Sound Editor
Madeline's oil is a moving short film that follows the turning point in the lives of the 1800's Louisiana family. The strong heroine of the family does whatever it takes to save her daughter Madeline. Part American Western drama and part complex family saga, Madeline's oil delves into deep topics like love, racism, death, hate and dysfunction with realistic dialogue and lovable characters. It's a film that is sure to leave a lasting impression on audience members of all ages.
Henley's Frat Boy #4
Команда лучших иллюзионистов мира проворачивает дерзкие ограбления прямо во время своих шоу, играя в кошки-мышки с агентами ФБР.
Сюжет сталкивает доброго ученого, разрабатывающего искусственный интеллект в гуманистических целях, с могущественной корпорацией, использующей его наработки в качестве вооружения. Кибернетик крадет одного из готовых роботов, который после серии злоключений и поломок теряется, а потом находится одиннадцатилетним сыном матери-одиночки, который его и восстанавливает. Следом новоиспеченные друзья спасают ученого и мать от тюрьмы.
A journalist, his girlfriend and the obligatory group of hard-partying teens are butchered by a masked psycho near a lake.
A journalist, his girlfriend and the obligatory group of hard-partying teens are butchered by a masked psycho near a lake.
Молодая пара Дэвид и Эмма Нэш переезжают в недавно приобретённый дом. Однако, радость от новоселья продолжается недолго, а желание супругов видеть в доме воплощение своих мечтаний и уютную обитель совсем скоро сменяется настоящим кошмаром.
Billy Means
Действие картины разворачивается в начале восьмидесятых. Девятнадцатилетний паренек из маленького городка в Техасе и его друзья оказываются вовлеченными в череду драматических событий, которая заставляет их по-новому взглянуть на жизнь.
During the American Civil War, five northern POWs make the decision to escape the war by hijacking a hot air balloon. Drifting through the night, they wake to find themselves marooned on a desert island, but they aren't alone.
Henry Richards
When her father seemingly goes missing, divorcee Laura LeCrois is forced to return home after a 20-year hiatus. However, home is not the way Laura remembers it. Her father is in major debt with the bank, her ex-boyfriend is the town sheriff, and her ex-husband has quit his job as a world-renowned professor who is now suspiciously buying up swampland in the area. In an effort to save the swamp and to pass the time, Laura decides to work the dying family business giving boat tours of the Louisiana swamp. But on her first sunset tour, deep in the swamp, Laura and her passengers witness two Bayou swamp rats toss a squirming body into a gator pit, only the gators aren't the ones that feast on the flesh. Instead it's the most terrifying creature Laura has ever seen...(IMDB,com)
When her father seemingly goes missing, divorcee Laura LeCrois is forced to return home after a 20-year hiatus. However, home is not the way Laura remembers it. Her father is in major debt with the bank, her ex-boyfriend is the town sheriff, and her ex-husband has quit his job as a world-renowned professor who is now suspiciously buying up swampland in the area. In an effort to save the swamp and to pass the time, Laura decides to work the dying family business giving boat tours of the Louisiana swamp. But on her first sunset tour, deep in the swamp, Laura and her passengers witness two Bayou swamp rats toss a squirming body into a gator pit, only the gators aren't the ones that feast on the flesh. Instead it's the most terrifying creature Laura has ever seen...(IMDB,com)
Старинный стилос жрецов вуду обладает способностью вызывать гигантскую змею, наводящую ужас на подростков, приехавших на каникулы в провинциальный городок. Только военный ветеринар и охотник способны остановить убийцу.
Sergeant John Lee
In the midst of World War 2, a OSS officer leads a group of female pilots on a mission to deliver a secret weapon, only to crash land on an island in the Pacific after an encounter with a deadly storm. On the island, they must not only contend with a small band of Japanese soldiers but the native inhabitants of the island as well - vicious prehistoric Pterodons.