Mrs. Lemmon
История команды маленького корабля, знавшей о своей обреченности и все же честно выполнившей долг.
Derwent dreams up an unbreakable alibi for a murder. Once the crime is attempted, it then falls to Pember and Brace of Scotland Yard to sort things out.
Mrs. Jackman
Ушедший на покой англичанин продает свое поместье шотландцу. Тот обещает построить фабрику и возвести дома для рабочих, но слово свое не сдерживает. Аристократическая семья сочла это подлой игрой. Для того чтобы утвердить моральные права семьи и принудить покупателя выполнить данные обязательства, жена англичанина начинает искать компрометирующие факты в прошлом золовки шотландца…
At a reception given by Arthur Hilton at his Sussex home the conversation turns to the subject of danger, with Hilton recalling a case in which he was involved as a Natal police commissioner. In it there were three guilty persons, but only one of them was hanged; the other two were sentenced to long terms, vowing vengeance on Hilton. Unknown to him, the same two men are now among his guests, and are determined to have their revenge.
Hester Fairfield
Meg Fairfield secures a divorce from her husband Hilary, and is about to marry Gray Meredith when Hilary returns cured. Sydney, daughter of Hilary and Meg, is engaged to Kit Pumphrey, son of the parish rector who refuses to permit his son to marry Sydney when he learns her mother is divorced....