Francesco Mulè

Francesco Mulè

Рождение : 1926-12-03, Roma, Italy

Смерть : 1984-11-04


Francesco Mulé (3 December 1926 – 4 November 1984), was an Italian actor, voice actor and television and radio personality. He appeared in 74 films between 1953 and 1979. Born in Rome, the son of composer Giuseppe Mulè, he studied at the Silvio d’Amico Academy of Dramatic Arts and debuted in the stage company held by Renzo Ricci.[1] He got a large popularity thanks to his radio and television appearances as a presenter and a comedian.[1] He was also active as a character actor in films and on stage.[1] Mulé was the Italian voice of Yogi Bear. (Wikipedia)


Francesco Mulè


From Maid to Lady
Davide Romiti - the father
Rubina arrives in Rome from the high mountain in search of her boyfriend Carlo, who refuses to keep her word of marriage, in view of which she falsely accuses him of having raped her and the boy is imprisoned. Rubina is placed as a maid in David's house. David who has a bizarre family runs a boutique with his son Leo. She soon becomes a clerk in the store, where she conquers everyone, and marries Leo. She will have various sexual experiences. But she gets pregnant by her boyfriend who has since been released from prison.
Gli Uccisori
A young man, accused of murder and theft, escapes to Venezuela. His fiancée and her brother join him, only to find he had the loot with him. But was he guilty?
Orazi e Curiazi 3 - 2
Anco Marzio
Predictable parody of the legendary chapter of history of ancient Rome. The Orazi champions of the Central-South indolent clash with the Curiazi of Alba Longobarda, a hard-working northern city.
Vow of Chastity
Before Joe D'amato made 1979's Buio Omega he touched upon death several times in his earlier works. This one is the first example of the director's start working with George Eastman, who wrote the screenplay for this title. The story is about innocent boy, who is afraid of sex, so all his family starts to push on him and sent women to persuade him. The things come here to the idea of well-acted sudden death and mature perverse. Quite special film to show, but still it is a black grotesque comedy with classic Massachessi's eclectic sexual view on Italian humor. Rare to find obscure title, but we recommend it for those who like to solve the most crazy situations and fantasies in their mind.
Confessions of a Lady Cop
Alfredo Amicucci (padre di Gianna)
Gianna Amicucci works in the house of the head of her hometown police force and enters the academy with a kickback from him. She is a beautiful woman (she generously sheds clothes during the film) and has to overcome her male colleagues prejudices, but she gains their respect through a series of brilliant operations.
Медсестра моего отца
Prince Don Gualtiero di Leuca
Князь Гуалтьери ди Луэка был большим любителем женщин и завсегдатаем борделей. Это его однажды и погубило — во время очередных забав с женщиной легкого поведения его настиг удар. Теперь дон Гуалтьери парализован и вынужден наблюдать из инвалидного кресла, как его жена, сын-недотепа и невестка сражаются друг с другом за власть в доме, попутно влезая во все новые и новые любовные интрижки. Тем временем прелести сексуальной сиделки, нанятой родственниками для князя, не оставляют страдальца равнодушным. Причем настолько, что он понемногу возвращается к жизни. Но решает не демонстрировать выздоровление, а с помощью своей новой сообщницы хорошенько проучить свою веселую семейку…
Il pomicione
Heat in the Suburbs
don Calogero Lentini
Ciccio Zannone, a insignificant little man, but who is very successful with women, wants to join the "family" of Don Calogero Lentini, the mafia "boss" of a small Sicilian town.
Il lumacone
Italian comedy.
Meo Patacca
principe romano
Adapted from the mock-heroic poem in Roman dialect, tells the misadventures of the young trasteverino Bartolomeo Patacca that, because of the ambition of his woman, is having to train a group of beggars to go fight in defense of Christianity in Vienna, besieged by the Turks.
The Terror with Cross-Eyes
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
Cause of Divorce
Film directed by Marcello Fondato.
Когда женщины потеряли хвосты
Филли и другие пещерные люди из "Когда у женщин были хвосты" живут беззаботной, хотя и скучной жизнью внутри скелета динозавра. Но когда мошенник Хам знакомит их с понятием валюты и экономики, их жизнь рушится. Вдобавок ко всему Филли начинает влюбляться в Хама.
Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras?
A defense counsellor and a judge are at loggerheads and the latter thinks his liver condition depends on the lawyer's ploys to get his clients acquitted.
Riuscirà il nostro eroe a ritrovare il più grande diamante del mondo?
Gran Capo
Jimmy Logan, a detective, tries to retrieve a diamond from the British crown stolen by the traitorous chief of the English Secret Service. After carrying out dangerous investigations at Montecarlo, Beirut and Hamburg, he discovers that the headquarters of the thieves is located in a mental hospital and sets about infiltrating their ranks.
When Women Had Tails
Seven orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all vegetation they set out to find a new place to live.
Tears of love
Her father (as Francesco Mulé)
An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
Il Divorzio
Fra Leone
Middle-aged man leaves his wife to devote himself to a carefree life.
Nel giorno del signore
Papa Leone X
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
Story of a Woman
Manzetti (as Francesco Mulé)
Karin studies music in Rome and falls in love with Bruno. She learns that he is married and therefore returns to Sweden. She meets David. They marry and have a daughter. David is sent to Rome. Karin meets Bruno again.
Pensiero d'amore
Ser Domenico Meniconi
You Are Always In My Mind
Comm. Aldini
Carlo is a successful singer, married to Livia; the two also have a son, Maurizio. Carlo decides to accept a tour in the USA but, shortly before departure, together with his agent Puglisi has a sentimental adventure with two women. Livia, having discovered what had happened, leaves home with Maurizio.
Возможно, само собой
Marta works as a telephone operator for a telephone company. She lives with her friend Nanda in Nanda's flat. But Nanda's priority is above anything else to find a husband.
Il Terribile Ispettore
Agapito Trigallo
The ambition of a simple porter to become a real doctor, even though he has no diploma or degree, pushes him to enter the environment he likes so much.
Il ragazzo che sorride
Undertaker's establishment owner
Giorgio, a young mining engineer, moved to work in Africa. His wife does not want to follow him and he suspects a betrayal. In the cast also Rocky Roberts singing two songs.
Тайна Санта-Виттории
Санта-Виттория — маленький итальянский городок, жители которого пытаются радоваться жизни вопреки всем невзгодам. Недотепа Итало Бомболини неожиданно становится мэром, но его прогоняет из дома собственная жена. Итальянский фашизм пал, но вот-вот в город войдут немецкие оккупанты... Каждый новый день ставит новые задачи и новые трудности перед героями, но они с мужеством выходят из каждой переделки, стараясь при этом сохранить от вражеских посягательств самое дорогое, что есть в их жизни — кровь знойной Италии, великолепное красное вино!
Vacation on the Esmeralda Coast
Inspector Antonio Grassu
A hotel owner, in competition with a rival owner, finds a cache of lost treasure on the bottom of the bay after trying to drown himself which turns his life upside down.
House of Cards
Policeman at Trevi Fountain
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
Il marito è mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare
Ignazio is married to a much younger girl, as she starts being attracted by a handsome young man. The new couple set up several plans to kill the cuckhold, but.. it always seems to work out for lucky Ignazio!
Самая красивая пара в мире
Commendator Gennaroni
Уолтер и Паола, ведущий программы и крестная мать шестого Кантаджиро, находятся в недоразумении: чтобы отделаться от поклонника, ведущий программы притворяется женатым на Куантрини.
Самый крупный куш
Antonio Tozzi
Банда новичков-преступников похищает в Италии знаменитого американского гангстера Чезаре Челли. Главарь дилетантов Гарри Прайс требует выкуп в размере пяти миллионов долларов, уверенный, что криминальные авторитеты готовы заплатить даже больше за освобождение своего старого товарища. Однако те не спешат собирать деньги, и раздосадованному похитителю приходится выдумывать новый план, чтобы хотя бы покрыть бессмысленные затраты. Гарри решает украсть огромный груз платины, но тут к нему начинает приставать со своими советами сам Чезаре Челли. В конце концов, у него в таких делах куда больше опыта!
Пояс целомудрия
Италия времен крестовых походов. Король Людовик Второй объявляет о начале нового крестового похода в Святую землю. Войска остро нуждаются в пополнении, поэтому издается королевский указ, по которому даже люди, не имеющие знатного происхождения, но согласные отправиться в поход, посвящаются в рыцари и получают, в награду за будущие заслуги, замок с прилегающими к нему территориями и вассалов. Новоиспеченный рыцарь Гуэррандо (Тони Кертис) женится на молодой дочери лесника - Боккадоро (Моника Витти), но молодоженам не удается познать радости любви: Гуэррандо должен отправляться в поход. Следуя традициям того времени, он использует для своей жены верное средство против супружеской неверности - пояс целомудрия.
Rick and John, Conquerors of the West
Maggiore Jefferson
During the War of Secession, a northern army officer hides the gold necessary to purchase horses and weapons in the wagon's wheels. Unfortunately, the journey is more complicated than expected when the two naive drivers sell the wheels to an Indian, and the wagon gets attacked by southern troops!
Mission Phantom
A group known as Phantom are hired by an eccentric in a wheel chair to heist 4 billion dollars worth of diamonds from Russia. A very entertaining 90 minutes indeed! It's full of the typical European goofy humor and even features a quick dance number once one Russian military captain, the beautiful Christina Penz, defects and makes it across the border into Austria! My favorite moment involves a camera doubles for a hand torch AND rotary saw!! I am sure Q was taking notes! Super fun happy time it is and I highly recommend!
Operation White Shark
When "The Third Eye" - a criminal organization made up of the world's most vicious killers - kidnaps nuclear scientist Professor Von Kraft, his secret formula for a new atomic weapon that can destroy all human life falls into their evil hands. Making things a tad difficult, however, is that the weapon is located deep beneath the ocean. Nevertheless, the Third Eye plans on experimenting with the device in little more than a week. However, the Secret Service has other ideas and asks "Jerry," their super computer, to locate the best man to stop them: Mark Andrews (RODD DANA), a special forces secret agent who infiltrates the criminal gang under the cover of a robber who just happens to be an expert underwater diver! He also wastes no time romancing all manner of shapely women in the tightest clothes imaginable (when they're wearing more than a modestly placed bed sheet) especially JANINE REYNAUD, the bisexual leader of The Third Eye, who sports a wild wardrobe of very revealing outfits.
Доктор Голдфут и девушки-бомбы
Colonel Doug Benson
Доктор Голдфут вновь планирует захватит весь мир. На этот раз с помошью обворожительных девушек-роботов, начинённых взрывными устройствами.
Spiaggia libera
Falso Prete
Девственница для принца
un medico dei Gonzaga
Италия, XVI век. Принц дон Винченцо Гонзага и Маргарита Фарнезе поженились, но ходят слухи, что их брак несостоятелен. Отец принца волнуется, что у него не будет наследников, и требует аннулировать брак. Он хочет, чтобы его сын женился на другой принцессе, но семья Фарнезе не соглашается и требует, чтобы принц прошел "проверку на мужественность". Принц отказывается пройти подобный тест до тех пор, пока отец не угрожает лишить его содержания…
The Seventh Grave
Ghosts and dead bodies infest a small nineteenth-century village.
Gli amanti latini
avvocato Paternò
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
Il gaucho
An italian film producer travels to Argentina with part of the crew to a Film Festival contest.
Corpse for the Lady
Augusto Ferrante
Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested.
Белые голоса
il monaco trappista
Рим, XVIII век. Главный герой Мео должен постоянно ухищряться, чтобы раздобыть хоть что-то на пропитание. Но ему представляется случай заработать 300 эскудо, если он отдаст младшего брата в Консерваторию, чтобы он стал кастратом и пел «белым голосом». В то время указом Папы женщинам было запрещено петь в театре, и кастраты пользовались большой популярностью, исполняя женские партии. Полученные деньги решили бы проблемы семьи, а Мео смог бы жениться, но брат вовремя удирает. Поскольку Мео не может вернуть потраченные деньги, ему приходится заменить брата в Консерватории. К счастью, ему удается подкупить хирурга, и остаться мужчиной, но он должен постоянно притворяться…
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars
Ambasciatore austriaco
Four extraterrestrials, X-1, X-2, X-3 and X-4, arrive on Earth in the early sixties. Here they decide to take on human features to study the terrestrials incognito, but end up getting involved in the Roman "dolce vita".
Il treno del sabato
Mario Mancini
La Pupa
Adultero lui, adultera lei
Lina, a young woman now tired of the constant betrayals from her husband, decides to cheat on him with a mutual friend, Piero.
I 4 moschettieri
Re Luigi XIII
4 con men take the place of the real musketeers and manage to steal the Queen's necklace but then give it back to her, moved by her tears.
Самый короткий день
Soldato ferito (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
Appuntamento in Riviera
Commendator Marengoni
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
Cronache del '22
La ragazza di mille mesi
Amleto il Cameriere
A fashion designer rents his villa to a woman before leaving to go abroad. The daughter of the woman is forced to pretend to be handicapped in a dark conspiracy aimed to prevent the man from leaving.
Hercules in the Valley of Woe
Two boxing promoters travel via time machine back to the days of Hercules, who must save them from Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde.
Его Превосходительство остался покушать
Il commissario
Квартирный вор, шантажируя неверного мужа, втирается в доверие его семьи и выдаёт себя за личного врача Муссолини, чтобы украсть золотые столовые приборы.
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Guglielmo, un signore eccentrico
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Arturo Michelotti
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
Le signore
Dentist Filippo
L'amico del giaguaro
Ugo l'orefice
A grown man named Augusto escapes from an orphanage and after several unsuccessful attempts at holding down a job, decides to start a gang and make a living by stealing from the rich.
Тото в Мадриде
Don Alonso
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
Il borghese gentiluomo
Maestro di filosofia
Тото на Луне
Il vigile urbano
Владелец популярного журнала «Субретка» - Паскуале Беллафронте - довольно своебразный человек, самодур и управленец. Поэтому он совсем не замечает, что его дочь Лидия влюбилась в курьера Акилле Паолони. Но Акилле довольно непрост. Он пишет фантастические романы, и, к тому же, как случайно выясняется, в его крови содержится глюмоний, что означает, что он может лететь в космос! И никому неведомо, что одновременно за попытками землям вырваться в межпланетное пространство смотрят внимательные глаза неких инопланетных существ, стоящих на гораздо более высокой ступени развития, умеющих делать клонов человеческих существ...
Love on the Riviera
It is Summer. It is the right time for love, especially in a most romantic place as Golfo del Tigullio. Different stories: Dorina looking for a rich lover; Clara who takes a fancy to the young Walter while her daughter Lina tries to save her; Aristarco who gave up his career to follow Ada's, but who likes Jacqueline; Renata who is offered by her husband to Ferrari to get money; Marcello who, extraditing Micheline to France, misses the train and falls in love with her.
Тео и Валерия собираются пожениться. Мать девушки не разрешает молодым людям вдвоем отправиться в путешествие на мотоцикле. Тео вынужден мириться с тем, что их будет сопровождать брат Валерии - не самый приятный пассажир, поминутно подающий голос из коляски. Но несмотря на все казусы, которые произойдут с компанией в дороге, поездка все равно окажется удачной, венцом чего станет милейший комедийный хэппи-энд.
Female Three Times
Presidente squadra baseball
The Russian women's basketball team faces to the American team for the championship of the world, in Rome. Upon arriving at the 'Eternal City', the Russian athletes find ways to evade the strict surveillance and meet some Italian guys. After many persecutions, the Russians are confined by their guardians under the promise that, if they win, they can stay and live in Italy. But as they conquer the championship, their guards forget the promises and put them on a plane to Moscow.
Итальянский сувенир
Молодая англичанка Маргарет отправилась через всю Францию в Италию на машине. Целью путешествия была Венеция. По дороге она взялась подвезти двух других девушек, направлявшихся туда же, и Маргарет даже не предполагала, какие приключения ее ждут впереди...
The Bachelor
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Il pappagallo in auto
Camilla, a middle-aged Venetian widow, arrives in Rome to take up service as a maid for the Rossetti family, who are not prosperous. With her discreet presence, she is an element of cohesion for them thru tensions and misfortunes.
Empty Eyes
Marcucci, Fernando's colleague
A young and shy girl Celestina arrives from her small home village to Rome to become a housemaid. Her inexperience and naivety causes her to change her employers quite frequently. As she is moving from one family to another she makes friends with other Roman maids and falls desperately in love with a handsome plumber Fernando. But Fernando isn't telling Celestina that he is already engaged to another woman.