Miguel Gómez Checa


Juez (segment 'El policia encajuelado")
The human and divine justice are exposed through five real life stories related to the legal processes of a prison. The cases presented are: "I want to stay in jail", "Blood between women", "The raped prostitute", "The kidnapped policeman", and "Euthanasia or murder?"
Living Is What Matters
A drifter named Candelario asks to spend the night at the hacienda of Don Lazaro. Once there, he gets the offer to stay and work as a laborer with a fixed salary. Over time, Candelario is gaining the confidence of his employer, and becomes indispensable. The situation will change radically when Don Lazarus discovers that Candelario is having a love affair with his wife.
Maria of My Heart
Héctor and María meet again after eight years of not seeing each other. She works as a magician in cabarets and he robs houses. María convinces Héctor to become a magician and work together. Life seems to smile on them until one day, when Maria travels to another city, the couple's situation will be overshadowed by an unfortunate event.
Santo vs. Capulina
Calpuina is a night-watchman in a wharehouse, a perfect job for him. When some thieves break in and steal some crates, El Santo is after them because they are using the wharehouse for diamond smuggling. Capulina hinders their capture. Then he decides that he will put on a wrestler's mask and help El Santo to caputre the crooks.
Книга из камня
Teniente de Policia (Police Lt.)
Учительница Хулия Септьен нанимается на работу в богатую и странную семью, живущую в удаленном от города старинном особняке неподалеку от болот и заброшенной древней церкви. У хозяина особняка есть дочка Сильвия, которую и должна будет обучать Хулия. Но это не простая девочка, она живет в выдуманном мире и постоянно говорит о каком-то друге по имени Хуго, который якобы во всем ей помогает и регулярно её навещает. Родители принимают это за душевную болезнь девочки, перенесшей тяжелую травму в детстве, но Хулия так не считает. Она видит некую связь между рассказами Сильвии и древней статуей у болот, на которой изображен мальчик с каменной книгой. Постепенно в доме начинают происходить всё более странные и страшные вещи, и тогда друг семейства решает забрать эту статую себе, но некие неведомые магические силы не дадут разлучить девочку с загадочным монументом, от которого и исходит вся чертовщина
Adventures of Juliancito
Abogado defensor
Adaptation of the adventures of Tom Sawyer, played by actor Juliancito Bravo.
Operation 67
Chief of evil organization
The silver masked Santo tries to stop a gang of counterfeiters who conspire to ruin the economy.
La diosa impura
After a series of doublecrosses involving stolen diamonds, a gangster's babe in Argentina flees to Mexico; she's kept by a druggy, decadent painter and then falls in love with his brother.
¿Chico o chica?
A woman emigrates to Mexico and leaves her young daughter with relatives. After a few years she returns to look for her but they are not going to make it easy for her.