Federico Landeros


Muerte Ciega
Garra de tigre
Before Fujama dies, he asks his sons Tony and Dany to end his brother's karate school. Rosita takes them to the jungle where the school is and there they face many dangers. They defeat his brother Fujata with karatazos and he ends up pierced by a spear.
Romelia's Secret
The way three different generations of women view virginity and the mystery that a love story hides.
Vuelven los pistoleros famosos III
Living Is What Matters
A drifter named Candelario asks to spend the night at the hacienda of Don Lazaro. Once there, he gets the offer to stay and work as a laborer with a fixed salary. Over time, Candelario is gaining the confidence of his employer, and becomes indispensable. The situation will change radically when Don Lazarus discovers that Candelario is having a love affair with his wife.
Terror and Black Lace
A psycho with a hair fetish is caught in the act of disposing of a body and the lonely housewife that witnesses it must fight for her life.
Cruz de olvido
Ambitious, insensitive mother blocks daughter's marriage by telling her fiance a lie about her.
Se me sale cuando me río
Mexican feature film
In the Storm
In the storm is a Mexican film of the year 1980 directed by Fernando Vallejo. The film is about the time of La Violencia in Colombia. Vallejo wanted to make the film in Colombia, however he found numerous obstacles to film it in the country so he decided to do it in Mexico with Mexican actors and recreating the Colombian landscapes in that country.
El mil usos
The tragic adventures of a illiterate man named "Milusos" who leaves his family & hometown to go to the big city and try to better his luck. And finds he's unprepared for what he encounters.
Buscando un campeon
A group of veteran boxers find a young potential champion to train.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
El reventón
Wild-partying hippie-artist-dilettantes end up forming a revolutionary terrorist cell. The misfit Gato loses a lot of money in bets and his father throws him out of his house. Ál leaves his girlfriend Laura for his lover, the married Adriana. Out of money Gato and Ál becomes urban guerrilla when they plan to kidnap Gato's rich father.
Mexico, Mexico, ra, ra, ra!
Librado, an unemployed man, lives in a crowded small house with numerous children and relatives, is beaten for stealing a car antenna. His godmother and her children try to settle in his place. She then is arrested at a supermarket for stealing, however, she offers herself and volunteers a friend of hers for sex to the policemen so she can be released. She is a maid of an employee who acts subservient to his boss, a mid-level government employee at once servile who delivers speeches on sexuality in educational texts and then discusses the matter with his brother, a corrupt inspector.
Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary
Mexican horror film about an American painter named Mary who is living in Mexico where she sells her works and also kills people for their blood. It turns out Mary is a vampire but not the traditional one with fangs. Since she has no fangs she must stab or slash the throats of her victims but soon she has a new man in her life as well as a mysterious man in black who appears to be doing the same type of murders.
Святая Гора
Христос освобождается от оков и оказывается в современном городе, средоточии человеческих пороков, культа смерти и секса. Здесь он и попадает в таинственную эзотерическую школу магов. Там же оказываются и молодые развращенные жизнью персонажи со всей Солнечной системы. Гуру и его ученики отправляются к Священной горе, где живут девять мудрецов, знающих секрет бессмертия…
Особняк безумия
Группа путешественников попадает в замок, которым правит доктор Фрагонар. Он собрал сотню сумасшедших с целью вылечить их новым методом успокоения, а на самом деле организовал в сущности секту, в которой всё подчинено ему
Angels and Cherubs
A tragic celestial-western that explores Adam and Eve's paradise from a surreal point of view.
Los perturbados
The Desire in Autumn
The story concerns a young woman named Elena who ascends from rags to riches when she inherits a substantial fortune; having no one else with whom she can share the monies, she invites her best friend, Clara, to move into her home and enjoy the wealth with her. All fares well until Elena falls in love with a male suitor - and thus threatens to jeopardize Clara's place in the household and her share of the spoils. Indignant, Clara vows to do everything in her power to prevent this new romance from blossoming.
El arte de engañar
Gigolo and his girlfriend scam off married women; he seduces them, she photographs them in bed together and blackmails them afterwards. Things eventually go south.
Jesús, María y José
The founder of Christianity and his sacred family.
Los ángeles de la tarde
Tancredo, a poor man, is in love with a rich girl, who does not return his feelings. One day when she is bathing in a river, a flood sweeps her away and Tancredo is unable to save her. Mad with grief, he steals the sun. The gods call Apolinar to restore light to the earth, but he is obstructed by the magician of darkness, until by means of a telescope he is able to send a bag of light to Tancredo, now grown old. Tancredo goes to the seashore and opens the bag of light as an offering to his beloved, whereupon the sun returns to the earth.
Jesús, el niño Dios
Jesús, nuestro Señor
Third movie in "Life of Christ" trilogy.
La hora desnuda
Ганфайтер по прозвищу Крот странствует по Мексике со своим семилетним сыном, убивая по дороге бандитов…
La captura de Gabino Barrera
International playboys in NYC get mixed up with a bank robbery and have to evade the police long enough to reach Mexico. long the way, they pick up an orphan boy who says he's running away from an abusive stepfather. Fourth in a series of four.
Vuelve el ojo de vidrio
Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful lives as farmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.
El ojo de vidrio
Patsy My Love
Written by future Nobel-prize winner Gabriel García Márquez, this is the story of Patsy, a wealthy debutante with an acute sense of living and boundless curiosity. She falls in love with an older man (Julio Alemán) whom is married and mediocre, and thus learns the hard way about unhappiness, marring her rose colored world.
Lauro Puñales
One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.
Las infieles
Caballo prieto azabache
Standing before Pancho Villa's tomb, horse breeder Jesus harkens back to his youth, when he provided bed and board to a nondescript laborer named Doroteo Arango. In time, Arango would transform himself into gang leader Villa. When the Mexican Civil War erupts, a man named Fierro wants to execute Jesus for selling a horse to an anti-Villa buyer. But in repayment of Jesus's debt of kindness, Villa intercedes on his behalf.
Mujeres, mujeres, mujeres
Three-episode sex farce.
Rostro infernal
Investigating a series of kidnappings leads a police inspector to confront a scientist trying to gain immortality.
Nostradamus: The Genie of Darkness
In order to stop a vampire from terrorizing the countryside, some locals decide to break into his coffin at night and steal his ashes. Complications ensue.
El muchacho de Durango
Western, first of two in series. Sequel: Alias El Alacran.