

I'm Sure Tomorrow...
Youth fantasy love story starring idol Kazue Fukiishi.
Party 7
Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?
Living Hell
Family is the source of all evil, in this aspiring horror film which traces its descent from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre gore and the atmospheric Hammer films. Chiyo, an old woman and her granddaughter, Yuki, are the sole survivors of a horrendous crime which wipes out an entire family. They find solace under the roof of far-removed relatives. The family's son, confined to a wheelchair, has a terrible premonition when the two women arrive, which will be verified in the most horrifying way. Because, when the house is empty, the boy is made to suffer sadistic games at the women mercy, which become more and more violent making his life a living hell... Written by Leo Urbina
Following some trauma in her past that has since been repressed, a young woman is trying to recover her memories with the help of a psychiatrist. During her hypnosis sessions, she repeats the name "Tomie" but is unable to recall where she knows it from. Meanwhile, a police detective is investigating a string of brutal murders, where he also runs across the name "Tomie." How are the two connected?
Апрельская история
Saeko Sono
История молодой девушки, отправившейся учиться в Токио. Она не привыкла к жизни в большом городе. Она общается с ребятами из университета, покупает новый велосипед, и восхищается запахом цветущей вишни. Юзуки знакомится со своей соседкой и вскоре они становятся подругами. Она застенчива на занятиях, она смущается, когда преподаватель спрашивает, почему она выбрала именно этот университет. Девушка вступает в клуб ужения на муху. И, наконец, ей нравится длинноволосый молодой человек, работающий в местном книжном магазине.