Jaspal Bhatti
Рождение : 1955-03-03, Amritsar, Punjab, India
Смерть : 2012-10-25
Jaspal Singh Bhatti (3 March 1955 – 25 October 2012) was an Indian television personality known for his satirical take on the problems of the common man. He is most well known for his television series Flop Show, Full Tension and mini capsules Ulta Pulta which ran on Doordarshan, India's national television network, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He was commonly known as "King of Comedy" and also "King of Satire". He carried out various anti corruption crusades in Chandigarh. His frontal attack on issues like redtapism, nepotism, and corruption was both comic and awakening for masses.
The film is an emotional drama based on the generations who have suffered ]he divide families following the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947.
Power Cut is a 2012 Indian Punjabi romantic comedy film. It was the last film directed by Jaspal Bhatti and produced by Paveljeet Singh under B & R Films and Madarts Jaspal Bhatti's Film School. The lead actors include Jaspal Bhatti himself, his wife Savita Bhatti and several well-known Punjabi actors. The film is releasing on 26 October, 2012 worldwide. The movie mocks at the power outage and corruption situation in India, especially in the state of Punjab. Contents
Power Cut is a 2012 Indian Punjabi romantic comedy film. It was the last film directed by Jaspal Bhatti and produced by Paveljeet Singh under B & R Films and Madarts Jaspal Bhatti's Film School. The lead actors include Jaspal Bhatti himself, his wife Savita Bhatti and several well-known Punjabi actors. The film is releasing on 26 October, 2012 worldwide. The movie mocks at the power outage and corruption situation in India, especially in the state of Punjab. Contents
Employed with Paradigm Entertainment and assigned to work under Company President Ravi Agarwal by their employer, Wadhwa, two Mumbai-based rival colleagues, Rishi Malhotra and Karthik Iyer, who both had hoped to secure Ravi's position, travel to Goa to participate in a beauty pageant 'Miss Glamorama'. Both get attracted to a nervous contestant, Shabana Raza, and do try to outwit each other to assist her in gaining confidence - but the winner turns out to be a much taller, seasoned, and determined Rhea Dixit. Crestfallen at her loss, Shabana returns home but the duo follow her there, and are told that she likes both of them but her life and marriage is not under her control.
Bani's Dad
Dharti' is a family drama set in Punjab on the backdrop of Punjab Politics. Prem Chopra plays the character of Baljit Singh Wadala, the head of ruling party in Punjab and he has two sons. The elder son Vikramjit Singh Wadala played by Randeep Arya is following his father's footsteps and is a prominent Political leader, while the younger son Jasdeep Singh Wadala played by "Jimmy Sheirgill" is a Squadron Leader in the Indian Air Force. The younger son has a conflict with his father and had left his father's legacy to join the Indian Air Force. Due to certain circumstance Jimmy's character is forced to come to Punjab and then after lots of emotional turmoils the son unites with his father.
Mumbai-based Nandkumar Sharma is a high-priced hit-man. He is paid a princely 1.5 Crore Rupees to injure Anna Mhatre, so that the later can get enough 'sympathy' votes to get him elected as the next Chief Minister, but ends up killing him. On the run from the Police, he ends up assuming the guise of Hoshiyarpur's Puran Singh, who has been away from home for the last 18 years, and does succeed in fooling Puran's joint family. But his hopes for settling there appear to be in vain with the arrival of a CBI Team, led by Inspector Mahendra Kumar Rane - who is determined to expose and arrest Nandkumar at any and all costs.
Thanedar Pyara Singh Lovely
Four Punjab-based men attempt to immigrate abroad by wooing a Canadian resident.
This movie will definitely tickle your funny bone as Jaspal Bhatti brings a very unusual consultancy. This is a consultancy that offers unusual solutions to everyday problems and extraordinary solutions to unusual problems. In short keep laughing your way to health.
This movie will definitely tickle your funny bone as Jaspal Bhatti brings a very unusual consultancy. This is a consultancy that offers unusual solutions to everyday problems and extraordinary solutions to unusual problems. In short keep laughing your way to health.
This movie will definitely tickle your funny bone as Jaspal Bhatti brings a very unusual consultancy. This is a consultancy that offers unusual solutions to everyday problems and extraordinary solutions to unusual problems. In short keep laughing your way to health.
Jaspal Bhatti
Слепая от рождения, Зуни с благословения родителей отправляется на учебу в Дели. Очень непросто освоиться ей в новом для нее мире. Но однажды на экскурсии она знакомится с гидом Реханом. Она очень нравится Рехану и он окружает ее заботой и вниманием. Молодые люди решают пожениться. Но неожиданно выясняется, что Рехан совсем не тот человек, за кого себя выдает…
Jija Ji - Watch Jaspal Bhatti play the role of brother-in-law of an IAS officer and he holds a powerful position in his family. He even carries a card on which he has got printed Jijaji brother-in-law of a Senior IAS Officer. Mr Sandhu the IAS officer is totally frustrated at the hands of his jija as he is always interfering in his official matters.
Daku Mann Singh
The Municipality of Hoshiarpur not only honors it's Assistant Commissioner of Police Pratap Singh but also promotes him as the Commissioner. While Pratap's brother-in-law is also a police officer, his son, Nishant, quite comically, wants to be a bandit, and much to Pratap's chagrin, wants to follow in the steps of Sholay's Gabbar Singh. Things get out of control after a bank is robbed, and the police launch a man-hunt for the robbers, whose leader they believe is none other than Nishant.
Jija Ji - Watch Jaspal Bhatti play the role of brother-in-law of an IAS officer and he holds a powerful position in his family. He even carries a card on which he has got printed Jijaji brother-in-law of a Senior IAS Officer. Mr Sandhu the IAS officer is totally frustrated at the hands of his jija as he is always interfering in his official matters.
Jija Ji - Watch Jaspal Bhatti play the role of brother-in-law of an IAS officer and he holds a powerful position in his family. He even carries a card on which he has got printed Jijaji brother-in-law of a Senior IAS Officer. Mr Sandhu the IAS officer is totally frustrated at the hands of his jija as he is always interfering in his official matters.
Ram Saran Dubey
Кто бы мог подумать, что какой-то маленький аэропорт сможет изменить жизни многих людей! Но это случилось для счастливцев рейса TW 135. Застряв в аэропорту из-за задержки их рейса, их жизни делают кричащую остановку, давая им время, чтобы исследовать и рассмотреть их отношения. Это их истории... о любви, об эмоциях, об одном шансе, который подарили им в пределах мимолетного мгновения, когда их поездка стала их судьбой…
Monty Ahluwalia
Радж знакомится с Намратой, когда приезжает в Индию на помолвку старшей сестры. Намрату семь лет тому назад без объяснения бросил муж, и ей пришлось в одиночку поднимать сына Ади. Раджу нравится Намрата, да и с Ади они становятся хорошими друзьями. Малыш тоскует без мужского участия и мечтает назвать Раджу своим папой. Но Намрата, уже однажды обожглась и не спешит впускать Раджа в свою жизнь. Когда же лед начинает таять, на сцене появляется муж Намраты, который хочет воссоздать семью и просит дать ему последний шанс.
Rishi and Anju are childhood buddies struggle to find out if they have more than friendship between them.
Nandini's Uncle
Приехав в Лос-Анжелес к дяде, Нандини знакомится здесь и выходит замуж за Шекхара, уже шесть лет, как осевшего в Америке. Через несколько лет, когда у них уже подрос трехлетний сын, Шекхар узнает о кровавой резне, произошедшей в его родной деревне. Обеспокоенный, он решает съездить туда на несколько дней. Нандини напрашивается поехать вместе с ним и берет с собой сына. Но вскоре ей придется горько пожалеть об этом…
Raju's coach
День Валентина, самый романтичный праздник года, превратился в кошмар для Дивьи. Двое сокурсников заманили ее в ловушку и изнасиловали. Девушка считает всех своих бывших друзей причастными к этому, проклиная их, и клянется отомстить.
Buta Singh
Через несколько лет после смерти матери, став уже преуспевающим бизнесменом, Раджу из телевизионных новостей узнает, что жив его отец, которого он считал погибшим. Ни минуты не раздумывая, он отправляется в Лондон, чтобы встретиться с ним. Однако отец, имеющий собственную семью, видит в нем лишь человека, способного нарушить его семейный уклад и претендующего на наследство. И пройдет не мало времени прежде, чем он поверит в искренность Раджу…
Bhands of Punjab presented by Jaspal Bhatti
Bhands of Punjab presented by Jaspal Bhatti
Balwinder (Balu)
Бандиты прямо на улице, днем убивают человека. Свидетелей этого убийства достаточно, но никто не хочет ввязываться в это дело. Лишь девушка по имени Прити решилась дать показания и рассказать, что она видела. Бандиты выследили и изнасиловали девушку… Прити после всего случившегося не знала куда ей деваться. Бедную девушку у себя в доме приютил парень по имени Авинаш. Ему настолько хотелось помочь ей, что он даже устроил ее на работу. День за днем Авинаш сам того не понимая влюблялся в эту прекрасную девушку.
Hawa Singh
While returning home from the marriage of her friend, Ritu Pereira, Neha Verma, an air hostess, witnesses the brutal death of Superintendent of Police Jaidev Singh,...
Mini's uncle
On May 1st 1993 a bomb explodes in Gangaram Park in Bombay, killing more than 150 people, many of whom are children. ACP Jay Suryavanshi is assigned this case, quick arrests are made of four individuals. Jagat Jogia, a terrorist, claims responsibility for these killings, but the police are unable to arrest him as he is now located in London, England. Jay discusses this matter with his senior, and together they recruit dreaded killer, Jeet Balraj, rename him Raja, save him from death-row, promise him freedom in exchange for killing Jagat Jogia, to which Jeet agrees. Jeet is provided with money, passport and living quarters in London, and he re-locates. Upon arrival, he meets with Manpreet Kaur, and both of them fall in love. With someone to motivate him in life, Jeet decides to give up his past life - only to find out that not only Jay has other plans for him, but Jagat is also on the look-out for him - and both their agendas are the same - his death!
Ishwar Singh 'Tubby'
Ловелас Рахул безуспешно обхаживает Чандни, симпатичную танцовщицу из ночного клуба «Голубая Луна». По приглашению девушка уезжает на гастроли в Лондон,где неожиданно вновь встречает Рахула. Настойчивость молодого человека покорила сердце Чандни, но каково же было ее удивление, когда Рахул стал откладывать с предложением выйти за него замуж...
Mahaul Theek Hai (meaning 'the situation is okay') is a comedy satire about the police force in India. The plot involves a romance between the hero (Smeep Kang) and heroine (Chandni Toor). The hero's brother (Raj Babbar) is involved with an illegal businessman. Played by director and satirist Jaspal Bhatti, the villain of the film is a corrupt SSP (police superintendent) who misuses his authority to threaten people and hide his own excesses. His love interest is played by Bhatti's real life wife (Savita Bhatti).
SSP Bhatti
Mahaul Theek Hai (meaning 'the situation is okay') is a comedy satire about the police force in India. The plot involves a romance between the hero (Smeep Kang) and heroine (Chandni Toor). The hero's brother (Raj Babbar) is involved with an illegal businessman. Played by director and satirist Jaspal Bhatti, the villain of the film is a corrupt SSP (police superintendent) who misuses his authority to threaten people and hide his own excesses. His love interest is played by Bhatti's real life wife (Savita Bhatti).
Mahaul Theek Hai (meaning 'the situation is okay') is a comedy satire about the police force in India. The plot involves a romance between the hero (Smeep Kang) and heroine (Chandni Toor). The hero's brother (Raj Babbar) is involved with an illegal businessman. Played by director and satirist Jaspal Bhatti, the villain of the film is a corrupt SSP (police superintendent) who misuses his authority to threaten people and hide his own excesses. His love interest is played by Bhatti's real life wife (Savita Bhatti).
Iqbal Singh
Не найдя достойного применения своим способностям на родине, Рохан отправляется искать своё счастье в Америку. Здесь он находит новых друзей, давших ему приют, и встречает Пуджу. Девушка влюбляется в него и надеется на взаимность. Однако амбиции и желание проявить себя заставляют Рохана пренебречь её чувствами и найти себе компанию в более обеспеченных кругах. Проходит время, наступает отрезвление. К тому же выясняется, что жив отец, которого он считал погибшим .