Masae Miyamoto


Hard Days
Costume Design
Go Seppuku Yourselves
Costume Design
A man is tasked with assisting in the ritual suicide of a samurai who won't die without condemning the corrupt powers that be.
The Day of Destruction
Costume Design
Seven years ago, a mysterious monster was found deep in a rural coal mine. Since then, rumors of a plague spread through the small town, and people experience an unexplainable mental illness. A young Shugendo practitioner goes missing only to resurface transformed, intent on exorcising the world from the monsters haunting it.
One Night
Costume Designer
A family reunites after 15 years. They each have a story to tell as they have not forgotten what happened years ago.
The Journalist
Costume Designer
It is the job of the press to cover corporate crime, government plots and society. It is in this context that young female reporter on the beat Erika rolls up her sleeves and goes to work regarding what seems to be a government cover up. She is dealing with a government bureaucrat called Sugihara. It seems as if a clash is inevitable.
Costume Design
III век до н. э., период Сражающихся царств, когда на территории современного Китая было множество постоянно воевавших друг с другом небольших государств. Где-то на задворках одного из таких царств живут двое сирот и ежедневно тренируются, чтобы исполнить свою мечту стать великими генералами. Но один из друзей оказывается поразительно похож на правителя, и парня забирают во дворец в качестве его двойника.
Day and Night
Costume Design
A man suicides causing ruin for his family, reasons are unknown, but his son will decide to take revenge after a succesion of events.
Dare to Stop Us
Costume Design
In Spring 1969, 21-year-old Megumi Yoshizumi goes to Wakamatsu Production. The company makes films popular with young people. Pink film director Koji Wakamatsu gathers there with young talented people who are all fascinated with movie making. When they are not making movies, they spend their time smoking, drinking alcohol, scouting for actresses and looking for material for their next film. When filming begins, everybody immerses themselves into the production and will do everything on the filming set from running, shouting to acting.
Cafe Funiculi Funicula
Costume Design
Kazu works at "Funiculi Funicula" cafe. There is a mysterious rumour that if a customer takes a specific seat at the cafe, that customer can travel back to a time of their choice.
Сердце хочет кричать
Costume Design
Сюжет фильма «Сердцу хочется кричать» разворачиваются вокруг учеников старшей школы, которым предстоит участвовать в программе по работе с населением. В центре событий оказывается молчаливая девушка Нарусэ Джун. В детстве ей довелось очень тяжело пережить расставание родителей, и с тех пор она перестала разговаривать. Благодаря воле учителя она так же оказывается участницей программы, вот только Джун и другие ученики не хотят принимать в этом участие. Совместные трудности начинают сближать нашу героиню с парнем Такуми, который не побоялся за нее заступиться в школе. Вместе они должны принять участие в мюзикле и несмотря на то что Джун всегда была серой мышкой ей предстоит перебороть себя и выступить на сцене.
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.
The Big Bee
Costume Design
Set in 1995. A helicopter, operated remotely, is hovering in the sky over a nuclear power plant. The power company, prefectural government and media all receive a fax. The fax contains a threat that if the nuclear power plant is not taken offline the helicopter will be dropped. 8 hours is given as the deadline. Making the situation even more dire, a young child is in the helicopter.
The Torture Club
Costume Design
Film adaptation of the same-titled comic popular for its extraordinary premise. Up-and-coming Yoshida Kota, known for his humorous yet sensual style in films like Usotsuki Paradox, creates a unique coming-of-age drama about love between two girls, with elements of sports and perseverance sprinkled throughout. The "Torture Club" is an official afterschool activity at the private school Saint Honesty Gakuen. Yuzuki (Kijima Noriko) has no idea about the club when she enrolls, and gets abducted by the club members and hauled off the clubroom. There, she finds out that upperclass student Aoi (Yoshizumi Haruna), her secret idol, is in the club, and decides to join, but…
Seventh Code
Costume Supervisor
Akiko, a young woman, comes to Vladivostok to meet Matsunaga, a young businessman she has met in Tokyo only once. Akiko finally finds Matsunaga. However, he leaves her again, warning her not to trust strangers in a foreign country. She tries to follow him, but she is attacked by thugs and dumped on the outskirts of town.
Costume Design
Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.
Это я, это я
Costume Design
28-летний Хитоси хотел провернуть небольшую аферу, но в итоге начал размножать самого себя. Вскоре копии Хитоси начинают заполнять мир, и даже бороться друг с другом, а повседневность превращается в сюрреалистический кошмар.
Великое путешествие
Мадзимэ - талантливый лингвист. Он входит в команду чудаков, которые задумали создать самый современный словарь японского языка. Мадзимэ все знает о словах, но ему трудно общаться с людьми: он дружит только с хозяйкой дома, у которой уже 10 лет снимает комнату. Все становится еще сложнее, когда к ней приезжает дочь, и Мадзимэ в нее влюбляется.
Как влюбленный
Costume Supervisor
Токио. Он — пожилой мужчина, она — молодая женщина. Она ничего не знает о нем, ему кажется, что он знает о ней все. Он открывает перед ней двери своего жилища, она отдает ему свое тело. Однако обстоятельства их встречи не играют никакой роли в тех отношениях, которые устанавливаются между ними всего за одни сутки…
The Final Judgement
Costume Supervisor
26-year-old Shogo Washio sense danger from the expansion of Asian superpower nation Ouran. Shogo Washio teams up with Kenzo Nakagishi and establishes a new political party. He loses in the elections to gain a seat in the house of representatives. A few years later Japan is now invaded by the country of Ouran and falls under the military occupation of that country. Basic freedoms like speech and religion are lost, while protestors are killed. In this environment, Shogo Washio joins the underground resistance organization ROLE.
Мисима: Финальная глава
Costume Design
Пристальное исследование последних часов жизни легендарного японского писателя. 25 ноября 1970 года известный писатель и светский персонаж Юкио Мисима явился на базу сухопутных войск в Итигая, где обратился к солдатам с призывом совершить государственный переворот. Будучи проигнорирован слушателями, Мисима покончил с собой, совершив ритуальное самоубийство, известное как сэппуку. Какие обстоятельства привели тонкого эстета и глубокого мыслителя к этому отчаянному самурайскому жесту?
Хроники моей матери
Costume Design
Фильм снят по автобиографической повести японского писателя Ясуши Иноуе, где показана любовь в семье на примере отношений автора и его стареющей матери, у которой развивается слабоумие.
Train Brain Express
Real estate company employee Komachi and steelworks heir Kodama are both train aficionados. Their hobby proves useful for their burgeoning careers, but their romantic fortunes do not go as smoothly. Will the awkward Kodama and the indecisive Komachi find the loves of their lives?
Хлеб на радость
Сан и Ри — молодая супружеская пара. Они решили переехать из Токио к озеру Тоя, которое находится на острове Хоккайдо. Там супруги открывают хлебобулочный ресторанчик под названием «Мани». Сан печёт хлеб, а его жена Ри готовит пищу, которая прекрасно дополняет выпечку её мужа. Так как Сан и Ри готовят от всего сердца, то круглый год клиенты, уходя из их ресторана, чувствуют себя счастливыми.
Хлеб на радость
Costume Design
Сан и Ри — молодая супружеская пара. Они решили переехать из Токио к озеру Тоя, которое находится на острове Хоккайдо. Там супруги открывают хлебобулочный ресторанчик под названием «Мани». Сан печёт хлеб, а его жена Ри готовит пищу, которая прекрасно дополняет выпечку её мужа. Так как Сан и Ри готовят от всего сердца, то круглый год клиенты, уходя из их ресторана, чувствуют себя счастливыми.
Scabbard Samurai
Costume Design
Kanjuro Nomi is an aging samurai who only has a scabbard. Deserting his lord to wander the land with his daughter Tae, Kanjuro is captured and sentenced to an unusual punishment: he has 30 days to bring a smile to the sad prince who has lost his mother — or else he must die.
Soup Opera
Costume Designer
Sakai plays Rui, a 35-year-old single woman forced to live alone after the aunt who raised her suddenly decides to get married and move out. Through an unexpected set of circumstances, she winds up becoming roommates with an aging ladies’ man named Tony and a timid younger man named Kosuke.
I’m a Cat Stalker
Costume Design
Haru works at a part-time job for a bookstore. Her dream is to become an illustrator and she also loves cats. One day, after a cat named Chibutomu disappears from the bookstore Haru canvasses the neighbourhood in search of Chibutomu.
Buy a Suit
Costume Design
Yuki travels to Tokyo in search of her missing brother, and searches the streets with an address on a postcard as her only lead.
The Clone Returns Home
Costume Design
Kohei Takahara, an astronaut who dies in the line of duty, is legally resurrected as a clone: however, contrary to the scientists’ expectations, he reverts to his childhood memories when his twin brother drowned sacrificing his life for Kohei. Kohei’s clone discovers the body of his former self mistakenly believing that it is his deceased twin. Reliving his tragic past, he sets off carrying his corpse body to the beautiful hometown where he lived with his now dead mother.
Cheer Cheer Cheer!
Costume Designer
Momoko (Yui Aragaki) is a quiet and lonely high school girl who's only passion is to cheer traditional cheer squad, but all she could gather were good for nothing guys, who could not find places in school. They start the cheer squad with a disaster, but when they finally find the true meaning of "cheering" someone, their passion becomes power and gives strength to those that are cheered.
Then Summer Came
Costume Design
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
Climber's High
Costume Design
On August 12, 1985, a jumbo jet crashes, causing 520 fatalities, making the accident the biggest single-plane accident in the world. The local press reporters are tossed about by the waves of facts and rumors. While overwhelmed by the magnitude of the accident, Yuuki, in charge of this crash report at a local newspaper, faces a string of decision-making moments. What are news and a reporter? How should a man do his work and survive in a corporate hierarchy? What do family and friends mean to him? An intriguing story, which keeps the audience on the edge of tension and reality.
The Vanished
Costume Design
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs.
Висячий сад
Costume Design
Семья Кёбаши переезжает в новый модный дом. Они надеются, что там их ждет счастье. Но проходит время, счастье не наступает, зато у каждого члена семьи от мала до велика появляются свои секреты. И, когда сын приводит в дом свою новую девушку, внезапно всё скрытое вдруг оказывается на поверхности, что в свою очередь приводит к конфликту…
Costume Design
A mysterious street-painter, Jouji, wanders aimlessly, homeless. Together with his homeless pals, he makes his living by selling his paintings on the street. His paintings, dynamically exploding on pieces of cardboard, catch the eyes of Kyoko, an art dealer. He can feel alive only if he keeps painting, but unable to find something to fill his void inside, he tries to drown himself in alcohol. Drawn to Jouji, Kyoko commissions him to paint for her. The two travel to a secluded mountain-side, and there Jouji becomes inspired both by the natural surroundings and Kyoko herself.
My Easygoing Sister
Costume Designer
A young man writes a novel about his forbidden love with his sister, who works overtime in the office on a holiday. Based on the manga of the same name by Naoki Yamamoto, and covering the manga's inspiration source, Juro Kara's "Anjuko's Shoes" and Ogai Mori's "Sansho Dayu".
Costume Designer
Rei is a freelance writer embattled by personal demons. She hears voices in her head, and has sleeping problems, eating disorders and drinks excessively. On Valentine's Day, she meets truck driver Takatoshi. She joins him on a journey in his bumpy and shaky truck - which vibrates in tune with her uneasy soul.
Costume Design
A former idol becomes a teacher at the high school she graduated from, but her new career is threatened by an expose book her ex-manager is planning to publish.
9 душ
Costume Design
After discovering a hole in their crowded cell, nine prisoners escape their confinement to track down the key of the universe, which a fellow prisoner known as the Counterfeit King said he had hidden.
Ryoma's Wife, Her Husband and Her Lover
Costume Design
Film about Sakamoto Ryōma. The focus is on Oryo, the maid who became Ryoma’s wife and lived with him for one year before his death.
Costume Design
Naoya and Katsuhiro are boyfriends, new in their relationship. Things are uneven at first—Naoya is open and free while Katsuhiro is cautious and closeted—but nothing compares to the chaos that arrives when Asako, a troubled woman with a history of psychiatric problems, abortions, and casual sex, asks Katsuhiro to conceive a child with her.
Zawa-zawa Shimokita-sawa
Costume Design
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
Osaka Story
Costume Design
Young Wakana is the daughter of a husband and wife comedy act, who have worked together for 20 years without any big success. Wakana’s parents quarrel constantly, and her mother often threatens to leave. When one day her father disappears, Wakana sets out to find him.
Lie Lie Lie
Costume Design
Hatano is living as an insomniac freelance typesetter alone in his bayside apartment. One day, Aikawa, a high school classmate he hasn’t seen in over ten years, shows up on his doorstep bearing a bag of clams. Though he claims to be the director of a fast-growing trading company, Aikawa crashes on Hatano’s couch for days on end. When the sleeping pills he was offered produce a strange side effect, Hatano is slowly dragged into Aikawa’s con-artist lifestyle. Soon afterward, they cross paths with the representative of a big-name publishing company and Aikawa’s ultimate scam begins to unfold.
Isana no umi
Costume Design
Renji grew up in a family that runs a pelagic fishing business and vaguely thinks about becoming a fisherman in the future. He is attracted to Kyoko, a new transfer student to his fisheries school who is knowledgeable about whales, but there is a big difference of opinion between Renji, who thinks whaling is wrong, and Kyoko, who advocates whale protection.
Atlanta Boogie
Costume Design
"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.
Space Ship Remnant 6
Costume Designer
In the year 2046, overpopulation and exhaustion of resources has forced humanity to travel into space. A colony is established on Mars. This film is about what happens when one cargo ship traveling between Mars and Earth collides with an asteroid.
The Trap
Costume Design
When a hooded stranger appears in private eye 'Mike' Hama's office with the cryptic challenge "I want you to look for me," Hama is drawn into a string of bizarre serial murders that have Yokohama's police baffled and the city terrified.
Endless Waltz
Costume Design
Biopic about jazz saxophonist Kaoru Abe (Ko Machida) and his wife, noted writer Izumi Suzuki (Reona Hirota).
The Stairway to the Distant Past
Costume Design
Broke, his vintage Nash convertible repossessed, private eye Mike Hama is reduced to combing the mean streets of the Yokohama waterfront on a borrowed bicycle. But when Lily, a beautiful stripper from out of Hama's past, returns to town, the fuse is lit on a criminal powder keg set to blow the lid off the Yokohama underworld.
The Most Terrible Time in My Life
Costume Design
Maiku Hama is a private detective working in Yokohama. Hama comes to the aid of a Taiwanese waiter named Yang and agrees to track down his missing brother. Through a series of double-crosses Hama gets embroiled in a gang war and a revenge plot between the two brothers
The Tomb & the Divorce
Costume Design
Yoshinori sells plots of land in a cemetery, and is involved in a stale ten-year-old marriage with bored housewife Atsuko. When Atsuko makes a male friend at her leather-working class, Yoshinori has a fit. This is on top of the myriad of odd clients that he must appease.