Julian Schlossberg

Рождение : 1942-01-26, New York City, New York, USA


Searching for Mr. Rugoff
The feature documentary Searching for Mr. Rugoff is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and pure bluster. Rugoff's impact on cinema culture in the United States is inestimable, and his influence on the art film business-from the studio classics divisions to the independent film movement to the rise of the Weinsteins-is undeniable. Yet, mysteriously, Rugoff has become a virtually forgotten figure. The story is told through the eyes of former employee Ira Deutchman, who sets out to find the truth about the man who had such a major impact on his life, and to understand how such an important figure could have disappeared so completely.
Питер Фальк против Коломбо
Self - Producteur
За долгую карьеру в кино голливудский актёр Питер Фальк (1927-2011) сыграл десятки второстепенных ролей. Уильям Фридкин как-то сказал: "Мало кто может похвастаться таким диапазоном: от комедии до драмы. Фальк может разбить ваше сердце или заставить вас хохотать". Для большинства зрителей он – лейтенант Коломбо. Эту роль актёр исполнял почти 40 лет. Между тем, Питер Фальк снимался у лучших мировых режиссёров, хотя внешними данными не отличался, да ещё и с 3 лет имел стеклянный глаз.
Actor Joyce Van Patten and distributor Julian Schlossberg discuss the visual style and tone of Mikey and Nicky and explain why they believe it is a very special film.
Elaine May's Mikey and Nicky
Documentary on the making of the film featuring interviews with distributor Julian Schlossberg and actor Joyce Van Patten.
Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000
The video kicks off from a 1978 performance of 'Rosalita' with a 29 year old Bruce wailing away with chicks jumpin' on the stage grabbing him! Lucky guy! The other songs featured include all the popular tunes like 'Born To Run', 'Born In The USA', 'I'm On Fire' and 'Glory Days'. Even some lesser known songs such as 'Spare Parts' (from 'Tunnel Of Love' album) and 'Tougher than the rest' from 'Tunnel Of Love' also which are both live. I like Bruce Springsteen a lot. He has the edge as a showman and musical innovator without losing the plot onstage. Fans will love this video for it's authentic live performances, music videos and classic Springsteen songs. Great
Постоянная кузница
Один из великих индивидуалистов кино, Джон Кассаветис заработал репутацию как крестный отец американского независимого кино. Актер, ставший кинорежиссером изобрел реалист стиль неукрашенными фильмов рассказа под сильным влиянием документальных фильмов. Это глубокий анализ жизни и работы Кассаветиса содержит интервью с ключевыми сотрудниками и ансамблевыми завсегдатаями, и исследует производство классических фильмов, таких как „Убийство китайского букмекера“, „Премьера“ и „Женщина под влиянием.“
Nichols and May: Take Two
A documentary made for the PBS program American Masters about the comedy team Nichols and May.
Elia Kazan: A Director's Journey
This documentary on the life and work of Academy award-winning director Elia Kazan highlights his colorful life on Broadway and in film, which is exemplified by such classic movies as East of Eden,A Streetcar Named Desire, On the Waterfront, and Gentleman's Agreement. Kazan's life outside the movie set is equally noteworthy, and this film utilizes various interviews to illustrate his controversial appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee in the '50s. Elia Kazan is one of America's most respected directors, and this video provides a unique glimpse into the life of a man who has left a lasting mark on the worlds of both cinema and theatre. ~ Dan Macintosh, Rovi
Вдовья гора
Co-Executive Producer
Комедия о событиях в небольшом курортном городке в Ирландии в 20-е годы, большей частью населенном и управляемом женщинами, преимущественно вдовами (почему городок и получил шутливое название «Вдовья Гора«), спокойную и размеренную жизнь которого нарушает прибытие молодой богатой американки Эдвины (тоже вдовы).
Whore 2
Jack, a writer, gets personally involved with his subjects after he is commissioned to pen a book on prostitution.
Сильные духом
На незадачливую супружескую пару обращает внимание таинственный маньяк-убийца. Бедолагам много приходится пережить, но, в конце концов, все разрешается наилучшим образом.
Hollywood Uncensored
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Peter Fonda host an examination of the history of decency standards for movies from the early 1920s onwards.
Голливудские истории о призраках
Расследование сообщений о домах в Голливуде, которые предположительно преследуют призраки мертвых кинозвёзд.
Going Hollywood: The '30s
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Going Hollywood: The '30s
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
No Nukes
Documentary and concert film that contains selections from the legendary September 1979 Madison Square Garden concerts by the Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) collective, with Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Bonnie Raitt, and John Hall being the key organizers of the event and guiding forces behind the film.