desert inside the mind of his creator, the legendary Brazilian cartoonist Angeli. When Angeli decides to kill off Bob, the old punk leaves this wasteland and faces his creator.
Iskandar / Ogum do Universo
Our Uncle Pedro
Original Music Composer
After moving from São Paulo to an isolated house in the countryside, Pedro starts witnessing extraterrestrial events in between visits from his sister and nephews.
Um Café com Meu Avô Durval
Original Music Composer
In 2008, Sergipe teachers engaged in legal struggle with the state government to prevent the loss of rights already won. 30,000 teachers from all over the state leave their schools and go on a long journey to fight in the capital Aracaju. The challenge is to convince the judges of the Court not to vote for the end of the teaching career. The trial is postponed twice and the battle lasts for a month. In the midst of this struggle between government and teachers, Professor Ana Rosa lives the challenge of being a mother, a woman and a union leader. She needs to reconcile the multiple tasks of professional and domestic life, but her husband's incomprehension and the macho vision of his own mother make his journey even more challenging.
Director of Photography
André Abujamra
My Punkle
Original Music Composer
Rafael embarks on a shabby blue Landau and crosses the city of São Paulo gathering truths and lies about the set of his uncle Tico, the already legendary proto-punk-satirical Knee of Porco.
Wherever You Are
Original Music Composer
Open City Radio broadcasts the "Wherever You Are" program on a weekly basis, where people try to communicate with missing relatives and friends. Behind the scenes of the program several life stories cross and become.
Praça Paris
Original Music Composer
Camila is a Portuguese therapist who works at Rio de Janeiro State University, where she attends Glória, the university's elevator operator. Throughout the sessions, Camila faces a very violent reality, since Glória was raped by her own father as a child and her brother Jonas is a dangerous bandit that is in prison. Increasingly frightened by the reports she hears, she feels threatened at the same time that Glória sees her as essential in her life.
Praça Paris
Camila is a Portuguese therapist who works at Rio de Janeiro State University, where she attends Glória, the university's elevator operator. Throughout the sessions, Camila faces a very violent reality, since Glória was raped by her own father as a child and her brother Jonas is a dangerous bandit that is in prison. Increasingly frightened by the reports she hears, she feels threatened at the same time that Glória sees her as essential in her life.
Original Music Composer
Biopic about the late Joãozinho Trinta, a self-taught classical dancer who turned Rio's Carnival into an international phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s by directing parades for samba schools and putting focus on costumes and decor.
Until Sbornia Do Us Apart
Sbórnia is an island with a rich but eccentric culture, separated from the rest of the world by a high wall. When the wall comes down, cultural change plays hilarious havoc on the lives of two traditional Sbórnian musicians.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Professor de Violão
Produced for TV Cultura within the project Telefilmes IV: Music and City, this made-for-TV film follows the story of Erica, a 14-year-old teenager growing up in Brazil, who has to learn how to deal with her British mother who is going off the rails. Living amidst an anxiety that switches between fear and love for her mother, Erica tries to find her way in a ship that seems to be sinking rapidly. It is in this moment that she picks up a guitar, and in her relationship with it, finds a way to re-shape her reality.
That´s What Music is For
Documentary about “Os Mulheres Negras” , the world´s third smallest big band, discussing music, aesthetics and creation in Brazil from the 80´s till nowadays.
Brichos: A Floresta é Nossa
Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now!
A look of the 21st century for one of the most important cultural movements in Brazilian history. The production brings a mix of interviews, concerts, artistic interventions and actors in small sketches. An intersection of the social and artistic contexts of 68 with the current one.
Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now!
A look of the 21st century for one of the most important cultural movements in Brazilian history. The production brings a mix of interviews, concerts, artistic interventions and actors in small sketches. An intersection of the social and artistic contexts of 68 with the current one.
Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now!
Music Director
A look of the 21st century for one of the most important cultural movements in Brazilian history. The production brings a mix of interviews, concerts, artistic interventions and actors in small sketches. An intersection of the social and artistic contexts of 68 with the current one.
Corpo Presente
Original Music Composer
Three desperate stories about working life in São Paulo.
Amanhã Nunca Mais
Original Music Composer
Walter is an absent father and husband who works in a hospital without time for his family. His redemption happens when his wife sends him to the birthday cake for her daughter, but she does not know is that during the return trip home, the impossible will happen so that everything goes wrong.
Курить запрещено
Бейби – не просто заядлая, но страстная курильщица; Пикассо мог бы нарисовать с нее никотиновый аналог «Любительницы абсента». Она одинока, однако появление на этаже нового, весьма колоритного соседа-ровесника, становится поводом для обоснованных любовных воздыханий. Впрочем, это – центральная, но единственная линия бразильской кинопанорамы, жанр которой формулируется так: «маленькие комедии большого дома».
В начале конца
Фильм нарушает сразу два «традиционных табу» — гомосексуальность и инцест: речь идет о двух братьях, которые стали любовниками.
A Raça Síntese de Joãosinho Trinta
The Story of Me
Original Music Composer
Based on the life of Roberto Carlos Ramos, a Brazilian teacher and storyteller brought up in a state educational institution for poor children.
O Divino, de Repente
Original Music Composer
Divino freestyles about his life, love and family in a very unique way.
Sound Mixer
A movie about the contempt of the man who recorded the contempt.
Original Music Composer
A movie about the contempt of the man who recorded the contempt.
Реинкарнация демона
Зе-из-Гроба — человек, возомнивший себя (а может быть и действительно являющийся) сверхчеловеком. Он отрицает и бога, и дьявола, и человеческую мораль. Он идет через мир людей, как нож сквозь масло, и единственная его цель — обеспечить собственное бессмертие через зачатие совершенного сына.
Original Music Composer
Querô is an orphan teenager, living alone near the docks in Santos, Brazil. Her mother, a prostitute, died when he was a baby, and he was raised in the bordello where she worked. Believing he rules his own destiny, he refuses to compromise with anyone else, the corrupt policemen always chasing him, the oppressive discipline in the juvenile institution Febem, or the drug dealers who try to lure him. But this independence has a price.
Achados e Perdidos
Ex-cop Vieira is involved in the death of his lover , a prostitute who works in the streets of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. After her death, some strange things started to happen and Vieira is harassed at the same time by the police and some old bad guys from his past. Meanwhile, he is seriously involved with a young and pretty prostitute named Flor.
Original Music Composer
Это история Амарилис Кемпос, молодой танцовщицы, чьи доверительные отношения с отцом Франко, который некогда был яркой звездой балета в Нью-Йорке, заставляет ее сменить родной Пуэрто-Рико на Манхэттен для того, чтобы реализовать себя. Амарилис решает достичь славы и успеха в качестве танцовщицы. Не имея приличных предложений о работе, девушка соглашается работать танцовщицей в стриптиз-клубе, где ее ждут новые разочарования, а так же интересные знакомства…
Невинные голоса
Original Music Composer
Одиннадцатилетний Чава живет с мамой, сестрой и братом. А вокруг — война. Самая страшная, гражданская. По ночам гремят взрывы, трещат автоматные очереди, погибают друзья, с которыми ты еще днем играл на улице. А других, когда им исполняется двенадцать лет, забирают в армию. И через пару месяцев лучший друг готов уже разрядить в тебя всю обойму за неверно сказанное слово. Но жизнь продолжается. Дети остаются детьми. Ходят в школу, запускают в небо фонарики, играют, влюбляются…
Cafundó is a 35 mm color film which blends fact with fiction in the life of João de Camargo, a former black slave (1858-1942, Sorocaba, Brazil) who, in his old age, works miracles and devotes himself to assisting others in order to attain his freedom. João de Camargo represents the genesis of religious and cultural syncretism in Brazil.
Confiscated Goods
Betrayed wife of a powerful and corrupt Senator, turns him in, and his fraud schemes and lies are exposed. After one of his lovers commits suicide, he has his illegitimate son kidnapped and taken to a decadent seaside resort in the country's extreme southern coast. The Senator chooses another former lover to take care of his son, and the two of them become involved beyond that of a mother son relationship.
Manual for Love Stories
Laura and Alan fall in love, but have to deal with the strange death of Alan's wife and with a rival, Lilith, who wants to break their relationship. At the same time, a narrator gives lessons on how to make a love story movie, exposing all clichés on that kind of film.
Дорога в облака
Неграмотный безработный чувствует ответственность перед всей своей большой семьей и обязанность обеспечить их и работой, и средствами к существованию. И вот семья из 7 человек предпринимает невероятную поездку за 2000 километров на велосипедах из северного штата Бразилии до Рио-де-Жанейро. Именно там будет надежда на жизнь без лишений. Во время поездки приходится зарабатывать случайными заработками, в виде, выступления на улицах с концертами, выступления в кабаках, мытье машин… И в это же время каждый член этой большой семьи показывает способность на мужество и пожертвование ради других…
Original Music Composer
Если бы Сатана искал местечко для филиала ада на Земле, ему не пришлось бы долго возиться. Наверняка им стала бы тюрьма Карандиру, самое жуткое исправительное заведение в Бразилии. Фантастическая антисанитария, отвратительная еда, охранники-садисты и нарушения всех мыслимых прав человека сделали ее печально знаменитой задолго до того, как однажды в 1992 году доведенные до отчаяния заключенные Карандиру подняли мятеж. Полиция с огромным трудом потопила восстание в крови, убив 111 человек. В итоге, из-за разразившегося международного скандала властям пришлось разрушить тюрьму до основания как символ национального позора.
Cartas da Mãe
Durval Records
Durval and his mother Carmita live at the back of "Durval Discos", a record store they own in São Paulo, specializing in vinyl records. They lead a boring and unattractive life, until the day Durval hires a maid, Celia, to help his mother with the housekeeping. However, on her second day, Celia goes away leaving a 5-year-old child behind, Kiki, and a note promising to be back in a couple of days. Durval and Celia are charmed by the child at first, but soon they see some sad news about Celia and Kiki on TV that will change the whole situation.
Durval Records
Fat Marley
Durval and his mother Carmita live at the back of "Durval Discos", a record store they own in São Paulo, specializing in vinyl records. They lead a boring and unattractive life, until the day Durval hires a maid, Celia, to help his mother with the housekeeping. However, on her second day, Celia goes away leaving a 5-year-old child behind, Kiki, and a note promising to be back in a couple of days. Durval and Celia are charmed by the child at first, but soon they see some sad news about Celia and Kiki on TV that will change the whole situation.
A trip to the mental institution hell. This odyssey is lived by Neto, a middle class teenager, who lives a normal life until his father sends him to a mental institution after finding drugs on his pocket. The maconha cigarrete is just the final drop that exposes the family tragedy. Send to a mental institution, Neto gets to know a completely absurd, inhumane reality in which the people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel institution system. The documentary type language used by the director give this movie a sensation of realty that increases even more the impact of the emotions Neto goes through. In the mental institution, Neto is forced to mature. The transformations that he goes through change this relations with his father.
Original Music Composer
Five maids in São Paulo are observed in this episodic, impressionistic film. The women interact with each other, ride busses, work, and have longings: Rai for a husband, Créo for her lost daughter, Roxane for a career in modeling. Quitéria is naive, a gull for thieves. Cida has a husband and also a lover. While each woman gets what she wishes for (more or less), it doesn't always make things better.
Nem Gravata, Nem Honra
Argues the differences between men and women in the town of Cunha, Brazil. When the film was ready, it was shown for its main personages, whose reactions were included in its final version.
A Fit of Rage
The torrid love affair between a 40-year-old man who lives isolated from the world, in his small farm nearby São Paulo and a politically engaged 30-year-old journalist. One morning, after a night of wild lovemaking, he notices a hole made by sauba ants in his fence. This simple fact raises accusations and discord between the two lovers.
Friendly Fire
Brazil in the early 70s. Miguel, Eloi, Osvaldo and Paolo take part in armed attacks against the military dictatorship. They pay a heavy price with torture and arrest. Today the four friends still see each other. Only Miguel is politically active. On a photograph from a political meeting in Sao Paolo he recognises the policeman who tortured them 25 years ago and who was responsible for the death of Miguel's girlfriend. The policeman has been officially dead for a few years. On one of their fishing trips together, Miguel tells his friends of his discovery. When they hunt down and confront their nemesis they come into conflict with both themselves and each other.
Boleiros - Era Uma Vez o Futebol...
Pai Vava
Tribute to the world of soccer in Brazil. Group of ex-soccer players gather in a bar in São Paulo to remember old stories of their prime.
Belly Up
Two hit men, a veteran and a beginner, chatter in a bar on Brazil-Paraguai border, while waiting for their victim to appear.
Almoço Executivo
Five friends meet for lunch. Nothing could be more mundane, but for some reason, no one stayed for dessert.
Almoço Executivo
Five friends meet for lunch. Nothing could be more mundane, but for some reason, no one stayed for dessert.
On a Saturday morning, an advertising crew arrives at a decadent old building downtown São Paulo to shoot a TV commercial. And then everything goes wrong, beginning with a broken elevator
São Paulo South Border
Original Music Composer
Rap, drugs and violence. One day in the suburbs of São Paulo.
Карлота Жоакина, принцесса бразильская
Original Music Composer
На скалистом Шотландском мысе молодой человек рассказывает маленькой Иоланде об экзотической стране Бразилии, о «подвигах» испанской принцессы Карлоты Жоакины, которая в десятилетнем возрасте отправляется в Португалию, чтобы выйти замуж за принца Дона Жоао. Мрачный двор и трусливый несимпатичный жених производят плохое впечатление на юную принцессу..
Babies Origins According to Kiki Cavalcanti
Associate Producer
Babies Origins According to Kiki Cavalcanti
Babies Origins According to Kiki Cavalcanti
A road movie inside a film set starring four fake blondes on the run.
A road movie inside a film set starring four fake blondes on the run.
Rota ABC
Sound Designer
Rota ABC is a documentary essay about the desires and perspectives of youth living in the industrial suburb of São Paulo, directed by Francisco Cesar Filho and produced by Anhangabaú Produções, with a soundtrack by the punk rock band Garotos Podres.