Chiara Laudani

Chiara Laudani

Рождение : 1970-01-01, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy


Chiara Laudani


Carla - il film
Where I've Never Lived
Where I've never been to live, Francesca's emotional conflicts, 50, is the only daughter of a famous Turin architect, to whom she visits only on rare occasions. For many years, Francesca lives in Paris with her teenage daughter and her husband Benoît, a financier on her sixty, apparently reserved but paternal and protective about her. Due to a domestic accident that forces the elderly father to bed, the woman flees to Turin to take her parents in the design of a villa on a lake for a young couple. At work he meets architect Massimo, his peer-minded career and engaged in an open relationship with independent Sandra. After a tough first approach, Massimo and Francesca create a strong professional tune that leads to a deep and passionate feeling. For the first time in life, both will have to really confront themselves and their most authentic destinies ...
Tre giorni dopo
Beyond the Line
Simona can swim, Mirko can run and Diego is a very talented football player. It doesn't matter if they don't know where Brazil is, in 2016 they want to get there. They are determined, strong and stubborn. They are three disabled athletes.
Looking for Kadija
Как дельфин
Александр успешный пловец, чемпион, из-за проблем со здоровьем вынужденного прервать свою спортивную карьеру. Это трудное решение в итоге привело героя к тренерской деятельности. Причем в ученики ему досталась группа мальчиков с непростыми судьбами.
Questa notte è ancora nostra
When a producer refuses to cut Massimo and his band a record unless they hire an "ethnic" singer to spice up the act, he tries to seduce Jing, a Chinese girl with a beautiful voice disinterested in both him and rock, to get her on board. She pretends to cave in in order to escape an arranged marriage, but in the weeks preceding the concert the two begin to grow closer, complicating the secretly fake nature of their relationship.
В кольце обмана
Пocлe ceми трудных лeт Мaттeo Дeллa Тoррe вывoдит cвoю кoмпaнию из кризиca. Нo из-зa рaбoты oн рeдкo видитcя co cвoeй жeнoй, c дeтьми. Кoгдa дeлa, кaзaлocь, бы нaлaживaютcя, пoлиция oбвиняeт Мaттeo в убийcтвe и нaхoдит 30 миллиoнoв нeлeгaльных дeнeг нa cчeту кoмпaнии. Пoд угрoзoй бизнec и брaк. Мaттeo пoпaдaeт в тюрьму. Чтoбы дoкaзaть cвoю нeвинoвнocть, oн oкaзывaeтcя вoвлeчeн в рaccлeдoвaниe…
Any Reason Not to Marry?
Leo and Nina lived happily out of wedlock until one day Nina asked Leo to marry him. Leo, hostile to conformity, had always been opposed to the idea and it looked as though Nina as well. But giving in to his companion's insistence, the young man agrees to an unconventional wedding, without the expensive white gown, without the traditional candy box, with gifts to charities instead of wedding presents, the lot. Nina agrees … or seems to.