Kentaro Kishi

Рождение : 1973-03-01,


The Waxing and Waning of Life
Shota takes in his brother Yusaku after rehab and interviews him for a screenplay based on Yusaku’s life. Yusaku, unable to adjust to his new life, gradually begins to suffer from drug withdrawal....
Along the Sea
Director of Photography
Phuong, An, and Nhu are Vietnamese women in their early 20s. The three become illegal residents in Japan after escaping from their workplace as technical trainees. An contacts a broker to help them find work. The broker takes them to a fisherman's ice-covered hut where they can stay in exchange for labour. They are happy because, as well as finding a job, they have also doubled their salary. As they start their work, Phuong suddenly falls, stricken with severe pain. Worried, An and Nhu take Phuong to a hospital, but they are refused admission for not having an ID card.
The Sower
Director of Photography
Little Chie knows that her sister, 3 year-old Itsuki, is unlike her. Chie’s uncle, Mitsuo, is also unusual. Suntanned and adorned in a rustic-looking floppy hat he couldn’t look less like Chie’s neat and respectable father. But Chie is overjoyed when Mitsuo walks back into their lives, having spent three years in a mental institution, and Mitsuo, overwhelmed with emotion, dotes on his two little nieces. This brief harmony is short lived. Frustrated by her little sister, Chie drops her, causing fatal injuries. Unable to allow his niece to take the blame, Mitsuo claims responsibility, shouldering all the condemnation that ensues.
The Sower
Little Chie knows that her sister, 3 year-old Itsuki, is unlike her. Chie’s uncle, Mitsuo, is also unusual. Suntanned and adorned in a rustic-looking floppy hat he couldn’t look less like Chie’s neat and respectable father. But Chie is overjoyed when Mitsuo walks back into their lives, having spent three years in a mental institution, and Mitsuo, overwhelmed with emotion, dotes on his two little nieces. This brief harmony is short lived. Frustrated by her little sister, Chie drops her, causing fatal injuries. Unable to allow his niece to take the blame, Mitsuo claims responsibility, shouldering all the condemnation that ensues.
Reiwa Uprising
Kazuo Hara follows Ayumi Yasutomi, a transgender candidate, who is also a Tokyo University professor, as she embarks on a national campaign for a seat in Japan's Upper House.
Director of Photography
In 2008, an indiscriminate killing which shocked the whole world was carried out in the street of Akihabara. Director Yûsaku Matsumoto was inspired by the Akihabira killing to look at random acts of violence occurring in Japanese society and exploring the aftermath of one such occurrence, and the building-up to another one. By following several people—perpetrators, victims and family of both alike, he tells a human story about inhumane acts.
In 2008, an indiscriminate killing which shocked the whole world was carried out in the street of Akihabara. Director Yûsaku Matsumoto was inspired by the Akihabira killing to look at random acts of violence occurring in Japanese society and exploring the aftermath of one such occurrence, and the building-up to another one. By following several people—perpetrators, victims and family of both alike, he tells a human story about inhumane acts.
Made in Japan
When Shoichi learns that a former coworker is behind a publisized murder, he takes it to social media to reveal that he knows the murderer. But when he agrees to be interviewed by the media, his life is about to change.
Passage of Life
Camera Operator
Burmese boy Kaung and his family emigrated to Japan with the hope for a better life. They have lived in Tokyo for years, but never obtained a visum. The daily strain of their illegal residence eventually starts to tear the family apart.
New Neighbor
A shy young secretary is intrigued by her new neighbor.
Jellyfish Eyes
Ichiro Kodaira
In present-day Japan, little Masashi moves from an evacuation center to a small village. There he will discover that every child has the ability to communicate with a fantastic creature, but they are being used in an evil plan to collect the children’s negative energy. Artist Takashi Murakami ‘s debut film is an amazing epic story that is an X-Ray of children’s hopes and fears with the artist’s unmistakable visual style.
Dead Sushi
A disgruntled researcher injects his former employers' meal with a serum that turns their sushi into flesh-eating monsters.
Задница зомби
Главная героиня — молодая и красивая каратистка Мегуми. Ее сестренка Аи покончила с собой, устав от издевательств в школе. Чтобы развеяться, Мегуми собирается в лес в компании старых друзей. С ней идут: ее бывший парень Так, большегрудая модель Маки и Наои. Дела складываются неплохо, пока Маки не обнаруживает во внутренностях пойманной рыбы червяка-паразита. Экскременты, в которых находится этот червь, превращаются… в зомби! Друзей атакуют живые мертвецы, которые выбираются один за другим прямиком из сортира...
Avec Punch
High school students Isaki and Hiramasa can't stand being bored. One day, while walking across town, they bump shoulders with two other people. An argument ensues and, as usual, Hiramasa is ready to fight. Hiramasa is supremely confident when it comes to fighting. An unusual thing happens though, Hiramasa gets knocked out ...
Yuichiro wants to be an film director but his widowed mother wants him to become a doctor. As radiation leaks permeate the city, he tries to clear his debts by signing up for a dangerous medical experiment...
Токийская полиция крови
В недалеком будущем токийская полиция превратилась в независимую корпорацию, полностью перейдя в частное владение и получив неограниченную свободу действий. Преступный мир также эволюционировал. Токио наводнен ордами убийц-мутантов, которые модифицируют свои тела, превращая их в смертоносное оружие. Их называют «инженерами». Неизвестно откуда они пришли и каковы их цели. Известно лишь то, что ранения, нанесенные им, со страшной скоростью мутируют, обрастая клыками, шипами, бензопилами. Всему этому противостоит длинноногая офицерша полиции Рука, которая, заодно, пытается раскрыть тайну убийства своего отца.
Yôsuke Fujii
Ами — дерзкая, но во всём остальном обычная школьница, которая пытается вести нормальную жизнь. Но её мир рушится, когда она узнает, что её брат и его друг были убиты беспощадными хулиганами. Ами находит их главаря и с удивлением узнаёт, что они связаны со зловещей семьёй ниндзя якудзы. Ами теряет руку; заменяя её различными «инструментами смерти», она планирует месть…
Cain's Descendant
Munakata has an unrelenting guilt from killing his mother when he was 15 years old. After being imprisoned for 10 years, he is released and heads to Yako, a small industrial town, to work as a machinist. Living in a tiny apartment, he is tasked with secretly creating a gun out of an old TV remote control and unknowingly destroys the fragile balance of the town.
A Larva to Love
Bizarre love triangle about a girl, Yuki who transforms into a tentacled creature that feasts on human blood. She manipulates the guilt-ridden Fumio to do her bidding, only for a strange romance to blossom between them.