Akira Hayasaka

Рождение : 1929-08-11, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 2017-12-16


Haruko's Doll
In the early days of the Showa era in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture a newborn baby is abandoned with a doll under the eaves of a merchant house along the pilgrimage route in Shikoku. It seems to be a pilgrim struggling to make a living. This baby girl is named Haruko and brought by Tomita Shizuko and Katsuji as the younger sister of their son Ryosuke who is three years apart. When the war begins, 16-year old Ryosuke qualifies for the naval academy and crosses the Seto Inland Sea. After some consideration, Shizuko tells Haruko the truth that they are not real siblings for the first time. Haruko who has had a secret crush on her brother ever since he said that he would protect her, is innocently overjoyed and heads to Hiroshima to convey this to him. The next day, an atomic bomb explodes in the sky…
Love of a Thousand Years - Story of Genji
Based on the ancient Japanese Tale of Genji. This film is set in 900AD and tells the story of a famous female writer of the time, Murasaki Shikibu. Her story begins from the death of her husband, a Japanese noble, then moves on to her recruitment to train the Prince's young 'wives in waiting'. It is dotted throughout and actually composed mainly of one of the fictional stories she wrote, the tale of Genji. Genji is a rich playboy who falls in love and has a son to his stepmother. He falls in love often and has many wives whom are all completely subservient to him. Genji is played by a woman actress from the all-female Takarazuka theatre. The two interrelating stories are also interrupted occasionally by fantasimical musical clips from a past Japanese teen-idol, Seiko Matsuda.
The Peking Man
In 1929 the fossil of a 500,000 year old man is discovered in China. In 1941 the Japanese army confiscates this find, but during the war the remains disappear. Based on these factual events, this movie takes off with a science fiction story involving a space rocket which places a satellite in orbit containing a secret cargo. The satellite crashes on a remote island and footprints are found in the sand leading away from the crash site. A story of how an ancient primitive cave-dwelling family contends with the scientists who want to study them.
Keiji hebi ni yokogirareru
Original Story
Starring Ken Takakura, this TV special depicts a detective (Akira Hayasaka) who lives in a harsh life with pride and conviction. Minoru Akiba, Chief of the Investigation Division 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, is a veteran detective who has passed through the shrine in numerous incidents. His wife was killed by a criminal he caught 13 years ago as revenge. There is a report that his former subordinate, Constable Murasawa, was stabbed to death under Akiba... Suzuki Kyoka plays his daughter.
Голоса павших студентов: Последние друзья
Фильм начинается с современного игрока в рэгби, Цуруи, который получает сильный удар во время игры и просыпается в 1943 году, в униформе, готовым отправиться на фронт. Он теряет всякие воспоминания о комфортных 90-ых.
Psychic: Traveler to the Unknown
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
Kim's War
After shooting a gangster in self-defense, Kim Hui Ro takes refuge at a hotel and takes the guest hostages. Realising his position, he invites the press inside and explains why he was driven to his crime.
Cats on Park Avenue
A story about the lives of young aspiring dancers who strive to create their own musical about stray cats.
Cats on Park Avenue
Original Story
A story about the lives of young aspiring dancers who strive to create their own musical about stray cats.
Даунтаун хироуз
Original Story
В голодное послевоенное время старшеклассникам школы Мацуяма открывается новая вселенная мировой культуры, внутренней свободы и раскрепощённости, любви и искренности. Учителя преподносят им урок стремления к свободе и от феодальной зависимости, и от рабского подчинения оккупационным властям.
Spectacle of Buds
Yoko Kon, a former rock singer, plays a stripper with unique nipples called Buds.
Дневник Юмэтиё
Сатико Нагаи всю жизнь прожила в чайном доме. Никто не называет её по имени, для всех она обаятельная гейша Юмэтиё. В детстве она стала жертвой атомной бомбардировки. И вот теперь врачи ставят ей страшный диагноз, и утверждают, что ей осталось жить не более полугода. Что она должна успеть сделать за эти последние несколько месяцев?
Каё Хаясиба осуждена на смерть за убийство мужа. Детектив Идзава распутывает длинный клубок, сотканный из страсти, жестокости, насилия, обмана, ревности и жажды любви. Эта кровавая драма наполнена настоящими чувствами, которые редко встретишь в японских фильмах 80-х годов.
Фильм снят в предверие 1150-летней годовщины смерти Кобо Дайси (774—835). Под именем Кукай он стал основателем секты Сингон, одной из главных школ японского буддизма. Высокообразованный человек, он предпринял путешествие в Китай, изучил санскрит, и выработал удивительно гуманистическую философскую модель мироздания. Он призывал людей получать счастье не в загробном мире, а на этой земле, и добиваться счастья своим трудом, прикладывая к этому все возможные усилия.
Lover, Come Back To Me
Ken Ota is a Japanese-American GI. He comes to Hiroshima after WW2 looking for his big sister, but finds Keiko, a bomb victim with a keloid scar on her shoulder.
Japan for Sale
The sixth "Japan's No. 1 Man" feature. Followed by "Japan’s No. 1 Disconnected Man".
The Forgotten Imperial Army
Oshima exposes the fact that many wounded soldiers cannot receive compensation from the Japanese government because of their Korean nationality, while questioning if this is a just way for the Japanese to act. The documentary uses TV to problematize the apathy of the Japanese people. According to Oshima’s 'The Idea of Evil and Cruelty' and Sato Tadao’s 'History of Japanese Documentary Film', the actual situation was much more serious and harsher than the documentary depicts.