Katsuya Shiga

Katsuya Shiga

Рождение : 1963-08-11, Ehime Prefecture, Japan


Katsuya Shiga (志賀 克也, Shiga Katsuya, August 11, 1963) is a Japanese voice actor and stage actor from Ehime Prefecture. He is affiliated with Arts Vision and is member of the kishino Gumi, a theater company presided over by Yukimasa Kishino (岸野 幸正).


Katsuya Shiga


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV – Eve of Destiny
Agha (voice)
Following the success of the Dawn Rebellion, Degwin negotiates with Vice Admiral Revil to surrender all Federation assets and the complete withdrawal of Federation forces from Side 3 to prevent similar incidents from happening again. After bring reprimanded by Degwin for failure to look after Garma, Dozle sends Char - who motivated Garma into starting the rebellion - to Earth; in response, Char requests to become a mobile suit pilot when he returns. Feeling the burden of his responsibilities, Dozle proposes to cadet Zenna Mia. In the Earth city of Manaus, Char lands a job as a mobile worker pilot at a construction site. He meets a young Lalah Sune at a casino.
Хвост Феи и Рейв
Griffon Kato (voice)
In this crossover between two popular series, Fairy Tail x Rave follows the two groups as they discover their similarities with each other. As the miscommunications add up, they are pitted against one another in a heated clash of powers, but will have to work together against a common foe.
Another Battle/Conspiracy
Katsunori Takahashi and Ken Watanabe star in a modern yakuza tale in the classic Japanese film series, Battles Without Honor and Humanity, directed by Hajime Hashimoto.
Бродяга Кэнсин: Реквием патриотов
Toshiyoshi Kawaji
Война против сёгуната Токугавы закончилась несколько лет назад. Но есть люди, не довольные исходом этой войны. Такими Сигурэ видел своими глазами, как его друзей и семью вырезали во имя свободы и процветания. Теперь он, вместе с бандой отчаянных мятежников, поклялся свести счёты с правительством. И только один человек становится у них на пути: Кэнсин Химура. А когда Такими узнаёт, что Кэнсин — на самом деле Хитокири Баттосай, его битва становится личной местью.