Kumija Kim


The Many Faces of Chika
Chika III
When her husband is hospitalized with tuberculosis, Chika has a series of three relationships: with a teacher in her hometown, with a student in Tokyo, and with an aging gangster.
An ordinary salary man, Junosuke, goes in search of his lover, Miharu, who disappeared one night when she handed him the key to her room, and promised to be back in five minutes. She had only gone out to buy apples at the nearby convenience store, because Junosuke has one for breakfast every morning. Slightly drunk from the cocktail he had had earlier, Junosuke falls asleep, and wakes up the next morning to find that Miharu had never returned.
The Laughing Frog
A woman has a fine life with rewarding work, a nice house, and a serious boyfriend in the lowlands of Japan. In walks her long lost husband who years ago disappeared and abandoned her. The wife allows her lost husband to secretly live in her house. More specifically, he lives in the wife's closet. The closet has a peep hole, so he does nothing day and night but watch his wife live her life.
Асако в рубиновых ботинках
Молодой госслужащий У-ин скучает от работы в офисе и от своей жизни. К тому же он влюблен в красноволосую Мию, которая не обращает на него никакого внимания. Блуждая по порносайтам, У-ин находит видеочат с красноволосой девушкой по имени Асако и начинает общаться с ней.
Tomie: Replay
Yoko Morita
Infected with Tomie's blood, a surgeon disappears, leaving his daughter, Yumi, to try to discover Tomie's identity and to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.
Lost Paradise
Kuki is a veteran newspaper reporter who has been shuffled off to a book-development branch and finds escape in an illicit relationship with Rinko. Together they find the passion no longer present in their marriages.
Где восходит луна?
Jeogori Woman
Главный герой фильма японский кореец-таксист Чунънам не испытывает особого рвения в работе, его не интересует проблемы объединения двух Корей, а единственное, что его интересует это молоденькие и симпатичные девушки. Как-то раз в одном баре, которым владеет его мать, он знакомится с филипинкой Кони. Чуньнам предпринимает самые разные попытки сблизиться с девушкой, но непреклонная Кони на них никак не реагирует. В конце концов он чуть ли не силой овладевает Кони и по собственной инициативе переезжает к ней на квартиру, где они начинают жить вместе.