Bill Devlin

Bill Devlin

Рождение : 1961-10-18, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA


Bill Devlin (comedian, actor and writer) was born and raised in St. Paul Minnesota. The youngest of eight children in an Irish Catholic community, serves as fodder in a good deal of Devlin's reservoir of comedy. In addition to touring around the country, Bill has also performed stand up comedy at all the major comedy clubs in Southern California. ...


Bill Devlin


Celluloid Soul
Patrick Fischer
Monty meets an actress from a 1939 movie who looks exactly like she did then, complete with a black and white hue, specks of dust and vertical scratches throughout her face and body.
Rage of Innocence
A psychologically disturbed teenager will go to any lengths necessary to dissuade her single mother from dating.
Mr. Perillo
После непредумышленного убийства отчима, который по пьяне пытался изнасиловать несовершеннолетнюю Анну, она попадает в колонию для несовершеннолетних, на 4 года. Там, пытаясь отстоять свою независимость, она подвергается террору со стороны белых сук, черных сук и извращенца, начальника тюрьмы.
Fat Cop
В мистическую дату появляется на свет подозрительный младенец Себастьян, который, едва родившись, убивает всех акушеров в палате. Доказательств причастности грудничка к побоищу у полиции конечно не оказывается, и его с матерью и отцом отпускают домой. Впрочем вкусить родительские радости им не удаётся — число загадочных смертей вокруг зловещего пупсика продолжает расти. К тому же, как выясняется, ребёнка хочет выкрасть с неясными целями один подозрительный тип.
The God Complex
The God Complex is a comedy re-telling of the silliest stories in the Bible, and with a touch of logic, made just a bit sillier.
The Wrath
Roger Hart
In the mid 1800's a family fortune is hidden deep in a cave in what is now Griffith Park, CA and a terrifying netherworld beast is tasked to guard it. Forward to present day and the lone surviving heir goes in search encountering perils and dangers that lie in wait for her along the way.
Valveeta Williams
Waldo Williams returns from his Tijuana vacation to find out that he had become infected by the Notorious Mexican Butt Humping Bullfrog. After being diagnosed by his proctologist with just days to live, Waldo seeks the help of the mysterious Japanese specialist, Dr. Wansamsaki, who treats Waldo with his unorthodox methods, which involve a long nuclear rod. The next day, Waldo’s rear end starts glowing a bright green – and that’s only the beginning. Within days, Waldo’s rear end develops a mind of its own, becoming capable of breaking away in the middle of the night, committing a mur­der or two and then returning before morning, leaving a fecal trail that leads right to Waldo’s bedroom.
Waldo Williams
Waldo Williams returns from his Tijuana vacation to find out that he had become infected by the Notorious Mexican Butt Humping Bullfrog. After being diagnosed by his proctologist with just days to live, Waldo seeks the help of the mysterious Japanese specialist, Dr. Wansamsaki, who treats Waldo with his unorthodox methods, which involve a long nuclear rod. The next day, Waldo’s rear end starts glowing a bright green – and that’s only the beginning. Within days, Waldo’s rear end develops a mind of its own, becoming capable of breaking away in the middle of the night, committing a mur­der or two and then returning before morning, leaving a fecal trail that leads right to Waldo’s bedroom.