Akimasa Kawashima

Akimasa Kawashima

Рождение : 1950-09-08, Akishima, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Born 1950 in Tokyo, Akimasa Kawashima (川島章正) is a Japanese film editor. He has received numerous awards, including the 39th Japan Academy Film Prize for Excellent Editing for 125 Years Memory.


Akimasa Kawashima


Ginji The Speculator
A British comedy in Japanese clothes, with central character Ginji at once earnest farm boy and entrepreneurial savant, finding ingenious and entertaining solutions in a timeless tale of business and found family.
Godai - The Wunderkind
A biographical story of Tomoatsu Godai, the influential entrepreneur of the Meiji era who laid the foundation of the modern Japanese economy.
Yuriy Norshteyn: Making the Overcoat
Yuriy Norshteyn, Russia’s most renowned animator, has crafted many brilliant works, including his award-winning Tale of Tales and Hedgehog in the Fog. He is revered by animation creators across the globe, most notably Japanese masters Osamu Tezuka, Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Forty years ago, Norshteyn began work on an ambitious adaptation of Nikolai Gogol’s The Overcoat, but after completing 25 minutes of the film, the project stalled and has been shelved for many years. A crew visits Norshteyn’s studio and finds there mountains of sketches, character studies and a shooting table covered with dust. Norshteyn himself talks about its current status and the anguish and passion that has gone into its creation.
Something Like, Something Like It
Master Shinkome asks Shinden to find a former disciple, Shintoto, from his rakugoka (comic storytelling) family. Shinden visits ex-disciples in his search for Shintoto.
Кораблекрушение 1890
Двух ключевых событиях в турецко-японских отношениях, которые углубили дружбу между двумя народами.
Еще не листопад
77-летняя Итико живёт в Токио одна. Она отошла от дел и собирается продать квартиру и отправиться в дом престарелых. Но прежде ей хочется разыскать картину под названием «Сцена из детства» знаменитого художника Кэнъитиро Мия. Итика уверена, что именно она много лет назад вдохновила художника на создание этого полотна.
Tenshin Okakura left the great achievement to the Japanese modern art. This is a story of Tenshin's life and conflict and teacher-student love between Tenshin, who rediscovered art of Japan and tried to produce new beauty in Meiji period, and his young pupils, Taikan Yokoyama, Shunsou Hishida, Kanzan Shimomura, Buzan Kimura.
Train Brain Express
Real estate company employee Komachi and steelworks heir Kodama are both train aficionados. Their hobby proves useful for their burgeoning careers, but their romantic fortunes do not go as smoothly. Will the awkward Kodama and the indecisive Komachi find the loves of their lives?
Abacus and Sword
Set during the Meiji Restoration period of Edo era Japan, Naoyuki belongs to the 8th generation of the Inoyama family, a wealthy family known for finance & accounting. He is also a gifted mathematician and uses the abacus with extreme skills. Naoyuki works under the declining Kaga domain. Because of this, Naoyuki and his wife Koma suffer hardships as their stature and wealth dissipates.
Japanese history explodes across the screen in the life story of Hitokiri Nakamura Hanjiro, one of the great heroes of the Meiji Restoration. From his earliest beginnings as a country samurai raising sweet potatoes whose exceptional sword skills impressed Saigo...
Snakes and Earrings
While alone in a nightclub, straight-laced Lui meets sensitive but troubled punk kid Ama. Mesmerized by his split tongue, she becomes obsessed with body modification and soon wants the same treatment. After Ama's heavily-tattooed friend Shiba pierces her tongue, Lui finds herself inexorably drawn to both men – and to her growing list of desires, she now adds a tattoo.
Главный герой картины — молодой виолончелист Дайго, оставшийся без работы. Вместе с женой он перебирается из мегаполиса в родной городок в провинции, где ему предложили работу в некоем агентстве, как будто туристическом. Однако, оказывается, это — похоронное бюро, и Дайго предстоит обмывать тела покойников, наряжать их и готовить к переходу в лучший мир. С большим удивлением герой понимает, что справляется со своей новой работой очень хорошо.
Трое на дороге
Окино — главная куртизанка одного из веселых домов квартала «красных фонарей». Юность ее прошла, поток клиентов поредел, и Окино решает оставить свое ремесло, и вернуться в деревню к отцу. Вырваться из квартала не так то просто, но хитроумная Окино находит выход из положения. Она призывает на помощь Ядзи, бедного вдовца, который зарабатывает на жизнь лепкой фигурок из теста. Добрый и наивный Ядзи не в силах устоять перед «профессиональным» очарованием плутовки Окино.
Chosyu Five
Fictionalised account of the story of the he Chōshū Five (長州五傑 Chōshū Goketsu) who travelled to and studied in Britain in 1863 while Japan was still under sakoku (鎖国 "locked country").
Яйцо ангела
Девятнадцатилетний Аюта пытается пересдать экзамены для поступления в художественное училище, где учится его девушка Натсуки. На людях Аюта и Натсуки выглядят идеальной парой. Но однажды, Аюта увидел красивую женщину в поезде и влюбился с первого взгляда. Спустя несколько дней, он вновь встречает её в больнице, куда пришёл навестить своего отца. Она оказалась не только лечащим врачом его отца, но и сестрой Натсуки - Харухи. Наученная горьким опытом прошлого, Харухи не может принять человека на 8 лет младше неё. И всё же, решительность Аюты вскоре открывает в ее сердце место для новых отношений. Только готова ли она снова полюбить?
A blind woman acquires a guide dog, and faces prejudice in 1980s Japan.
Красная луна
Семья Морита переехала с Хоккайдо в Маньчжурию, завоёванную японской армией, и открыла в Муданьцзяне крупное предприятие по производству сакэ. Успеху дела способствует поддержка японской армии. Но в Маньчжурию входят советские войска, война близится к трагической развязке, и людям приходится выбирать между спасением чести и спасением жизни.
Warau Iemon
Having put down his sword and given up the will to fight, the masterless samurai Iemon lives in solitude while being haunted by his violent enigmatic past...
Samurai Resurrection
Shiro Amasuka, dead leader of the Shimbara Revolt is resurrected from hell with the desire of overthrowing the shogunate for killing his companions. To do this , he resurrects an army of living dead swordsmen. Between him and his goal, only Yagyu Jubei stands...
The Blue Light
Shuichi Kushimori is a 17 year old high school student who lives happily with his mother and stepsister. One day, without warning, his estranged stepfather returns home from a long absence. He quickly falls into a circle of drinking and starts abusing his ex-wife and daughter. When he begins making sexual advances towards Shuichi’s stepsister, Shuichi is compelled to take matters into his own hands.
When pregnant lunchbox factory worker Yayoi has finally taken all the abuse she can handle, she strangles her brutish husband and disposes of the body parts, piece by piece. She's soon joined by three down on their luck housewives who murder their own husbands and find various ways to hide the evidence.
Sensen fukoku
War between North Korea and Japan
Месть на продажу
Сукэроку – забавный и добродушный герой этого фильма, который считает себя странствующим якудзой. Правда, он ненавидит оружие и кровь, и меч, который он никогда не вынимает из ножен, совершенно заржавел без дела. Парадоксально, но на жизнь Сукэроку зарабатывает тем, что помогает родственникам жертв отомстить убийцам их близких, и делает это виртуозно избегая кровопролития. Однажды он получает особенно щедрую награду за труды, и решает вернуться в родные края, жениться и остепениться. Однако оказалось, что и в безмятежной родной деревушке назревает кровная месть, и Сукэроку снова придётся с головой окунуться в драматические события. Причём на этот раз, неведомо для него, они будут иметь к нему прямое отношение...
A Single Drop of Water in a Mighty River
The story opens with Yukiko and her business partner in Moscow searching for Russian items for their store in Tokyo. There they meet a Russian translator, Nicholai, played by Sergei Nakariakov - a trumpeter from Russia. Some months later after they have returned, Nicholai and Yukiko meet again while he is auditioning for the Tokyo orchestra where seeds of romance begin. Yukiko's father, however, is diagnosed with a terminal case of cancer. Yukiko returns home to be with him in his final months as he decides not to go through therapy and let the disease run its course. Coming into contact with a childhood friend while at home Yukiko is left to choose between her old friend and Nicholai, all while having to face the emotional struggle of dealing with her father's impending death.
The head of a psychological research institute and a lieutenant in the Japanese Air Force are both investigating a mysterious cult known only as ‘Midori no Saru’ (The Green Monkey). Members of this group have committed a string of violent suicide-attacks on military bases and public areas. Part of the mystery seems to involve a young child and an enormous Buddha statue outside Tokyo, but how could all these pieces possibly fit together?
A Japanese drama based off the book by Naoko Uozumi
Jubaku: Spellbound
When a major bank is caught paying off a corporate extortionist, the media and prosecutors begin to dig, breaking open a money-and-favours scandal that threatens to rock the entire structure of business and government to its core. While the bank's top executives continue to vacillate, a quartet of middle-management reformers, led by straight-arrow Kitano (Koji Yakusho), decide to stage a boardroom coup and install a new, clean management team. With the aid of a hotshot news anchor (Miho Wada) and a hard-nosed prosecutor (Kenichi Endo), heads begin to roll.
Черный ангел
На глазах шестилетней Икко, дочери босса якудзы, были зверски убиты ее отец и мать. Она тоже должна была разделить судьбу родителей, но благодаря таинственной женщине-киллеру по прозвищу «Черный ангел» Икко удается ускользнуть от убийц. Девочку переправляют в США, где она воспитывается под надзором американской якудзы. А когда ей исполняется 20 лет, она возвращается в Японию, чтобы отомстить убийцам своих родителей. Теперь уже ее зовут «Черным ангелом»…
Икуко — зрелая, сдержанная женщина из Киото, которая много лет замужем за уважаемым мужчиной среднего возраста. Единственная проблема в их отношениях заключается в том, что ее муж недоволен ее отсутствием страсти во время занятий любовью. Все это меняется после того, как они встречают молодого господина Кимуру.
The President's Christmas Tree
After the Wind Has Gone
Lustful Revenge
After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.
Secret Liaisons
Movie adaptation of a novel by Rampo Edogawa.
Герои этой картины переступили ту черту, за которой уже нечего терять. И каждому из них позарез нужны деньги: Задолжавший бандитам владелец дискотеки; безработный конторский служащий; манерный вымогатель; сутенер-неврастеник и бывший полицейский… Однажды эти пять отчаянных мужчин решили ограбить гангстеров. И не просто гангстеров, а банду Огоши — одну из самых влиятельных семей якудзы в Осаке. В день налета им улыбнулась удача — дерзкий план сработал. К вечеру в руках грабителей — дилетантов уже была с кровью отвоеванная сумка с десятками миллионов йен. Но на этом подарки судьбы закончились: семья Огоши нанимает двух самых ужасных убийц в городе, от страшной мести которых еще никто и никогда не уходил.
Школьные привидения
Девочка бродит по зданию школы, в которой она училась в начальных классах. Эта школа давно заброшена — и говорят, что в ней водятся привидения.
The Mystery of Rampo
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
A Night in Nude
Jiro is a Tokyo man who offers a stand-in service where he'll do "anything". A woman claiming to be from Fukuoka wants to be shown around Tokyo and see the sights. What Jiro doesn't know is that this woman isn't who she says she is. She's on the run from her Yakuza boyfriend, and Jiro is going to be unwittingly entwined in the situation.
High School Teacher
The Story of Untouchable Passion In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Kazuki is so plugged with guilt that he quits the team and settles in a remote kamakura Girl's high School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Moe. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.
In 1940, Kubota Shoten, which has been in business for generations, goes bankrupt due to the debauched lifestyle of its president, Kunimitsu Kubota. Subsequently, Kunimitsu moves back to his hometown and his children are sent to live with other relatives.
Rainbow Bridge
Set in Edo-era Kyoto, this drama depicts the adolescent battles and the love between parents and children who are born and raised in the same tenement house.
The Triple Cross
Following the bloody aftermath of a heist, three robbers are double-crossed by a new accomplice, who is then tracked down amid escalating carnage and spectacular car chases.
Future Memories: Last Christmas
A romantic tale from the team of Fujio F. Fujiko and director Yoshimitsu Morita. The two heroines are played by Shizuka Kudo and Misa Shimizu, and it co-stars Motoya Izumi, David Ito, Toshiaki Karasawa, Isao Hashizume, Kyoka Suzuki, et al. The soundtrack is packed with hit songs incouding Wham's "Last Christmas", Earth, Wind & Fire's "Let's Groove", Kome Kome Club's "Roman Hikou," Saki Kubota's "Ihoujin" among others.
Red Foliage
Horror director Toshiharu Ikeda adapts a story by Baku Akae about a high-school student who falls in love with a woman on a school trip.
Грандиозное похищение: Дети радуги
Из тюрьмы выходят Хэйта Миякэ, пробывший за решеткой два месяца за мелкое воровство и Масаеси Акиба, отсидевший в камере три месяца за ограбление со взломом. Их друг Кэндзи Тонами тут же предлагает приятелям новое дело: похитить 82-летюю пожилую женщину и потребовать выкуп. Герои фильма «Грандиозное похищение: Дети радуги» полагают, что это будет легкая нажива, и быстро соглашаются. Однако они и представить себе не могут, каково это — иметь дело с главой семьи Янагава...
Two pilots compete to be the best jet fighter. A commander with a troublesome past, a female director who wants a good scoop, a competition that is looking for their best guy.
Peesuke: Gatapishi monogatari
Based on the comic book series by Shunji Sonoyama.
Ningen no sabaku
Water Moon
As the monk Ryuun, whose past and origin make him prone to internal and external fits, leaves the temple towards Tokyo, he gets to catch a glimpse of enlightenment resonating with the blind Kanoko.
24 Hour Playboy
Nagashima is a playboy who refuses to be tied down by marriage. Suffering from insomnia recently, he is eager to find a glamorous girl who can make him fall asleep. He leaves his tiresome girlfriend Mari, and soon finds himself trapped in dangerous triple liaisons involving two nightclub hostesses and a dewy-eyed girl. When all three of them start pestering him about marriage, Nagashima makes up his mind to flee…
Music Box
A former yakuza returns to gangster life after an old enemy threatens his son.
Ловушка зловещих мертвецов
Ведущая ночной передачи о всякого рода странностях получает кассету с реалистичным убийством. Она определяет место съемки — заброшенный военный завод, и отправляется туда вместе с съемочной группой. А на месте телевизионщиков поджидают хитроумные смертельные ловушки.
Angel Guts: Red Vertigo
Nami is a nurse and the unwilling object of her patients' lust. When she is hit by a car whilst fleeing from the home of her unfaithful boyfriend, the driver of the car takes her as a sexual prisoner.
Bu-ra-i no onna
Story of 4 men and women in Okinawa.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Roman Porno from 1986. A man and a woman make love without knowing one another's names. Afterwards, they introduce themselves as Emi Ichinose and Haruji Kobayashi, and they begin a relationship. Emi feels empty without a man. Kobayashi has a wife and child but wants Emi's body and seeks something from her that his wife cannot provide.
Scent of a Spell
A young man returns home from the bar only to find a woman who was about to kill herself. Taking her home and protecting her, he learns that she’s escaped from a violent husband. but there’s more to her story than she's willing to tell at first.
Natsuko is witnessed carrying on an affair with her boss, Misawa, by the unmarried Chieko. However, Chieko dies by falling and is found about ten days later in the shrubbery in front of the company. It is revealed that Chieko led a flashy private life and frequented a host club. Moreover, it seems that she was having an affair with Division Chief Yamazaki.
Yawahada Iro-kurabe
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Joshidaisei: Onsen Geisha
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Eve-chan no hime
Main Theme
A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.
Nise mibôjin - Ichijiku hakusho
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Deaths in Tokimeki
Deaths in Tokimeki tells the disturbing, compulsive story of a hit-man waiting to carry out a job: the assassination of the leader of a religious cult, masterminded by the leader's own deputy. But it is a story that is told in blocks, like the phrases in a child's computer game, and what counts most is not the narrative but the spaces between the blocks-the gaps that are filled with undefined menaces as potent as anything in Lovecraft.
Our Wedding
On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...
Anne's Diary
Sequel to Anne's Lullaby (1982)
Люби жёстко, люби глубоко
После смерти родителей молодая девушка унаследовала парикмахерскую. Чтобы продолжать оплачивать учебу, она нанимает на работу еще несколько молоденьких нимфеток и заставляет их носить очень сексуальную униформу, чтобы привлечь больше мужчин. Салон становится очень популярным, ну и куда же без любовных приключений..
The Girl and the Wooden Horse Torture
Nami is a masochistic high school student who is attacked and almost raped by a gang of hoodlums before being rescued by handsome teacher Muraki. The near-miss triggers bizarre hallucinations in Nami, and she imagines herself engaged in various S&M situations with Muraki, in which she is beaten, forced to urinate, and tortured on the titular wooden horse. The hallucinations grow progressively more real (and exciting) to Nami, and soon Muraki is accused of raping her and loses his teaching position.
Anne's Lullaby
A sex-comedy starring rock star Michiko Komori.
Top Stripper
A naive delivery boy becomes infatuated with a girl who works at a local strip joint. Despite his daily attendance and attempts to get her attention she remains indifferent until one day she invites him onstage...
Cabaret Diary
The story of lovers in "Miss Nippon" cabaret in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, where a strict, almost martial, code is followed among employees to bring the business to the top. Workers must follow the rules and a "no relations between workers" policy that's tightly enforced.
Uno Koichiro no hitozuma ijime
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
運命の殺意 北信濃母子心中
In the past, a woman was raped by her brother-in-law. Keeping this dark secret, she lives a seemingly happy life with her husband and son, but the son, shocked to find out his real father is the brother-in-law, sets out to do something. The downfall of a mother and her child starts there...
Namadori tôchô video
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Slave Contract
A wife and her husband make an agreement where the wife become the slave of him. A couple rent Nami for three months from a supplier who "trains" women to be slaves and submit to everything no matter how degrading, humiliating or painful.
Koichiro Uno's Wet and Riding
Yoko is a housewife who's frustrated by her husband's lack of virility. She finds solace in erotic daydreams, the ministrations of a condom salesman and, eventually, the partner-swapping lifestyle.
Angel Guts: Red Porno
Nami is a department store worker who agrees to stand in for a friend in a magazine photo-shoot, which turns out to be for an S&M magazine. When the photos are published, she is sacked and her lover abandons her.
Female Beautician Rope Discipline
Hairstylist Misa meets S&M enthusiast Ippei and is convinced to give it a try. Then later, Ippei's ex-wife, who happens to be one of Misa's beauty shop clients, begins a sexual relationship with her. The lesbian affair is also accentuated by some more S&M.
Zoom Up: Sexual Crime Report
1981 Nikkatsu Roman Porno film. The wife of a prominent businessman works as a late-night radio personality. One night on her way to the radio station, she is raped by a motorcycle gang without knowing the reason...
Something Like It
Life seems to be good for Shintoto, an up-and-coming rakugo artist who has just had his first sexual experience at a local brothel. Lucky for him, he gets to date the beautiful sex worker he meets that day, and a younger high school rakugo aficionado is also vying for his attention. But for clumsy, heart-on-his-sleeve Shintoto, life doesn’t stay rosy for long.
Mitsuryōzuma: oku no uzuki
Roman Porno from 1981.
I Love It From Behind!
A young girl named Mimei is working hard to get as many “penis prints” as possible. She’s been collecting these works of art since high school, and her goal is to get 100 prints before her arranged marriage within the next month. Seeking help from her lesbian friends Masumi and Rei, she begins chasing various men around Japan. Mimei finally gets her last man and is met with a challenge! He’ll allow her to make a print of his penis only if she can make him achieve ultimate ecstasy. She accepts, but finds out getting what she needs is a lot harder than she imagined!
Mibōjin no shinshitsu
Secretary Rope Discipline
Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman's son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.
Female Teacher's Awakening
One of Nikkatsu's signature female teachers' films.
Crazed Fruit
A working class young man, Tetsuo, who distrusts all rich people, falls in love with a girl, Chika, from an affluent family. He has a difficult time, but love survives despite the problems.
Love Beast: Flower of Vice
Naomi (Jun Izumi) and her business partner Tadashi run a neighborhood bar, sharing the profits, as well as each other. One evening, a yakuza gangster swaggers into the bar with a stack of money for Tadashi. he takes Naomi in an exchange. She is trained as a high-class hooker and is, seemingly, grateful for getting the opportunity to experience the joy of sex. However, appearances are deceiving. Secretly, Naomi is carrying grudge against the yakuza and she finally has the opportunity to take revenge.
Joshidaisei: The anaba
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl
A sexually perverse mystery set within the adult magazine industry. A woman is brutally assaulted in an abandoned factory, and her assailant escapes into the darkness after dropping a wad of money. A few years later, a photographer specializing in schoolgirl panty shots meets his match when a mysterious femme fatale volunteers to be his new model. This woman used to be the “queen” of the skin magazines, but she is also hiding a terrible secret and may be a wanted fugitive. Will the photographer escape her sexual grasp?
Tanshin funin jōji no himitsu
An office lady follows his boss, whose work affairs had been discovered inside the company and he has been ordered to be transferred to another workplace.
Female Teacher: Dirty Afternoon
A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.
Woman Who Exposes Herself
Toriko is a sexually frustrated wife who gets involved in swapping games with her neighbors.
Wife's Sexual Fantasy: Before Husband's Eyes
A businessman has a sexual affair with a prostitute. Some thugs are trying to blackmail him and make him agree to pay a large sum of money.