Special Effects
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Iwao Shishido has found a wife. After paying three million yen for a bridal tour to the Philippines, he comes home with Irene, who is promptly confronted by Tsuru—Iwao’s freshly widowed mother, who’s infuriated her loser son has married a woman she’s never met.
Live action film "Shibyo Osen Dead Rising" based on the zombie action game "Dead Rising." Set in Japan and directed by Keiji Inafune. Produced by Capcom, the game studio that also produced the popular Resident Evil series, the Xbox 360/Wii game Dead Rising was a George Romero-inspired third-person shooting game that followed a reporter's effort to fend off a zombie attack in a mall. The game was immensely popular, expanding to downloadable content and multiple spin-off versions on other platforms. Four years later, the sequel of the game has arrived, and Capcom is hyping up the release with a live-action feature film. Directed by game producer Inafune Keiji (Onimusha, Mega Man) in his directorial debut, Shibyo Osen - Dead Rising promises to create a never-before-seen type of third-person-style action film that also features the over-the-top zombie violence that made the games so popular.
Makeup Artist
История появления демона в маске и с ножницами в руках. Жизнь обычной школьницы меняется, когда ее обливают кислотой. Лицо ужасно обезображено, а душа искалечено. На свет появляется ужасный демон-мститель.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Токио, 1959 год. Рюноскэ Тягава, автор низкопробного чтива, мечтает написать роман, который получил бы престижную литературную премию им. Акутакава. Но жизнь не способствует творческим планам — его подруга Хироми исчезла, а его воспитанника Дзюнноскэ, к которому он так привязан, грозит забрать отец. В доме напротив, у автомеханика Судзуки, тоже не без проблем. Его сын Иппэй вовсе не в восторге от того, что с ними будет жить его кузина Мика, отец которой запутался в финансовых проблемах. Жизнь на Третьей улице не устает удивлять. Жена Судзуки встречает своего давнего возлюбленного; Хироми, как выясняется, работает в стриптиз-баре; некий человек, выдающий себя за представителя премиального комитета, обещает Тягаве победу за небольшую мзду…
Special Effects
Ken is a mild-mannered man in his mid-twenties who like many his age has interests that stopped developing during adolescence. On a visit to a local toy collectors shop he acquires a rare alien action figure. Unexpectedly, Ken's world is turned inside out as the somewhat silly looking toy alters his life by benevolently giving him everything he has ever dreamed of, and then callously taking it all back...
Makeup Effects
Junko was born with a type of ESP called pyrokinesis which she can use to incinerate anyone and anything at will. Junko is secretly in love with Kazuki, a young man who works with her. His sister is killed and a boy named Masaki suspected but the police don't arrest him. Junko tells Kazuki about her powers and takes revenge.