Клейтон Пул , телемастер из маленького городка Мидвейла, с детства безнадёжно влюблён в Карлу Неплз , ставшую кинозвездой Голливуда. И когда Карла попросила его на время съёмок очередного блокбастера присмотреть за её новорожденным ребёнком, он с готовностью согласился. Знал бы он, какой сюрприз его ждёт! Справился ли Клейтон с ролью няни и как он стал героем Мидвейла вы узнаете, посмотрев этот смешной и трогательный фильм.
Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang.
When Larry Larkin's comic strip needs some freshening up, he calls in ghost-writer Francis X. Dignan to help him with the strip. Things get complicated when Francis rekindles his love for his ex-wife, who happens to be Larkin's secretary and soon-to-be wife.
Vaudeville entertainer Eddie Foy, who has vowed to forever keep his act a solo, falls in love with and marries Italian ballerina Madeleine. While they continue to tour the circuit, they begin a family and before long have seven little Foys to clutter the wings. After tragedy threatens to stall Eddie's career, he comes to realize that his little terrors are worth their weight in gold. - Chris Stone
When an aspiring barber becomes inadvertently involved in the theft of a valuable diamond, necessity forces him to masquerade as a 12 year-old child - with humorous consequences.
Jerry and Pete are two friends with no money and are looking for a job. They finally find employment working in a circus, but Jerry has different dreams. He wants to become a clown.
Гомер Флагг - железнодорожный рабочий в маленьком городке Пустынная Дыра, Нью-Мексико. Его самая большая мечта - посетить Нью-Йорк, пока молод. Однажды он находит заброшенный автомобиль на старой атомном полигоне. Его врач и лучший друг Стив Харрис диагностирует у него радиационное отравление и дает ему три недели жизни. Репортер нью-йоркской газеты, услышав о тяжелом положении Гомера, убеждает своего редактора оплатить Гомеру поездку в Нью-Йорк и все расходы, чтобы сбылась его мечта. Стив, однако, понимает, что сделал ошибку, и Гомер страдает совсем от другого.
A husband and wife act are hoping to find success on Broadway.
Three young ladies sign up for some kind of training at a naval base. However, their greatest trouble isn't long marches or several weeks in a small boat, but their love life.
Drummer Stanley Maxton moves to Los Angeles with dreams of opening his own club, but falls in with a gangster and a nightclub dancer and ends up accused of murder.
In 1924, stage-struck Boston blueblood Hannah Adams picks up musical star Tim O'Connor and takes him home for dinner. One thing leads to another, and when Tim's show rolls on to Chicago a new Mrs. O'Connor comes along as incompetent chorus girl. Hollywood beckons, and we follow the star careers of the O'Connor family in silents and talkies.
Простой сюжет, но оживленный яркими диалогами, так как жены оркестрантов совершают поступки не только полные любви, но и коварства на протяжении путешествия оркестра.
Rebecca's Uncle Harry leaves her with Aunt Miranda who forbids her to associate with show people. But neighbor Anthony Kent is a talent scout who secretly set it up for her to broadcast.