Norman England

Norman England


Norman England


Nezura 1964
A biopic based on the production of Daiei's Giant Horde Beast Nezura, the scrapped precursor to Gamera.
The Great Buddha: Arrival
An all-star reboot of the lost classic 1934 film, The Giant Buddha Statue's Travel Through The Country, made with the cooperation of director Yoshiro Edamasa's grandson. From Japan, a modern kaiju story based on what may be the first kaiju film.
The Great Buddha: Arrival
An all-star reboot of the lost classic 1934 film, The Giant Buddha Statue's Travel Through The Country, made with the cooperation of director Yoshiro Edamasa's grandson. From Japan, a modern kaiju story based on what may be the first kaiju film.
Still Photographer
Следуя таинственной карте, три американских туриста в поисках древнего храма проникают глубоко в японские джунгли. Когда путники столкнутся с духами, приключение превратится в ужасный кошмар.
Nuigulumar Z
A gothic lolita merges with a teddy bear to fight zombies and save the world.
New Neighbor
A shy young secretary is intrigued by her new neighbor.
New Neighbor
A shy young secretary is intrigued by her new neighbor.
New Neighbor
A shy young secretary is intrigued by her new neighbor.
Cold Fish - Original Japanese Poster - Its Creation, Influences And Film Posters In General
A look at the creation of the original Japanese poster for Cold Fish. This segment is also conducted by filmmaker Norman England.
Cold Fish - Original Japanese Poster - Its Creation, Influences And Film Posters In General
A look at the creation of the original Japanese poster for Cold Fish. This segment is also conducted by filmmaker Norman England.
A Ramble Through Cold Fish And Its Genesis With Scriptwriter Yoshiki Takahashi And Filmmaker Norman England
In this very long and very informative video interview, co-writer Yoshiki Takahashi explains how he got involved with Cold Fish and discusses his preparation of the script, the case that apparently inspired the film, the main characters, etc. The interview is conducted by filmmaker Norman England.
A Ramble Through Cold Fish And Its Genesis With Scriptwriter Yoshiki Takahashi And Filmmaker Norman England
In this very long and very informative video interview, co-writer Yoshiki Takahashi explains how he got involved with Cold Fish and discusses his preparation of the script, the case that apparently inspired the film, the main characters, etc. The interview is conducted by filmmaker Norman England.
Reflections With Jake Adelstein
In this video interview, Jake Adelstein (author of "Tokyo Vice" and the newspaper reports "Saitama Dog Lovers Serial Disappearances" and "Saitama Dog Lovers Serial Murders") discusses the case that inspired Cold Fish.
Токийская полиция крови
Bar Patron (uncredited)
В недалеком будущем токийская полиция превратилась в независимую корпорацию, полностью перейдя в частное владение и получив неограниченную свободу действий. Преступный мир также эволюционировал. Токио наводнен ордами убийц-мутантов, которые модифицируют свои тела, превращая их в смертоносное оружие. Их называют «инженерами». Неизвестно откуда они пришли и каковы их цели. Известно лишь то, что ранения, нанесенные им, со страшной скоростью мутируют, обрастая клыками, шипами, бензопилами. Всему этому противостоит длинноногая офицерша полиции Рука, которая, заодно, пытается раскрыть тайну убийства своего отца.
Bringing Godzilla Down to Size: The Art of Japanese Special Effects
A look at the unrecognized work of the talented artists and craftsmen who've maintained the tradition of Japanese special-effects. Highlighted is Yasuyuki Inoue along with various crew members who crafted meticulously detailed miniatures and risked life and limb as suit actors. All done to bring to life some of film's most iconic monsters through a distinct Japanese artform.
The iDol
Ken is a mild-mannered man in his mid-twenties who like many his age has interests that stopped developing during adolescence. On a visit to a local toy collectors shop he acquires a rare alien action figure. Unexpectedly, Ken's world is turned inside out as the somewhat silly looking toy alters his life by benevolently giving him everything he has ever dreamed of, and then callously taking it all back...
The iDol
Ken is a mild-mannered man in his mid-twenties who like many his age has interests that stopped developing during adolescence. On a visit to a local toy collectors shop he acquires a rare alien action figure. Unexpectedly, Ken's world is turned inside out as the somewhat silly looking toy alters his life by benevolently giving him everything he has ever dreamed of, and then callously taking it all back...
The iDol
Ken is a mild-mannered man in his mid-twenties who like many his age has interests that stopped developing during adolescence. On a visit to a local toy collectors shop he acquires a rare alien action figure. Unexpectedly, Ken's world is turned inside out as the somewhat silly looking toy alters his life by benevolently giving him everything he has ever dreamed of, and then callously taking it all back...
Тетрадь смерти
FBI Agent
В основном сюжет вертится вокруг студента старшей школы Ягами Лайта, который решил освободить мир от зла с помощью сверхъестественной «Тетради Смерти». Если написать настоящее имя человека в эту тетрадь, то он умрёт. Однако одного имени недостаточно: необходимо знать также и внешность жертвы. Ягами Лайт начинает массовые убийства преступников по всему миру с помощью этой тетради, но его берётся остановить таинственный детектив «L».
Годзилла, Мотра, Мехагодзилла: Спасите Токио
Sgt Woodyard
Прошел год после битвы Годзиллы с Механической Годзиллой. И вот новое предупреждение: японцы должны вернуть океану все, что они сохранили от первого нашествия Годзиллы. И кости, и органические ткани, — абсолютно все, вплоть до молекул ДНК, необходимо отправить в бездну вод, чтобы получить шанс на спокойную жизнь. Предупреждение это исходит от другого легендарного монстра — от Мотры, которая всегда была лютым врагом Годзиллы. И Годзилла не заставляет себя долго ждать: чудовище выходит из моря, чтобы сразиться с Мотрой и с Меха-Годзиллой…
Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies
Set in a future dystopia where teenaged girls begin dying for no apparent reason -- and often in an elated, chronically happy state of mind. One of these girls, Stacy, is back from the dead, however, and she's ready to gorge herself on human flesh. As more and more teenage-girl zombies begin to feast on the living, the people of Japan brace themselves and try to find a way to end the madness.