Andreas Höfer

Рождение : 1964-03-10, Potsdam, Germany


Рабие Курназ против Джорджа Буша
Director of Photography
Рабие Курназ - обычная бременская домохозяйка турецкого происхождения. После 11 сентября 2001 года ее сына обвиняют в подготовке теракта и отправляют в лагерь Гуантанамо. Это знаменует начало путешествия решительной женщины на пару со своим адвокатом в сердце мировой политики – вплоть до Верховного суда в Вашингтоне.
Director of Photography
Музыкальная карьера Герхарда Гундерманна, простого водителя экскаватора, началась в Восточной Германии, когда он стал известен своей умной, часто грустной лирикой, на социальные темы.
Eine Braut kommt selten allein
Camera Supervisor
One day she is sitting at his door. In her red wedding dress and worn-out sneakers. She does not speak his language, is actually too young for him and comes from a completely different world. She also loves different than him - and yet the two become a couple. Johnny, failed DJ and club owner from Hellersdorf, and Sophia, the Romni. Whether she really got away from her wedding, actually comes straight from Belgrade, truly loves him as she claims? Johnny does not know. And at some point he does not care. The supposed bride has conquered his heart. Then her family comes to visit ...
Poka - Heisst Tschüss auf Russisch
Philipp Halbe can not read and write. He avoids life, works in a bar at night and does not engage in serious relationships. One day when his daughter Lily, whose mother died in a car accident, is about to die, he has to face the challenges of life and fight for custody. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the problem of illiteracy and thus to contribute to the de-tabulation.
Henryk from the Back Row
Director of Photography
A new dramedic documentary about what politics and democracy mean when your working in the rough business of parlamentarian tasks, assemblies and your every day live in your constituency. Are there things that need to be changed?
I Phone You
Ling, in his 20s, lives in Chongqing, the largest city in China. There she meets Yu, a Chinese business traveler who lives in Berlin. As a farewell, he has given her an iPhone. They start a tender relationship by phone. When Ling flies to Berlin to see Yu, another man, Marco, is waiting for her. He is Yu's German bodyguard. He should take care that Ling flies back again.
Frühling im Herbst
Director of Photography
Leni, in her mid-fifties, runs the local bakery with her son in a small Swiss town. When she falls in love with a much younger Argentinean dance teacher, her world is turned upside down.
Whiskey with Vodka
Director of Photography
A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy? Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from an inclination to authentically capture the various relationships.
Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
Director of Photography
Beautiful Bitch
Director of Photography
The story opens with Bica, a solvent abusing waif, trying in vain to evade the Romanian police with her infant brother in tow. Separated from her sibling she is taken to Germany, concealed in the trunk of a car. There she is trained as a thief, picking the pockets of strangers to fill those of her patron. One of her victims is the separated father of Milka, a brat with razor sharp tongue. From this unlikely start a friendship forms and Bica gets a glimpse into a world of material security, if not emotional closeness...
A nearly illiterate woman becomes one of the founders of Poland's Solidarity union.
Director of Photography
Сильная и незабываемая история времен второй мировой войны о людях из гетто, актерах, музыкантах, художниках, основавших профессиональный театр в Вильнюсе во времена Холокоста. Рассказ о чуде создания театра, сотворенном обреченными людьми. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в еврейском гетто Вильнюса во время нацистской оккупации 1942–1943. Сюжет фильма – история фатальных и невозможных отношений любви и ненависти между нацистским офицером Кителем, актером и джазовым музыкантом-любителем и еврейской звездой, певицей Хайей.
Лето на балконе
Director of Photography
Жаркое лето в Берлине: Нике и Катрин живут в одном и том же многоквартирном доме в Восточном Берлине. Нике не умеет скрывать своих чувств и у нее всегда на все готовый ответ. Такая она и в своей работе — она ухаживает за стариками. Катрин разведена, много лет искала работу и воспитывает сына-подростка. Теплые летние ночи подруги проводят на балконе в квартире Нике: они пьют, смеются, сплетничают и им вполне хватает общества друг друга. Пока в их жизнь не врывается водитель грузовика Рональд.
Am Tag als Bobby Ewing starb
Director of Photography
1986 - The protest movement against the construction of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is on its last legs. Only one rural commune remains: the "Alternative Wohnkollektiv Regenbogen". For them, it could go on and on with endless consensus discussions, shearing sheep and naked communal bathing. One day, the lowland communards are joined by two city dwellers, Hanne and her son Niels. While Hanne gets used to scream therapy and raising vegetables surprisingly quickly - and even more quickly to the tantra games with commune guru Peter - Niels has less and less desire for the dogmatic commune rules. Out of defiance, he joins the violent nuclear power plant resistance, thus upsetting the tranquil chaos of the commune. The big bang, however, comes when a reactor explodes in distant Chernobyl. Exactly on the day Bobby Ewing dies, the petroleum prince from "Dallas" and series favorite of the commune.
Samba in Mettmann
Director of Photography
Olaf is to take care of the family's cleaner's store, while his dad is away on a fair. In the evening he runs into three Brazilian ladies thrown out of a limousine not knowing where to go. Olaf invites them to stay with him and his deaf pot-smoking grandfather, which at first just causes some confusion as he soon is to marry his girlfriend Vera. The next day it's topsy-turvy all over.
Herr Wichmann von der CDU
Director of Photography
German national election campaign 2002: Henryk Wichmann from the conservative party is fighting a lost battle in the Uckermark.
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Director of Photography
Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old people with television sets for heads, a beautiful woman having sex, and overall confusion; and an old man reminiscing over his youth.
Do Fish Do It?
Director of Photography
16-year old Jan is absent-mindedly strolling through the streets when he's run over by roller-skating Nina. As fast as she has stormed into his life, however, she rushes off again. Nina is 15 years old and full of crazy ideas. She lives together with her brother, her father and his new girlfriend. Her mother isn't in touch much. That's why there is the unconventional Angel whose own daughter disappeared years ago and who is Nina's best friend and substitute mother.
Director of Photography
In the last house just behind the western borders of Russia, between Paris/Texas and Korleput/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cindy Sherman, Dogma 95 and Duma 2000, Frank Castorf directs his virst video production "Dämonen" ("Demons") as a sort of post-Soviet-panslavistic panopticon in his own dramaturgy based on Dostojewski's "Demons" and Camus' "The Posessed". All that in set designer Bert Neumann's industrial-designed bungalow (with swimming pool) built onto forbidding landscape.
The Legend of Rita
Director of Photography
Rita Vogt is a radical West German terrorist who abandons the revolution and settles in East Germany with a new identity provided by the East German secret service. She lives in constant fear of having her cover blown, which unavoidably happens after the German re-unification.
Ночные тени
Папа римский вылетел в Берлин, но для одиноких, бесприютных странников ночного города это вряд ли станет благословением. Бродяжка Ханна нашла банкноту в 100 марок, но удастся ли ей осуществить свою мечту – провести одну ночь в отеле с тёплой ванной? Элегантный немолодой карьерист Пешке должен встретить в аэропорту японских партнёров по бизнесу своего шефа, но вместо это судьба сталкивает его с маленьким ангольцем Фелизом. Йохен, сын зажиточного крестьянина, прибывает в Берлин в поисках любви и душевного тепла, но уже на выходе из вагона у него крадут сумку, а мечта о женщине воплощается в дешевой проститутке. Так или иначе, все герои фильма, сами того не желая, пускаются в одиссею по самым темным дырам Берлина...
Silent Country
Director of Photography
A young, naive and enthusiastic theater director named Kai comes to a grim provincial town to put on Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Although the lethargic theater company shows no interest in the play, his spirit remains undaunted.Meanwhile, it is fall 1989. The world is changing and somewhere, far away in the capital, a revolution is taking place and it seems that wishes might come true. Great hopes emerge in the little town and unexpected events overtake Kai's mutating production.
So schnell es geht nach Istanbul
Director of Photography
A sensitively told Encounter between a Turkish migrant worker and a woman from East-Berlin, shortly after the fall of the wall - full of incertainty and situational comedy.
Zug in die Ferne
Director of Photography
A desolate provincial railway station and six People waiting for the late connecting train to the main station. About itchy feet and the longing of the locked in in October 1989, when the big turn of November was not in sight yet.
Simbabwe – Träume von der Zukunft
Director of Photography
Jenseits von Klein Wanzleben
Director of Photography
A documentary on day-to-day life of a small GDR-Brigade in Zimbabwe educating young Africans as construction workers. Best intentions meet exported narrow-mindedness.
Nachts schlafen die Ratten
Director of Photography
A Little Boy in the ruins of World War II and the white lie of an old man - after a story by Wolfgang Borchert.
Was jeder muss...
Director of Photography
Susanne and Dieter are 20 years old. They have just got a Baby. Family life could start now, but Dieter has to join the army. The film accompanies him the first six weeks, shows doubts, insights and hardly acceptable conditions. A little realistic view into the National People's Army shortly before the fall of the wall.
Konsequenzen - Peter, 25
Director of Photography
GDR, the last working day of an industrial worker between loud machines, shower cabins and life prospects agains all reason.
Eastern Photographers
A 2006 German documentary film directed by Pamela Meyer-Arndt about three East German female photographers Sibylle Bergemann, Gundula Schulz Eldowy, and Helga Paris. The women talk about their experiences making art in the East, and what it was like to work during time when every photographer working on their own in the GDR had entire photographic works and book projects hidden away in drawers, certain that they would probably never be shown publicly.