Samuel Barnett

Samuel Barnett

Рождение : 1980-04-25, Whitby, North Yorkshire, England, UK


Samuel Barnett is an English actor, performing on stage, film, television and radio. He studied at LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art).


Samuel Barnett


Cecil Beaton
The story of photographer Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War II.
Boys on Film 22: Love to Love You
The latest in Peccadillo’s critically acclaimed series – now established as a leading showcase for new and emerging queefilm-makingng talent from around the world – features a fresh and exciting selection of the very best contemporary gay short films. Each self-contained drama in this diverse and thoughtfully curated collection offers fascinating and insightful new perspectives on the gay experience – sensual, affecting, sometimes provocative and always entertaining. The 8 short films are: Have We Met Before? (2019); The Act (2020); First Position. (2019); Winter [Invierno] (2021); The Suit Weareth the Man (2020); Infinite While It Lasts [Infinito Enquanto Dure] (2019); Melon Grab (2017); Thrive (2019).
National Theatre Live: Straight Line Crazy
Ariel Porter
Ralph Fiennes leads the cast in David Hare’s blazing account of the most powerful man in New York, a master manipulator whose legacy changed the city forever. For forty uninterrupted years, Robert Moses exploited those in office through a mix of charm and intimidation. Motivated at first by a determination to improve the lives of New York City’s workers, he created parks, bridges and 627 miles of expressway to connect the people to the great outdoors. Faced with resistance by protest groups campaigning for a very different idea of what the city should become, will the weakness of democracy be exposed in the face of his charismatic conviction? Broadcast live from the Bridge Theatre in London, Nicholas Hytner directs this exhilarating new play.
The Act
In 1965 - the eve of decriminalization for acts of male homosexuality in the U.K. - Matthews, a young gay man at odds with the world, discovers love, sex, and a new family in the backstreets and underground bars of Soho.
National Theatre Live: Allelujah!
Alan Bennett’s sharp and hilarious new play is ‘just what the doctor ordered’ (Daily Telegraph). Filmed live at London’s Bridge Theatre during its limited run, don’t miss this acclaimed production full of ‘singalongs and stinging wit’ (Guardian). The Beth, an old fashioned cradle-to-grave hospital serving a town in Yorkshire, is threatened with closure as part of an efficiency drive. A documentary crew, eager to capture its fight for survival, follows the daily struggle to find beds on the Dusty Springfield Geriatric Ward, and the triumphs of the old people’s choir. One of Britain’s most celebrated writers, Alan Bennett’s plays include The History Boys, The Lady in the Van and The Madness of George III, all of which were also seen on film. Allelujah! is his tenth collaboration with award-winning director Nicholas Hytner.
Леди в фургоне
История об эксцентричной лондонской старушке. Мэри Шеперд — бездомная леди, жившая в раздолбанном желтом фургоне и однажды припарковавшаяся напротив кэмденской квартиры Беннетта. Обещавшая не задерживаться больше трех месяцев, бабуля прожила под окнами писателя 15 лет, превратившись в любимицу района, местную достопримечательность и, в конечном счете, героиню пьесы Беннета 1999 года.
National Theatre Live: The Beaux Stratagem
The ‘Beaux’: Mr Aimwell and Mr Archer, two charming, dissolute young men who have blown their fortunes in giddy London. Shamed and debt-ridden, they flee to provincial Lichfield. Their ‘Stratagem’: to marry for money. Lodged at the local inn, posing as master and servant, they encounter a teeming variety of human obstacles: a crooked landlord, a fearsome highwayman, a fervent French Count, a maid on the make, a drunken husband, a furious butler, a natural healer and a strange, turbulent priest. But their greatest obstacle is love. When the Beaux meet their match in Dorinda and Mrs Sullen they are most at risk, for in love they might be truly discovered.
Восхождение Юпитер
Advocate Bob
Юпитер Джонс родилась под ночным небом, и все знаки предсказывали, что девочке предстоят великие свершения. Юпитер выросла и каждый день видит во сне звезды, но просыпается в жесткой реальности, где она работает уборщицей и моет туалеты. Личная жизнь Юпитер тоже оставляет желать лучшего, пока девушка не встречает Кейна. Кейн, бывший военный охотник, прибывает на Землю, чтобы отыскать Юпитер и раскрыть девушке ее истинное предназначение. Благодаря своим генетическим особенностям Юпитер становится претенденткой невероятного наследия, способного изменить равновесие во Вселенной.
Love Tomorrow
After an ex-ballet dancer's life is turned upside down after receiving devastating news, a chance encounter with a charismatic dancer marks the start to a fragile friendship that might turn into something more profound.
Twelfth Night
'Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.' Filled with a cast of unforgettable characters, Twelfth Night combines cruelty with high comedy and the pangs of unrequited love with some of the subtlest poetry and most exquisite songs Shakespeare ever wrote. The Globe revisits its award-winning Twelfth Night of 2002 with an all-male Original Practices production, exploring clothing, music, dance and settings possible in the Globe of around 1601. Mark Rylance reprises his performance of Olivia in Twelfth Night, 10 years after its original premiere at Middle Temple Hall and The Globe. Synopsis In the household of Olivia, two campaigns are being quietly waged - one by the lovesick lord Orsino against the heart of the indifferent Olivia; the other by an alliance of servants and hangers-on against the high-handedness of her steward, the pompous Malvolio. When Orsino engages the cross-dressed Viola to plead with Olivia on his behalf, a bittersweet chain of events follows.
Dickens in London
Young Dickens(Voice)
The life of Charles Dickens recreated using puppets, live action and animation. An experimental visualisation by Chris Newby of a pre-recorded radio drama written by Michael Eaton and directed by Jeremy Mortimer.
Яркая звезда
Mr. Severn
Фильм рассказывает историю английского поэта Джона Китса, скончавшегося в 25-летнем возрасте от чахотки. Последние три года своей жизни Джон понимал, что постепенно угасает, и именно в это время началась его романтическая связь с девушкой Фэнни Браун.
Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale
Wilfred Owen
Jeremy Paxman tells the tragic story of World War One poet Wilfred Owen.
Любители истории
Графство Йоркшир, 1983 год. Восемь выпускников средней школы, получивших высшие баллы, могут подать заявления в одно из престижнейших учебных заведений — Оксфорд или Кембридж. Однако перед поступлением они должны пройти курсы подготовки, где особый акцент делается на историю. Получить необходимые знания ученикам помогают умудренный опытом педагог Гектор, миссис Линтон и приглашенный учитель мистер Ирвин.
Миссис Хендерсон представляет
Миссис Лора Хендерсон не собирается проводить остаток дней за игрой в бридж. Она покупает театр Уиндмилл в Вест-Энде и, заручившись поддержкой неизвестного импресарио Вивиана Ван Дама, превращает его в место, где лондонцы могут забыть о бесконечных бомбежках гитлеровской авиации. Неутомимая миссис Хендерсон добивается от лорда Кромера разрешения на нечто, прежде невиданное: ее актрисы будут выступать обнаженными…
And Mrs
When a reluctant bride-to-be's fiance drops dead, she insists on going ahead with the wedding anyway - much to the bewilderment of her friends and family.