Dagmar Edqvist

Dagmar Edqvist


Dagmar Edqvist


Музыка во тьме
История ослепшего музыканта и его любви к добродушной девушке Ингрид.
Музыка во тьме
История ослепшего музыканта и его любви к добродушной девушке Ингрид.
Fallet Ingegerd Bremssen
"The Ingegerd Bremssen Case" - The young nurse Ingegerd Bremssen walks on a lonely road in the woods and gets attacked by a man. He rapes her and disappears. A passing car picks up Ingegerd and drives her to a mental hospital, where she is taken care of. But she has suffered a severe shock and considers her life completely ruined.
Livet går vidare
The Swedish officer Mikael Bourg has served with the French army in Africa. When he returns to Sweden after many years abroad to recover from malaria, he meets his son, a student who prefers partying with his frat friends instead of his bank job; a disappointment in his father's eyes. He also meets a young librarian, Ebba Garland, which makes him feel young again and distracts him from the sickness.
En kvinna ombord
In the beginning of WW II a Swedish ship in a northern French port is exposed to German air raids. The captain take a chance to leave the port without permission. A stranded woman seize the chance to get home to Sweden.