Piet Kroon


Heinz is Amsterdam personified: a happy-go-lucky freeloader. However, he's in big trouble with his girlfriend Dolly. One day he is looking after their baby - the next day he finds himself on a mysterious island, and his son is missing! As he searches desperately for the boy, Heinz discovers he's been an unwitting pawn in the evil schemes of the diabolical windbag Git. During a spectacular showdown in New York, Heinz thwarts Git's attempts to eradicate mankind and rescues his son - sort of...
Heinz is Amsterdam personified: a happy-go-lucky freeloader. However, he's in big trouble with his girlfriend Dolly. One day he is looking after their baby - the next day he finds himself on a mysterious island, and his son is missing! As he searches desperately for the boy, Heinz discovers he's been an unwitting pawn in the evil schemes of the diabolical windbag Git. During a spectacular showdown in New York, Heinz thwarts Git's attempts to eradicate mankind and rescues his son - sort of...
Рождественская сказка
Как известно, в Рождество возможны любые чудеса: нищие становятся богачами, больные выздоравливают, и даже самые жадные люди вспоминают о щедрости. Однако все в старом, заснеженном Лондоне знали, что никакое чудо не изменит Эбенезера Скруджа, скупого и бессердечного владельца долговой конторы, могущего отнять у ребенка последнюю игрушку и лишить бедняка его жалкого крова. Ничто не могло растопить ледяное сердце этого человека, но однажды, в самый разгар морозной рождественской ночи его посетили три волшебных привидения, которые смогли превратить злобного ворчуна в счастливого и веселого добряка...pic 5.3/10 (350 votes)
Стальной гигант
Жители тихой американской провинции становятся свидетелями ослепительной вспышки и падения огромного летающего объекта. Спустя несколько дней мальчуган по имени Хогарт Хьюз находит в окрестностях гигантского робота, прилетевшего на Землю из далёкой космической галактики. Несмотря на свой грозный вид, инопланетный гость оказывается добрейшим созданием. Между ним и отважным мальчишкой завязывается настоящая дружба. Но узнавшие о существовании робота правительство и военные решили уничтожить пришельца. Хогарт — единственный, кто может спасти стального гиганта...
Time winds backward through a series of vignettes, tracing through the fate of a reckless baroness and two men who fight to possess her.
Time winds backward through a series of vignettes, tracing through the fate of a reckless baroness and two men who fight to possess her.
In a world where admiration and status are given to whomever can carry the heaviest books on their head, a man hopes his son will achieve what he himself couldn't.
In a world where admiration and status are given to whomever can carry the heaviest books on their head, a man hopes his son will achieve what he himself couldn't.
In a world where admiration and status are given to whomever can carry the heaviest books on their head, a man hopes his son will achieve what he himself couldn't.
In a world where admiration and status are given to whomever can carry the heaviest books on their head, a man hopes his son will achieve what he himself couldn't.
The Water People
An erotic and painful allegory of dark desire featuring blazing performances by its lead actors. Stew, a guitarist and intellectual, is traveling to the country with his girlfriend Carrie and their dog, Max, to Stew's recently-deceased grandmother's home to deal with her estate. Just as death is palpable in the house with its eerily silent rooms filled with boxes of decaying furniture and old photographs to be auctioned off, so too is the couple's relationship creeping toward an unspoken demise. Stew, who suffers from an unknown ailment and is in a perpetual state of denial, frantically clutches at his over-sexed girlfriend, who resents being tied down by any man. She sets her designs on an unwitting local gardener and uses him as a pawn in her game of sexual manipulation and destruction. Through voyeuristic imagery and a deafening silence, the tension builds to a climax.