Притворяющийся вампиром убийца женщин Вандамир сталкивается с настоящим кровососом Майклом, которого послали убить Вандамира, чтобы он своими сомнительными действиями не дискредитировал вампирское сообщество.
Rental Agent
A house wife just left her cop husband, when she picks up Justin McKay she'll wish she never did as she's plunged into a nightmare and the grip of a psychotic killer.
A member of an up and coming motorcycle racing team abandons his teamates to join a rival team. He ends up playing second fiddle to the champion of the new team. Not satisfied, and against the wishes of his new boss, he tries to beat the champion but fails. He leaves racing, eventually to return and reunite with his old friends in an attempt to win the Grand
Toni Daniels
Toni, a journalism student, transfers to a new college, where several coeds begin to disappear under suspicious circumstances. She decides to investigate the mystery on her own, and soon finds herself becoming embroiled in a twist filled saga of deeply buried secrets which attract the attention of a sadistic killer who will stop at nothing to hide the truth...
After Leila, his boss's daughter, is kidnapped by psychopathic plague victim Decker, chauffeur Chazz teams up with plague-infected mercenary Luger to penetrate the toxic & off-limits Plague Zone and bring her back alive.
У молодого призывника ВВС Джимми Гэррета есть повод гордиться собой: его привлекли к участию в сверхсекретном правительственном проекте. Джимми должен обучать шимпанзе летным навыкам на специальном тренажере.
Но во время экспериментов Гэррет обнаруживает, что его подопечная подвергается высокому уровню радиации. Рискуя попасть под трибунал, он объединяет свои усилия с исследователем Тери, научившую шимпанзе языку знаков, и начинает бороться за спасение обезьяны от неминуемой гибели...
Two friends from Miami are in the French Riviera enjoying life by scamming money off of rich women. One day, they read about a young woman set to inherit $50 million from her father. At first, Tricky has Christopher Tracy talked into romancing her for her money, but in getting to know her, Christopher falls in love with her. This love comes between the brothers, and Tricky tells about the plan.
Грейс – овдовевшая набожная женщина, в одиночестве воспитывающая свою единственную дочь. Однажды Вера пропала. Грейс узнает, что девушка присоединилась к тайному обществу во главе с харизматичным человеком по имени Ангел, который обещает спасение всем своим преданным последователям. Грейс пытается найти свою дочь и вырвать ее из рук опасного шарлатана
Black girl
Interwoven with scenes that are meant to grab attention by their stunning composition, this biographical look at Finland's violinist Arto Arsi is not so much a narration of his childhood and early years, as an attempt to artistically show what was happening inside his psyche during that time. Literally sold to a master teacher, Sergei Rippas (Tarmo Manni) by his mother when he was still a child, the violin prodigy was forcefully and strictly raised to practice, practice, and perfect his technique. Once an adult, Arsi finds a way to escape the rigors of a U.S. tour and drowns his overworked self in drink, or seeks out one-night stands, or otherwise lets off steam. The tightly-wound spring that has been coiled since he was forced into his grueling training and work sessions -- shown through symbolic images -- eventually snaps in a healthy way, freeing Arsi at last to continue on, simply for the love of music.
Sally Taylor
A news anchorwoman from the Midwest comes to Hollywood to learn the truth about the death of her sister, the 11th victim of a killer preying on aspiring actresses, and finds herself possibly the next one on his list despite the help of an overworked cop.
An impressionable young man finds himself literally enslaved by a modern-day religious cult. In an effort to bring him back to reality, the boy's parents hire a deprogrammer to kidnap him and return him to his family.
Connie Peters
Coming-of-age story about two teenage brothers in rural Oklahoma and their struggle to grow up on their own, after their mother dies and their father leaves them.
История о разгуле подросткового вандализма разворачивается в 70-х в американском городке Нью-Гранада. В поисках адреналина подростки забросили учебу, курят траву, принимают наркотики, тусуются на домашних вечеринках, палят из ружья по полицейским машинам и рвутся за рамки закона и приличий под девизом «sех, drugs & rock`n`roll».