Stephen Shin

Stephen Shin

Рождение : , Hongkong, China


Stephen Shin


On Wings of Eagles
Eric Liddell - China's first gold medalist and one of Scotland's greatest athletes - returns to war-torn China.
On Wings of Eagles
Eric Liddell - China's first gold medalist and one of Scotland's greatest athletes - returns to war-torn China.
On Wings of Eagles
Eric Liddell - China's first gold medalist and one of Scotland's greatest athletes - returns to war-torn China.
Китай, время правления династии Танг. Главная героиня — убийца, влюбившаяся в человека, которого ей приказано убить.
The Meaning of Life
Obstetrician Joey Fong helps childless couple Shiu and Lan kidnap an unloved child and then decides she wants to have a baby with heartless news reporter husband Terrence.
The Great Conqueror's Concubine
Insurrection deposes the tyrannical first emperor of China during the evil Qin Dynasty. Warrior/general Xiang Yu and the cunning peasant Liu Pang join forces to win through civil war. Xiang Yu's weakness for Lady Yu combine with Liu Pang's treachery result in Liu founding the legendary Han dynasty
The Great Conqueror's Concubine
Insurrection deposes the tyrannical first emperor of China during the evil Qin Dynasty. Warrior/general Xiang Yu and the cunning peasant Liu Pang join forces to win through civil war. Xiang Yu's weakness for Lady Yu combine with Liu Pang's treachery result in Liu founding the legendary Han dynasty
Taxi Hunter
Kin (Anthony Wong) is a hard-working insurance salesman with a very pregnant wife. When his wife starts haemorrhaging, he calls a taxi, but it leaves when someone else offers more money. After his wife dies, Kin vows to get revenge on all taxi drivers by taking them out one at a time.
Дзен меча
Cредние века. Одна правящая династия сменяет другую всего за какие-то пару лет, и свергнутая принцесса вместе со своими двумя генералами спасаются бегством, унося с собой алмазную флейту, которая по преданиям принесет богатство тому, кто сможет раскрыть ее секрет. Спасаясь от нынешнего воинственного императора, они набредают на затерянную долину, где живет еще одна свергнутая королевская династия, управляет которой героиня Кары Хуи. Она учит своего племянника «девяти стойкам меча», которые непременно принесут их династии победу в скором будущем. Но наследный принц влюбляется в заблудшую принцессу, и, мало того, что учеба отходит на второй план, за принцессой гонятся королевские войска, представляющие серьезную угрозу для тихого существования этой долины.
Second to None
Businessman marries his company's mainland representative. Trouble is, he already has a wife and family back in Hong Kong!
Черная кошка 2
После событий первого фильма прошло некоторое время. Натренированную убийцу Черную Кошку хотят сделать еще более универсальной, для чего вживляют в мозг микрочип, дающий ей новые возможности и позволяющий создателям легко ее отключать с помощью обычного брелка с кнопкой. Первым заданием «обновленной» Кошки становится охота за двумя русскими террористами, планирующими покушение на президента Ельцина, и ее новым напарником становится ЦРУшник, вместе с которым Кошка едет в Москву по следам убийцы.
Черная кошка 2
После событий первого фильма прошло некоторое время. Натренированную убийцу Черную Кошку хотят сделать еще более универсальной, для чего вживляют в мозг микрочип, дающий ей новые возможности и позволяющий создателям легко ее отключать с помощью обычного брелка с кнопкой. Первым заданием «обновленной» Кошки становится охота за двумя русскими террористами, планирующими покушение на президента Ельцина, и ее новым напарником становится ЦРУшник, вместе с которым Кошка едет в Москву по следам убийцы.
Best of the Best
The son of a crooked cop follows in his father's footsteps. He joins an elite group of cops known as the "Flying Tigers" and there learns the true meaning of justice.
Heart Against Hearts
George Lam and Carol Cheng play a couple who finally settle down after a long-running love marathon. Their troubles begin when George loses his job and becomes a house-husband, while Carol and daughter (Vivian Chow) become the breadwinners of the family.
Heart Against Hearts
George Lam and Carol Cheng play a couple who finally settle down after a long-running love marathon. Their troubles begin when George loses his job and becomes a house-husband, while Carol and daughter (Vivian Chow) become the breadwinners of the family.
Клетка тигра 3
Сложное и запутанное дело расследует отдел преступлений и непосредственно офицер Джеймс и Джон. Сложность заключается в том, что агенты подозревают влиятельное лицо, которого зовут Ли. После серии «подстав» и организованного кем-то покушения на Джеймса, дело и вовсе закрывают по приказу «сверху». Только через полгода напарники догадываются, кто стоит за этими событиями. Теперь ими движет месть и жажда справедливости….
Dreams of Glory, A Boxer's Story
Two up-and-coming young fighters struggle to reach the top of their sport and survive the difficulties of life outside the ring. An inspirational drama with exciting boxing footage.
Серия страшных и странных убийств в портовом районе Гонконга заставляет полицию начать расследование. Личность убийцы и его мотивы неизвестны. Запутанное дело поручают инспектору Янг. Загадочная татуировка на спине из убитых дает инспектору неожиданный ключ к разгадке таинственных преступлений.
His Fatal Ways
A righteous straight-laced China Public Security officer with supernatural powers is sent to Hong Kong to catch two ruthless thieves. His police tactics proves hilarious when he teams up with his Hong Kong counterpart.
Черная кошка
Кетрин, оказавшись на чужбине, перебивается разовыми заработками. Оказавшись свидетелем «разборки», она случайно убивает офицера полиции, и тяжело раненая, попадает в полицейский госпиталь, где на ее хорошие физические данные обращает внимание офицер Брайан. Против воли ей вшивают специальную плату, превращающую ее в послушного исполнителя чужой воли. Теперь она спецагент, она — «Черная Кошка».
Черная кошка
Кетрин, оказавшись на чужбине, перебивается разовыми заработками. Оказавшись свидетелем «разборки», она случайно убивает офицера полиции, и тяжело раненая, попадает в полицейский госпиталь, где на ее хорошие физические данные обращает внимание офицер Брайан. Против воли ей вшивают специальную плату, превращающую ее в послушного исполнителя чужой воли. Теперь она спецагент, она — «Черная Кошка».
Will of Iron
Maggie came back to Hong Kong and gathered her grandmother back to Vancouver for good. She took this opportunity to bunch up with her boyfriend Michael, best friends Jackie and his wife Carol. Although Michael convinced her that the couple had moved to Macau, incidentally they met each other on the street. Maggie couldn't believe her own bare eyes that Jackie was already addicted to cocaine. And the most absurd fact that Michael was the drug dealer himself. Jackie owed the mob a great deal of money; and one of the gangster, Chau Sung was determined to force Jackie to the corner.
При исполнении 6: Тайный арсенал
Гонконгская женщина-полицейский объединяется с двумя другими полицейскими, один из Тайваня, а другой с материкового Китая, чтобы обезвредить опасный синдикат нелегально производящий и реализующий оружие...
The Perfect Match
George Lam is a famous conductor, Maggie Cheung an auto-mechanic; he rides a portable bicycle, she a motorcycle. Somehow, together, they find time to deal with some troublesome teens (Jacky Cheung, Vivian Chow) and fall in love.
The Perfect Match
George Lam is a famous conductor, Maggie Cheung an auto-mechanic; he rides a portable bicycle, she a motorcycle. Somehow, together, they find time to deal with some troublesome teens (Jacky Cheung, Vivian Chow) and fall in love.
BB 30
A romantic comedy starring Kenny Bee as a not-so-hot but righteous lawyer and Carol Cheng as a beautiful doctor who is called upon as an opposing witness in several court cases. Their love affair goes through numerous bumps for an entertaining climax.
BB 30
A romantic comedy starring Kenny Bee as a not-so-hot but righteous lawyer and Carol Cheng as a beautiful doctor who is called upon as an opposing witness in several court cases. Their love affair goes through numerous bumps for an entertaining climax.
A Bite of Love
A vampire is repulsed by the thought of killing in order to stay alive. He becomes the local blood bank's best customer. However, when the bank runs out of blood, he must take a hard look at his situation.
A Bite of Love
A vampire is repulsed by the thought of killing in order to stay alive. He becomes the local blood bank's best customer. However, when the bank runs out of blood, he must take a hard look at his situation.
При исполнении 5: Посредник
Морской пехотинец Дэвид, двоюродный брат крутой полицейской дамы Янг, во время служебного отпуска оказывается втянутым в международный скандал со шпионажем. Сестра помогает ему скрываться от мафии, полиции и ЦРУ, попутно выясняя, чьи грехи повесили на Дэвида.
Heart Into Hearts
Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?
Heart Into Hearts
Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?
Happy Together
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
Happy Together
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
Happy Together
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
При исполнении 4: Свидетель
Двое американских полицейских расследуют дело о поставке через ЦРУ наркотиков. При исполнении погибает их напарник, и единственным подозреваемым и свидетелем одновременно становится рабочий доков, которому перед смертью убитый отдает пленку с компроматом на высокопоставленных лиц. Тот, правда, теряет ее, и поэтому совсем не понимает, что от него хотят как полиция, так и наемные убийцы мафии, от которых он еле успевает отбиваться.
При исполнении 4: Свидетель
Двое американских полицейских расследуют дело о поставке через ЦРУ наркотиков. При исполнении погибает их напарник, и единственным подозреваемым и свидетелем одновременно становится рабочий доков, которому перед смертью убитый отдает пленку с компроматом на высокопоставленных лиц. Тот, правда, теряет ее, и поэтому совсем не понимает, что от него хотят как полиция, так и наемные убийцы мафии, от которых он еле успевает отбиваться.
The Nobles
Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?
Funny Ghost
A woman seeks protection from a very mischievous ghost.
Unfaithfully Yours
Ng Yu Hon, a henpecked husband, takes a moral holiday each year. This year he falls for his Chief Accountant. Maggie Shaw and decides to take her along to Hokkaido under the pretext of business. Ng's nalive petty clerk in the Hokkaido branch. Lau Szu-hin, a cousin to Ng's wife Tan Niu, is under pressure to arrange this for his boss. Subsequently, impressed by Maggie's serious working attitude, he decides to get her out of this clutches.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World III
The Biu Family collects their lottery winnings in Canada and returns to Hong Kong to start a new life together, minus the second daughter due to a family quarrel of her involvement with her boyfriend. After Mrs. Biu shows off her money to her old friends at her bank, she loses it all in a robbery. Now, void of their new found wealth, the Biu Family must start over from scratch again.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World III
The Biu Family collects their lottery winnings in Canada and returns to Hong Kong to start a new life together, minus the second daughter due to a family quarrel of her involvement with her boyfriend. After Mrs. Biu shows off her money to her old friends at her bank, she loses it all in a robbery. Now, void of their new found wealth, the Biu Family must start over from scratch again.
Love Me and My Dad
Love Me and My Dad
При исполнении 3
Двое вооруженных грабителей проникают на выставку всемирно известного ювелира Ямато в Токио и крадут самые ценные экспонаты. Ограбление заканчивается убийством — грабители стреляют в помощника инспектора полиции. Кто стоит за этим дерзким ограблением, может, сам ювелир? Следы преступников ведут в Гонконг, и полицейские двух стран объединяются против общего врага.
When Tat Fu Was Young
In 1913, 17-year-old Dafu travels from China to Japan to study. Japan is on the rise, a nation of proud people. China, on the other hand, is in turmoil. Dafu takes his demanding courses and racial discrimination in stride, but he finds his nascent manhood difficult to handle. In a hot-springs spa, he meets Lung Erh, his dream girl, but she soon disappears.
Heart to Hearts
The first of the three titles in the screwball Hong Kong "Hearts" series. Alex, a creative director, temporarily fills in as conductor for a choir. Two playful kids give him a big headache. One of them is Wei Man. Her mother is a neurotic single parent. She believes that Alex has an illicit desire towards Man and nearly takes him to task for it. She eventually discovers that Alex is a gentleman and mutual attraction blossoms into a love affair. Soon after, Alex's ex-girlfriend comes back to him, wanting to patch up their relationship. He is torn and must decide between the two.
Heart to Hearts
The first of the three titles in the screwball Hong Kong "Hearts" series. Alex, a creative director, temporarily fills in as conductor for a choir. Two playful kids give him a big headache. One of them is Wei Man. Her mother is a neurotic single parent. She believes that Alex has an illicit desire towards Man and nearly takes him to task for it. She eventually discovers that Alex is a gentleman and mutual attraction blossoms into a love affair. Soon after, Alex's ex-girlfriend comes back to him, wanting to patch up their relationship. He is torn and must decide between the two.
Student Union
Клетка тигра
Специальный отдел полиции готовит разоблачение крупной банды, но каждый раз бандитам удается ускользнуть сквозь расставленные сети. Становится ясно, что происходит утечка информации внутри отдела, а вскоре известен и информатор. Это Майк – начальник отдела, а точнее тот, кто возглавляет банду. Пытаясь уйти от возмездия, Майк организует серию убийств, убирая свидетелей. Он действует, как затравленный ТИГР. Остановить его можно, только загнав в КЛЕТКУ…
Double Fattiness
Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.
Easy Money
Millionaire playgirl Ling Young (Michelle Yeoh) spends her free time staging elaborate heists -- not for the money but for the thrill of getting away with it. As part of her latest plan, Ling recruits a team of professionals from around the world to steal billions from an armored car on a Hong Kong highway. Lucky for Ling, the insurance man (George Lam) hired to bring her to justice is too smitten to stay objective.
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.
Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind
Interpol officer
A sociopathic beauty urges three nerdy pranksters to embark on a deranged rampage.
The Happenings
Editor Liang Fan
A group of teenagers stop at a service station after a leaving a disco. In a fight resulting from their inability to pay, the staff on duty are killed by the group, which leads to a desperate night of cat and mouse with the police.