Brad Mills

Brad Mills


Brad first took to the stage with Charlotte Children's Theater. He immediately fell in love with performing and went on to study theater in New York, Shanghai, London and Atlanta. He has appeared on stage, television, and film. He spent most of 2014 working in India. He currently (2015) resides in Atlanta.


Brad Mills


The 12 Lives of Sissy Carlyle
Elijah Bell
Seven years ago, Sissy Carlyle's parents were killed in an icy car crash. While her charming irresponsible brother continued his questionable pursuits, Sissy stepped in to take care of their parents' antique shop, their home and the family cat Horatio. With her own life at a screeching halt, Sissy begins to fill 11 secret journals with the exciting adventures of daring, bold women she imagines she could be. Now her 27th birthday is just days away and Sissy decides to fill her 12th journal with the adventures of her real life - but much to her dismay, she has absolutely nothing to write about. Then one afternoon, an intriguing young performance artist walks into Sissy's shop and their chance encounter leads Sissy to face a tough choice - to remain safely cocooned in her fantasy lives or to take a chance and discover what her real life might become
Долгий путь Билли Линна в перерыве футбольного матча
Travis' Friend
История о 19-летнем солдате Билли Линне и его взводе, который выживает в битве в Ираке. Во время боя они оказываются заснятыми на портативные новостные камеры, и из них вовсю лепят героев. Их привозят домой и отправляют в промо-тур, кульминацией которого становится шоу в перерыве футбольного матча в День благодарения. А после него они должны снова отправиться на войну.
Нападение трёхголовой акулы
Трехголовая акула нападает на маленький атолл, на котором компания друзей собралась повеселиться. И это только начало. Аппетиты растут, и она направляется к исследовательской станции, которая изучает загрязнение воды в этом районе. Сумеют ли герои противостоять этому мутанту?
Трое друзей из колледжа отправляются на главную вечеринку десятилетия. Каждый ищет там что-то свое: любовь, секс или новые знакомства. Но праздник превращается в хаос, когда по соседству с домом, где все веселятся, падает метеорит.
The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger
The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is a B horror movie straight out of the 80s. After taking a wrong turn down an abandoned road, the Jock, the Joker, the Blond Bimbo & the Paranoid Brunette run out of gas and find themselves stranded in the middle of the woods. What a total drag. What was that noise? Why is everyone vanishing? Is it all one of Bradley's dumb practical jokes, or could The Legend be true? Your compass can't help you in these woods.
The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger
The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is a B horror movie straight out of the 80s. After taking a wrong turn down an abandoned road, the Jock, the Joker, the Blond Bimbo & the Paranoid Brunette run out of gas and find themselves stranded in the middle of the woods. What a total drag. What was that noise? Why is everyone vanishing? Is it all one of Bradley's dumb practical jokes, or could The Legend be true? Your compass can't help you in these woods.