Taiga Ishino


Making F.R.I.E.N.D.s: Behind-the scenes of 'Jellyfish Eyes'
Documentary giving an extensive look into the design and development of the creatures created for artist Takashi Murakami's first feature film, Jellyfish Eyes.
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 5
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Convinced of the final outcome, a team of scientists travels back in time to stop the spread of a virus turning men into zombified rapists through society and causes them to finally uncover the source of the deadly disease which causes them to attempt to stop it before it happens again.
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 4
Special Effects Makeup Artist
In a devastated, post-apocalyptic world, all men have turned into rape demons. The only hope for the future is to travel to the past and prevent the outbreak, the source of which still remains a mystery.
The Little Match Murder Girl
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A TV reporter investigates a local story of a ghost that causes people to spontaneously combust and its relation to a woman wronged 30 years before.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A doctor and his family receive an unexpected delivery from an old friend at their remote country home - a large wooden crate containing a gun, a female zombie and an instruction sheet telling them not to feed her meat. The family is concerned, of course, but she seems harmless enough. Perhaps she can help clean up outside?
New Neighbor
Makeup Effects
A shy young secretary is intrigued by her new neighbor.
Sex & Onmyoji
Special Effects Makeup Artist
An office lady gets possessed by the vengeful spirit of Doman Ashiya and faces off against Seimei Abe's distant relative Seiko with the fate of all of Japan at stake.
Bite Me If You Love Me
Makeup Artist
A girl obsessed with zombies kills her boyfriend and turns him into a... you guessed it! Then a fat Japanese Jason Vorhees shows up and a love triangle ensues.
Underwater Love
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Asuka, a woman in her thirties, works in a lakeside fish factory. She’s about to be married to her boss, Taki. But one day, she encounters a kappa – a water sprite found in Japanese folklore – and learns that the creature is in fact the reborn form of Aoki, an old crush who’d drowned to death when they were 17.
GeishaCop: Fearsome Geisha Corps - Go to Hell
Makeup Artist
Spin-off short film to RoboGeisha, A woman infiltrates Kageno Steel Manufacturers to unravel their plot to take over Japan.
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl
Special Effects Makeup Artist
High school student Mizushima receives Valentines Day chocolates from the new student, Monami. Little did she know that the chocolates contained traces of Monami's vampire blood. He gets infected from eating them and Monami confesses that she wants to live with him forever as vampires. Meanwhile, Mizushima decides that he wants to fully become a vampire with Monami's help. Keiko, Mizushima's girl friend, sees the two on the school rooftop kissing and in a state of hysteria, attempts to throw Monami off the roof but falls off herself instead. Keiko dies but her father, Kenji Furano, the mad scientist, resurrects her as Franken girl. Thus begins a deadly combat between Franken Keiko and Vampire Monami in the name of love.
Откровение любви
Special Effects Makeup Artist
О чём мечтает подросток в самом расцвете сил? Конечно же о любви! О чём думает подросток у которого папа после смерти мамы стал священником, и теперь бедному парню нужно признаваться в своих грехах, которых он не совершал?
Токийская полиция крови
В недалеком будущем токийская полиция превратилась в независимую корпорацию, полностью перейдя в частное владение и получив неограниченную свободу действий. Преступный мир также эволюционировал. Токио наводнен ордами убийц-мутантов, которые модифицируют свои тела, превращая их в смертоносное оружие. Их называют «инженерами». Неизвестно откуда они пришли и каковы их цели. Известно лишь то, что ранения, нанесенные им, со страшной скоростью мутируют, обрастая клыками, шипами, бензопилами. Всему этому противостоит длинноногая офицерша полиции Рука, которая, заодно, пытается раскрыть тайну убийства своего отца.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Ами — дерзкая, но во всём остальном обычная школьница, которая пытается вести нормальную жизнь. Но её мир рушится, когда она узнает, что её брат и его друг были убиты беспощадными хулиганами. Ами находит их главаря и с удивлением узнаёт, что они связаны со зловещей семьёй ниндзя якудзы. Ами теряет руку; заменяя её различными «инструментами смерти», она планирует месть…