Alexander Balanescu


The Island
Robinson is a doctor and unlike Robinson Crusoe, his solitude is voluntary but his island in the Mediterranean Sea is invaded by migrants, NGOs, guards. Friday is a castaway, the only one from his boat to have survived when sailing from Africa to Italy. During his strolls on the island, Robinson confronts his own solitude by keeping a diary - that works like augmented reality - filled with extraordinary beings and events, which both fill and trouble his daily life.
The Island
Robinson is a doctor and unlike Robinson Crusoe, his solitude is voluntary but his island in the Mediterranean Sea is invaded by migrants, NGOs, guards. Friday is a castaway, the only one from his boat to have survived when sailing from Africa to Italy. During his strolls on the island, Robinson confronts his own solitude by keeping a diary - that works like augmented reality - filled with extraordinary beings and events, which both fill and trouble his daily life.
Пожилая женщина принимает ванну. Когда она погружается в воду, перед ней возникает новый мир. Звонок по телефону соединяет ее с сыном и возвращает в реальность.
What Happens to a Displaced Ant
A nurse who has just fallen in love sets off to the Mediterranean to help rescue refugees. Her thoughts drift from her new love to the people she wants to save...
The Magic Mountain
The film investigates the adventures of mountain climber and photographer Adam J. Winkler, who fought in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen against the Soviets in the 1980s. The director employs a highly original artistic technique involving animated collage of period materials.
A few naked women and children are bathing in a river. They are being secretly observed by a group of men who, at one point, decide to approach them in a violent manner, as if inspired by the behaviour of hippopotamuses.
Original Music Composer
Karcsi, a Roma policeman, lives with Eva, a Swede. One day he is called to the scene of the murder of a wealthy trafficker named Schulter. He begins to investigate the crime, interrogate neighbours and suspects, and untangle a complex situation - one that he, himself, complicates even further. For he is a gypsy, who despite being adopted and raised by "regular" Hungarians, has his nose rubbed in his minority status every day. The film, which is based on the novel by Ákos Kertész, is a shrewd genre work full of dusky humour and surreal situations. Tabló follows a vivid succession of strange images that eventually lead to the emergence of the central story about a charismatic police officer on a tireless quest for the truth, though he must fight against virtually everyone and is just as fallible as the next person. Tabló makes a statement on the issue of race and racism - or, indeed, relations between any minority and majority.
Как я встретил конец света
Original Music Composer
17-летняя Эва живет с родителями и 7-летним братом Лалалилу. Однажды вместе со своим другом она разбивает бюст Чаушеску — генерального секретаря румынской компартии. За это «преступление» Эву исключают из школы и отправляют в исправительное учреждение. Там она встречает парня по имени Андрей, с которым решает бежать из Румынии. Маленький Лалалилу, оставшись один, решает, что Эва бежала из-за Чаушеску. Вместе с друзьями он разрабатывает план убийства диктатора…
Johnny the Partisan
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Original Music Composer
A glimpse at the life of legendary Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein.
The Octopus
Gabriel, dit Le Poulpe (The Octopus) is a laid-back private investigator who works on cases for his own pleasure. He is drawn to the fictional Loire Valley port of Angerneau, with his lover Clotilde who has been summoned by the police concerning the defacement of a deceased relative's grave. Since Angernau is her home town, she wants to leave it as soon as possible to avoid old acquaintances, but Gabriel stumbles on intriguing events concerning the cargo of a ship in port.
Ангелы и насекомые
Original Music Composer
Экранизация новеллы Э. С. Байатт "Морфо Евгения". Ученый-энтомолог Эдамсон женится на красивой женщине из богатой, родовитой семьи, где работал, приводя в порядок коллекцию ее отца. Жена, чей жених застрелился до него при таинственных обстоятельствах, в первую же брачную ночь обнаружила большой талант к любовным утехам и исправно рожала совершенно не похожих на него детей. Вместе с родственницей жены, живущей в том же поместье и увлекающейся энтомологией, он пишет научную книгу и живет в относительном счастье и покое, но случай открывает ему глаза: жена его с детства состоит в кровосмесительной связи с двоюродным братом, балбесом и наглецом. Слава богу, привлекательная, умная и решительная соавторша его произведения делает ему предложение снова уехать в экспедицию на Амазонку, где он провел много лет. Более того, она предлагает ему себя. Серде любителя насекомых не было разбито, ибо он и ранее "поглядывал на ее запястье".
The Garden
A nearly wordless visual narrative intercuts two main stories and a couple of minor ones. A woman, perhaps the Madonna, brings forth her baby to a crowd of intrusive paparazzi; she tries to flee them. Two men who are lovers marry and are arrested by the powers that be. The men are mocked and pilloried, tarred, feathered, and beaten. Loose in this contemporary world of electrical-power transmission lines is also Jesus. The elements, particularly fire and water, content with political power, which is intolerant and murderous.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Opera singer and professor Dr P is examined both in a clinic and in his home, as he suffers from a degeneration of the occipital lobe that allows him to see details but not wholes.
The Island
The movie is an animated, comedic fabled reimagining of the story of Robinson Crusoe, with references to current affairs
Walking to Paris
The 27 year-old Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi walked from Romania to Paris in 1903 and 1904 as a preparation and prelude to becoming the most important sculptor of the 20th century. Brancusi leaves his small village of Hobitza, south of the Carpathian Mountains and walks through Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and parts of France to arrive in Paris, the metropolis of world culture for the first three decades of the 1900s. He walks in spring, summer, winter and autumn, treading the landscape away from the beaten track, experiencing sights, having adventures, suffering hardships, looking, touching and feeling the world as a preparation of what is to come for him.