François-Eric Gendron
Рождение : 1954-03-15, Fontainebleau, SeineetMarne, France
François-Éric Gendron (March 15, 1954 in Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne) is a French actor. He is the son of French cellist Maurice Gendron. He is the main French voice actor of Sean Bean since The Lord of the Rings. On September 27, 2007, he participated in the show La Méthode Cauet during which he said he had met Jean Gabin during his youth. He became an admirer of the French comedian. He is best known for playing the role of Robert Carvani in the television series France 2, Avocats et Associés. He was the companion of singer and musician Véronique Sanson in the late 1980s. (Wikipedia)
A violinist is found dead not far from the tomb of DaVinci, in a suspicious position. Captain of the Orléans research section, Alban Dutertre teams up with Officer Bérénice Amarillo. Alban and Bérénice will have to solve the puzzle.
Michel Keller
Pinocchio, an animated wooden puppet tries to escape from his father, Gepetto in a creepy and dark toy factory.
Maître Massard
A Parisian couple decides to sell an unsanitary basement in their building. A very ordinary, nondescript man, Mr. Fonzic, shows up to buy it. Nothing unusual there, until the man moves into the cellar and makes it his permanent residence. The couple tries desperately to cancel the sale but to no avail. Worse, Mr. Fonzic becomes a threat to their family as he befriends their teenage daughter on whom he seems to exert a perverted influence.
Voice off (voice)
A team sent by the government is here to protect humanity from tornadoes. Bruce, Walter and Barrett are part of the Anti Tornado Squad and are ready to deal with that one-of-a-kind mission.
Désir Pastel is the second short movie of Mathieu Rivolier
Victor's father
Виктор безмерно счастлив — он получил место в парижской телекомпании, и теперь переезжает из заштатного городка в столицу, где начинает работать стажёром на телеканале. Немного поднабравшись опыта и познакомившись с телепиратами, Виктор решает пойти несколько иным путем, и принимается снимать альтернативные новости. Теперь в его репортажах мелькают, то владелец похоронного бюро, то эксцентричная подружка нашего героя, то будни-праздники коренного парижского населения, в которых, надо сказать, страсти кипят ничуть не меньшие, чем в каком-нибудь ток-шоу на телеканале в прайм-тайм. Вооружившись камерой, герой торопится оказаться в самой гуще событий Парижа. Но самые интересные кадры в его карьере еще впереди…
Barón Thyssen
Flight captain
18-летняя Патрисия, дочь землекопа Паскаля Аморетти, влюбляется в красавца-лётчика Жака Мазеля, но он уходит на войну, оставив девушку «в положении». Жак погибает на фронте. Когда Патрисия родила, богатые родители Жака Мазеля отказались признать ребёнка. Но у девушки есть замечательный отец, который всегда поддержит её…
Le président Francis Bosc
Alice is a happily married woman with Christophe, who loves her deeply despite suffering facial deformation. His life changes dramatically following a cosmetic operation, but also that of her husband, a man becomes extremely jealous and possessive.
Xavier de Peyrac
Four years after "Valentine, the Pygmalion of the Vineyard", will Valentine finally marry the man of her heart?
When Valentine, a young organic vegetable farmer who lives just opposite the famous vineyards of the Château de Perrac, accepts to be transformed into the ideal wife for Baron Xavier de Perrac, little does she know what is in store for her. The apprenticeship of Valentine begins but the master-pupil relationship takes an unexpected turn.
In the ninth film in the series, in September 1916, young Indiana Jones - going by the alias of "Henri Defense" - has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed "Big Bertha." A month later, Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
A college professor tries to deal with the frustrations of her life as she drifts uncomfortably into middle age. Elvira Minguez plays Sara, a 40-year-old single mother who teaches at a university while sharing her home with her teenage daughter Virginia (Elena Castells) and her boyfriend Adrian (Francois Eric Gendron). Lately, Sara has not been getting along well with her friends and has very mixed feelings about Virginia's openness about her sex life. These dilemmas are compounded by the death of her father.
1947, in Patagonia, in a little village on the seaside. An abandoned house on the beach shelters Letty's dreams, her loneliness that only Miguel, a very young pianist, may share with her. Tomas, her husband, loves Letty and eagerly defends her against all the village, while she keeps playing her part of a 'femme fatale' with a romantic past and a very adventurous file. But on a windy day, a handsome and strange foreigner appears, coming from the sea, a man just as those Bette Davis used to fall in love with. For Letty, reality begins to look like the most incredible dreams of her. But this will call the police inspector's attention. With that mysterious spy, Letty will be involved in a story that will end as those stories she was so fond of when she was going to the movie theater of her little willage.
Luci, Graci and Mar, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Dr. Octavio Beiral
Doctor Beiral, torn apart by the internal struggle between his social persona and the dark instincts that torment him, manages to use his investigations to give life to the monster that he has long held within him.
Jean de Gravois
In this period thriller set near the turn of the century, Jan Thoreau is a Canadian trapper who lives with his wife Marie in a small community in the wilderness not far from Hudson Bay. Blake is a disturbed drifter who has murdered a man and has found a way to frame Jan for his crime. Jan is out tending to his traps when an Indian friend with psychic talents tells him Marie is in grave danger. Jan hurries back, but he has no idea just how serious matters are until he arrives home -- Jan is wanted by the law for a crime he didn't commit, while Blake is hiding out in his home, and has taken Marie hostage.
Phillipe Gavreau
Ambitious photojournalist Chris Cassidy, on assignment in Paris, becomes involved with an unconventional French detective after having witnessed the airport slaying of a man handcuffed to him and decides she needs a good story to go with her picture.
Bussy d'Amboise
Despite being busy with his profession of soldiery, Brantome manages to find much more time for amorous dalliances with the ladies of the 16th-century French court than for battles. Unfortunately for him, his true love, Victoire, is beyond his reach most of the time. He more than compensates for this in the arms of others.
An attorney plays match-maker for her ex-husband, by hiring an actress to seduce him - all in an attempt to try and rid herself of alimony payments.
Jean-Pierre Lamanns
Four victims of a stock swindle meet and plot to get their money back from the crooked financier responsible. Each man, an Oxford professor, a Harley Street physician, an art dealer and a British aristocrat deploy their individual talents in elaborate stings to get back "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less"
Очень смышлёный и находчивый мальчик Томас остается один со своим дедом в канун Рождества, когда психопат, переодетый в Санта Клауса, проникает к ним в дом. Томас будет делать всё, чтобы защитить себя и дедулю.
Lionel Cohn-Martin
Известный американский карикатурист Джой Уэлмэн приезжает на выставку в Париж, где должны, в частности, демонстрироваться его работы. Для Уэлмэна это, прежде всего, возможность встретится с дочерью, которая давно переехала во французскую столицу, чтобы изучать в Сорбонне литературу, совершив тем самым своеобразный "побег в европейскую культуру". Уэлмену же, "американцу до мозга костей", эта культура не близка, так что, приехав в Париж, он скоро начинает собираться домой. Его задерживает в Париже литературовед Готье, являющийся большим поклонником американского карикатуриста и одновременно идолом дочери Уэлмена, к которому она никак не может пробиться...
Постановка истории Французской революции. Первая серия «Годы света» охватывает события 1789-1792 годов (когда король Людовик XVI находился на престоле). Вторая серия «Годы ужаса» завершается событиями 1794 года. В ней отображены перепетии истории, связанные со смертью на гильотине Людовика XVI, Марии-Антуанетты, Дантона и других революционеров.
In this romantic comedy, an astrologer matches up two people who are married to other people. Each is convinced that what they need in order to have a more fulfilling life is an extramarital affair, and they intend to take their medicine, no matter how distatsteful it proves to be. Luckly for the audience, it proves to be awful indeed, as they attempt to set fire to this soggy fuel for romance in a series of ill-starred dates.
Богатому бизнесмену захотелось юной модели. Ее продюсер заманил ее вместе с другими моделями к себе домой, туда же пришел бизнесмен. В конце вечера юная модель оказалась убитой, и полиция обнаружила, что она умерла от пулевого ранения. В число подозреваемых попал продюсер и остальные модели, которые были вместе с ней в тот вечер. За ними всеми началось наблюдение, однако пользы от него никакой: всех участников той злополучной ночи начинают убивать по одному…
У друзей всегда есть друзья и подруги, и бывает где-то, посещая разные места, вы сталкиваетесь с друзьями, знакомыми, друзьями знакомых и т. д. и т. п. Одни из них привлекают вас, другие оставляют равнодушными, третьих вы не замечаете вообще… Иногда знакомства происходят в повседневной жизни, чаще же они случаются в отпусках, на каникулах, в командировках…
Francois De Paul
Journalist Meredith travels to Europe to do a story on vineyard owner Francois De Paul and won't stop until she learns his secrets.
Rémy Marie
Yves Dorget, major reporter in a daily newspaper, finds on an "affair" part of a simple news item Catherine Carré, his former friend, editor and chief and star presenter of a television newscast.
Henry Robillot
The movie is based on a popular tale from the Basque Country and tells the story of a woman that becomes a widow the same day she gets married, and decides to keep living with the husband's dead body for 6 years.
Граф Мишель Форбек, богатый чудак-эксцентрик, живущий на грани 19-го и 20-го веков, создает "храм счастья", в котором посетители возвращаются в состояние детства. Для создания ауры Утопии, гости графа испытывают только положительные ощущения - в воздухе звучат потоки волшебной музыки, повязки на глазах защищают от неприятных видов - а они тем временем лежат в больших детских кроватках. План графа терпит крах, когда Ливия, тайком не принимавшая предписанный напиток, обнаруживает, что одна из ее подруг случайно умирает по небрежности персонала. Тут начинается Первая мировая война, и храму счастья и мечтам графа приходит конец.
The "black robe" in the title of this suspense film belongs to a female lawyer, Florence Nat who has just lost a case in which she defended Simon Risler, a man wrongly accused of murder. Risler escapes before he can be put in prison, and seeks help from attorney Nat in finding the real killer, partly by going after the police inspector who framed him in the first place. A retired surgeon, in the process of setting up a drug rehab clinic gets involved in solving Risler's case, and soon the solution seems to be pointing to high-ranking figures with every desire and ample means to keep the truth well-hidden.
In the "Valley School", as the holidays approach, students' lives will be turned upside down by the arrival of a new teacher.
1er étudiant
1933 год. Виолетта Нозьер живёт со своими родителями и в тайне от них занимается проституцией. Взбунтовавшись против “недалеких и безразличных к ее проблемам“ родителей и желая финансово обеспечить своего любовника (человека, который буквально стал смыслом ее жизни в последние несколько месяцев), Виолетта идет на страшное преступление…