Rosaria De Cicco

Rosaria De Cicco

Рождение : 1958-05-03, Napoli (Italy)


Rosaria De Cicco


Anime borboniche
A married couple is going to the Royal Palace of Caserta for a historical reenactment.
Magari resto
In the splendid setting of the Cilento, Francesca is preparing for her wedding but feels that something in her life is not quite right. Surrounded by her longtime friends, with wedding preparations in full swing, she begins to ask herself important questions and to look for answers where she has always built her most solid certitudes, as ever finding help from her counsellor, Don Fabio. She will end up stumbling on a truth that will completely subvert the tidiness of her life, questioning her tenets, only to realize she is ready to find herself.
Signora Fusco
Alessandra - Un grande amore e niente più
It's Not Just a Game
The Skratch Fab presents It is not just a game, directed by Guglielmo Lipari, a short hit with the mockumentary style full of twists.
Madre di Noemi
На закрытых вечеринках и дорогих приемах в Риме и на Сардинии его всегда окружают самые красивые и самые опасные люди, готовые на все, лишь бы получить доступ к живой легенде. «Лоро» («они») — это нувориши-итальянцы и их нравы, воплощение которых — тиран и весельчак, гедонист и романтик, скандальный политик и миллиардер Сильвио Берлускони.
E se mi comprassi una sedia?
Из Неаполя с любовью
professoressa di italiano
История мальчика Чиро, окруженного огромной неаполитанской семьей. Однажды мальчик влюбляется в одноклассницу. Школьный психолог решает помочь Чиро, чтобы тот в ответ помог ему завести роман с его матерью.
The Major Fisherman
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
Mafia Millionaires
Madre di Alendelòn
Based on a real Italian crime boss and family, their 40-year saga, as seen through their eyes, reflects the history, beauty, and strife of Naples.
Maestra Lina
Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore take the boy under their wings, introducing him to demonstrations and love-ins, whilst caped superhero Gennaro visits Peppino even after being knocked down and killed by the number 12 bus. It is the imaginary appearances of this older superman cousin that help the nine-year-old navigate the complicated adult world.
Одноклассники по-итальянски
Nadia Gemma
Несколько новелл объединены в одну картину общим сюжетным стержнем: поколения пользователей «фейсбуков» с их приключениями, любовью и обманом, мечтами и семейными отношениями.
Io non ci casco
Marco, close to turning eighteen, is a boy like many others: he has a girlfriend, lots of friends and is passionate about electronic music, especially DJ Claudio Coccoluto. One day he is the victim of a moped accident and ends up in an irreversible coma: family and friends gather around him in the hospital room, full of pain but also of hope.
A summer at the sea
Set against the sun-soaked shores of Italy in the summertime, seven different tales unfold about life, love, loss, family, and friendship.
A Perfect Day
La vicina di casa
Antonio and Emma have been separated for years, but he does not accept when Emma dates other men. Indeed Antonio proves obsessive, aggressive and intrusive, and again threatens Emma to hurt the children: little Kevin, shy and introverted, and the adolescent Valentina.
Leone e Giampiero
Mario's War
A judge decides to take a difficult child, Mario (9 years old), from his family and entrusts him to a couple of unmarried forty-year-olds. For the three of them, living together is difficult and painful, since the couple and the child come from two separate realities. As relief from solitude and displacement, Mario creates his own world, where he meets Schad Sky, an imaginary playmate.
Our Italian Husband
funzionaria di banca
When Vincenzo Scocozza , an Italian immigrant sculptor living and working in Manhattan, weds the expectant Charlene Taylor, it over complicates his life for he is already married
Bad Inclination
When a bloodthirsty serial killer begins murdering women with a carpenter’s set square, the story becomes a media sensation, inspiring kooks from all over the city to attempt to cash in on the publicity.
Окно напротив
День Джованны с утра до вечера заполнен трудом: она работает на птицефабрике, воспитывает двоих детей, стряпает и убирает в доме, а по вечерам выпекает пирожные для соседнего кафе. Однажды муж Джованны Филиппо приводит в дом пожилого мужчину, потерявшего память. Теперь молодой женщине приходится ухаживать и за новым постояльцем. Поначалу он ее раздражает, но чем больше она общается с ним, тем больше проникается любопытством к этому загадочному утонченному человеку, совсем не похожему на ее доброго и очень ординарного мужа. Постепенно Джованна узнает тайны прошлого своего постояльца и, незаметно для самой себя, переносит на него свои мечты об идеальном мужчине, который мог бы наполнить ее жизнь смыслом и счастьем…
His Secret Life
When Antonia's husband Massimo is killed in a car accident, she accidentally discovers that he has been having a same-sex affair with a produce wholesaler named Michele.
Un paio di occhiali
Zia Nuncia
A Donatello award nominated short feature about a young girl whose vision of her family and the world is drastically changed when she gets a new pair of spectacles.
Пьянезе Нунцио: 14 лет в мае
Отец Борелли, чистосердечный итальянской католический священник в Неаполе, пытается защитить свою притесняемую паству от насилия и коррупции со стороны местной мафии. Но тем временем он влюбляется, и это как раз то, чего ждали его противники из мафии, чтобы уничтожить его. Его героические, выдающиеся проповеди против нее, скомпрометированы его отношениями с 13-летним мальчиком - алтарным служкой, которого он подобрал на улице. Священника обвиняют в совращении малолетних, его репутация уничтожена...
Vito and the Others
A despairing Rosario has just murdered his wife and daughter at the dinner table on New Year's Eve. Somehow, Vito quietly convinces his father to drop the gun, spare their lives and call the police. Placed in the custody of sexually abusive relatives, Vito is left free to roam the trash-strewn back streets of Naples where he and his friends engage in drug abuse, prostitution and petty crime.