Documentary charting and celebrating five decades of often groundbreaking, boundary-pushing comedy from BBC Two.
Sub Rosa observes the 8 year old Tilda, she lives with her grandmother who runs a flower shop. The young girl roams around freely and discovers a world of indecent activities lurking behind the flower store walls.
Heather is a shy lady who works in a helpline call centre. When she receives a phone call from a mystery man, she has no idea that the encounter will change her life forever.
Woman in Pub
Жизнь таксиста Джона Смита удалась! Он — самый счастливый человек на земле и перспективы на будущее у него самые радужные. Все меняется в одночасье, когда при защите бездомной женщины от хулиганов его избивают. Джон не приходит вечером домой, и его жена Стефани обращается в полицию. Проблема в том, что одновременно в полицию обращается. .. его другая жена Мишель! Теперь Джону нужно приложить все усилия, чтобы полиция не узнала о его двоеженстве. Но есть задача и посложнее: не дать женам понять, что муж у них — один на двоих.
Great Aunt Greta
Сорванец Генри — главный хулиган в школе. Его боятся одноклассники и родители. Но когда коварный злодей Вик фон Морщини решает захватить школу, где учится проказник, оказывается, что только Генри может противостоять коварному злоумышленнику.
Sybil Fawlty / herself
30 years after Fawlty Towers (1975) ended, Stephen Fry narrates a documentary about the making of this classic sitcom.
Dolly Keeling
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
Lady Moping
Satirical drama by Evelyn Waugh, adapted by Sam Hobkinson. Visiting her father Lord Moping in the county asylum, Angela meets a fellow inmate who appears far too sane to be locked up in an institution. She manages to get him released, but he returns two hours later, having achieved a terrible ambition.
Fawlty Towers Revisited features the 80-minute, 30th anniversary retrospective TV special on one of the world’s funniest and best-loved comedies, as well as an additional 10 minutes of behind-the-scenes stories and recollections from recent interviews with Fawlty Towers’ cast and crew.
Sheila and Bri share their struggles as they raise a severely handicapped daughter in this recorded performance of the play by Peter Nicholls. Broadcast on BBC4 in 2002.
Queen Victoria
At a rural railway station in Victorian England, Jim is a spunky Jack Russell Terrier who escapes his mean master at the circus, and is soon befriended by station porter Bob and lonely orphan Henry. His performing feats soon become a local attraction, and before long he's in the middle of a battle to save the local orphanage.
Teenager James Greville has lived in children's homes his whole life, so he is surprised when a Great Uncle invites him to his country manor for a holiday. While exploring the sprawling Greville Lodge he soon discovers that it has many secrets.
Dr. Minny Stinkler
When her TV star husband Alex decides to divorce her so that he can start a career in politics, newly single mother Maddy goes shoplifting and ends up in jail. Losing custody of her infant child, Maddy hatches a scheme to break out of prison with the assistance of her friend Gillian, who's avoiding the law herself for credit card fraud. Now Maddy has to find the couple who have adopted her son and avoid falling in love with selfish Alex all over again.
Lady Markby
Rising politician Robert Chiltern once sold secret information and is now being blackmailed by Laura Cheveley. She has proof, and it will damage his career and marriage severely. Chiltern calls in the help of his friend Arthur Goring.
Aunt Agnes
Эмили созрела для замужества. Ее тетушка Агнес, хоть и была старой девой, понимала неотвратимость этого события. И тут - очень кстати - приезжает брат Эмили со своим другом Седриком, который может стать достойным мужем Эмили. Но Седрик проявляет чрезмерную нерешительность, тогда как Джордж не упускает своего. Тетушка Агнес вынуждена принимать срочные меры, однако ее затея оборачивается совершенно неожиданной стороной и пробуждает дремлющие чувства не только в окружающих, но и в ней самой…
In front of a celebrity audience Johnny Speight's bigoted comic creation Alf Garnett (played by Warren Mitchell) vents his spleen on all manner of sensitive subjects. He makes political correctness take a back seat as he gives his opinions on race relations, football, life, the government, sex, drugs and much more.
Miss Bates
Эмма Вудхаус, красивая, умная и самонадеянная особа, уверена, что замуж не выйдет никогда. Ей веселее и приятнее обустраивать личное счастье близких людей, и на это у нее, по ее собственному глубокому убеждению, есть особый дар. Свояк и добрый друг Вудхаусов мистер Найтли не одобряет пристрастий девушки, но Эмма все же берется устроить брак своей новой подруги Харриет Смит и викария мистера Элтона…
Sara Turing
A biography of the English mathematician Alan Turing, who was one of the inventors of the digital computer and one of the key figures in the breaking of the Enigma code, used by the Germans to send secret orders to their U-boats in World War II. Turing was also a homosexual in Britain at a time when this was illegal, besides being a security risk.
Comedy drama. Retired Lord Chancellor Bill Webster decides to sell his memoirs to a tabloid newspaper in order to save his crumbling Cornish house. The Prime Minister wants to stop him as he believes the government will fall if his book is published. One of Bill's old girlfriends, now the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, is sent to try and stop him, but also on his trail is a tabloid journalist who senses a scoop.
Comedy drama. Retired Lord Chancellor Bill Webster decides to sell his memoirs to a tabloid newspaper in order to save his crumbling Cornish house. The Prime Minister wants to stop him as he believes the government will fall if his book is published. One of Bill's old girlfriends, now the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, is sent to try and stop him, but also on his trail is a tabloid journalist who senses a scoop.
Ливерпуль. 1947 год. Театральная труппа планирует постановку целой серии спектаклей в местном театре. Юная Стелла, выросшая без родителей под опекой восторженного дяди Вернона, горячего поклонника театра, поступает на сцену статисткой и без памяти влюбляется в приезжего режиссера, идеализируя его и не видя его истинной сущности…
Maude Waggins
Уил Рэндал живет двойной жизнью. Днем — он преуспевающий книгоиздатель, ночью — порождение преисподней, зверь, убивающий все живое. Но такая жизнь не угнетает его — он безнаказан и свободен, а инстинкты хищника только помогают ему жить. Он только на первый взгляд обычный человек, взгляните ему в глаза — это глаза волка!
It is 1970, there is World Cup and General Election fever. Marco, a wealthy Italian has come to England to discover his true identity. Carl, a student is torn between canvassing for the Labour party, watching the World Cup or going on a walking holiday with his girlfriend Ellie. Their paths cross in Preston library and the three take an epic journey across the Pennines.
Queen (voice)
The story about a man-sized frog named Prince Frederic who is turned into a frog by his wicked aunt Messina and hired by British Intelligence to solve the mysterious disappearances of some of Britain's greatest monuments. Several hundred years later, Freddie is now living in modern day Paris -- a six-foot-tall amphibian with the moniker Secret Agent F.R.O.7. Messina, too, is still around causing mischief, joining forces with an arch-villain named El Supremo in a scheme to shrink Big Ben. Freddie, alerted to Messina's nefarious plans, gathers his fellow agents Daffers and Scottie together, planning to hide out in Big Ben and surprise the evil doers when they are set to strike at the much-loved British landmark.
Aunt Ellie
Bess Throckmorton, a farmer's daughter from Devon, encounters an ancient relative who soon reveals himself to be the ghost of Sir Walter Raleigh, determined to escape the Tower of London once and for all and return to Devon. When Sir Raleigh learns that a pair of dastardly brothers have designs on his ancestors' farm, he devises a plan to thwart them.
Aunt Juley
Англия начала двадцатого века. Чета Уилкоксов, Рут и Генри, владеют прекрасным поместьем. После кончины Рут имение переходит к аристократке Маргарет Шлейгел. Энергичная владелица с большим энтузиазмом берется управлять усадьбой и приглашает к себе младшую сестру Хелен. Со временем Генри начинает ухаживать за Маргарет и делает ей предложение. Судьбы этих семей удивительным образом переплетаются, Говардс Энд погружается в пучину немыслимых интриг, и великолепное имение превращается в обитель страстей и трагедий.
Sir Anthony Blunt, who was a Soviet agent for 25 years, is routinely questioned and gives no answers, but is knighted and works as Director of the Courtauld Institute, and presents his interrogator with a puzzle in the shape of a doubtful Titian painting. He also does art restoration work in Buckingham Palace, where he gets into an interesting conversation with HMQ.
Fleecy Flock
Adapted from the Beatrix Potter story tells the story of the pignap of Little Pig Robinson by Captain Barnabus Butcher who fools Robinson into believing he is being taken on a trip to visit the land of the Bong tree; the truth of the matter is more sinister.
Six of the best-loved nursery rhymes retold, with some extremely amusing twists, by the master of the comic and blood-curdling, Roald Dahl.
Roald Dahl, that master of wicked humour, has created a ghastly menagerie of dirty beasts - all doing the most extraordinary and unmentionable things, in irreverent and absurdly comic verse. Including Crocky-Wock, the crocodile, who every Saturday has six young children for his lunch and how Miss Milky Daisy, the cow, punished a very rude man.
Hannah Ap Llewellyn
Гай Джонс переезжает в маленький британский город и присоединяется к местному сообществу ценителей театра, чтобы познакомиться с новыми людьми. Уже скоро он осознает, что разворачивающиеся на сцене события ни в какое сравнение не идут с драмой реальной жизни.
Celia Bryce
Comedy thriller. Walter Bryce hires the professional services of the sinister Vincent to eliminate his rich, neurotic wife, Celia. All this to achieve a place in the sun with his secretary Angie. What seems to be a neat idea goes wrong when Vincent becomes involved on a personal level.
Adapted from a play written by two Monty Python vets, this toothy satire launches with a tragic accident at Chumley's chocolate factory when hapless manager Ian Littleton (Tyler Butterworth) accidentally knocks several employees into a huge chocolate vat. The tragic mishap at the chocolate factory results in candy lovers getting an unexpected 'extra' in their sweets.
Annie Parker
Three married couples discover that, through a legal technicality, they are, in fact, not actually married in the eyes of the law. This was the fifth television film version of this play by J.B. Priestley made by the BBC.
Moira O'Neill
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown boarding house, who imagines she has the money to bankroll the business he hopes to open.
White golliwogs, cross-dressing coppers, bellboy rapists, insanity, incest, and Winston Churchill’s giant member all play their part in this BBC production of Joe Orton’s farcical, bitingly satirical 1969 play, in which the head psychiatrist of a lunatic asylum, when trying to conceal the attempted molestation of his new secretary from his wife, only succeeds in making himself (and everyone else) look completely round the bend.
The abused neglected wife of a loutish hotelier begins to suspect that her husband is the serial rapist that has been terrorizing the area.
Marion Brewster-Wright
A movie in three acts following three couples who, over three years, each host a Christmas party. The camera stays in the kitchen and we are treated to Ayckbourn's beautifully detailed look at middle class life.
Lady Kingsclere
Англия, XVII век. Барбара крадёт у своей лучшей подруги титулованного жениха накануне их свадьбы. Вскоре ей надоедает жизнь хозяйки поместья, и она начинает заниматься грабежом на большой дороге. Затем предает своего любовника, сотоварища по ночному разбою, и совершает множество других пакостей...
Mistress Page
When Sir John Falstaff decides that he wants to have a little fun he writes two letters to a pair of Window wives: Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. When they put their heads together and compare missives, they plan a practical joke or two to teach the knight a lesson. But Mistress Ford's husband is a very jealous man and is pumping Falstaff for information of the affair. Meanwhile the Pages' daughter Anne is beseiged by suitors.
The local social cricket team are up to bat and sometimes it seems they are one batsman short of of an eleven. There are good secrets and not so good secrets that come to light during the course of the day. Roger is the ultimate captain rallying his troops whilst ignoring his greatest strength, Miriam, who makes the 'fantastic' teas with or without the 'non-compulsory' help. The days builds to a climax where it seems that everything must change forever. But will it?
Doris Rutter
A series of pink forms has Doris and Doreen fearing for their cushy jobs.
Mrs. Harrington
В джунглях Южной Америки нацистский преступник врач Йозеф Менгеле собирается создать при помощи клонирования целую армию. А клонировать он собирается не кого-нибудь, а самого Гитлера. Но для начала ему необходимо убить некоего Эзра Либермана, который известен как охотник за военными преступниками.
Фильм-пародия по одноимённому роману Артура Конана Дойля. К Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону приходит на приём доктор Мортимер и рассказывает о смерти сэра Чарльза Баскервиля, и об ужасной легенде о собаке, преследующей весь род Баскервилей. Ссылаясь на большую усталость, Холмс остаётся в Лондоне, а Ватсон отправляется в Баскервилль Холл, чтобы провести расследование смерти сэра Чарльза.
Mrs. Sandman
When the owner of a Yorkshire coal-mine decides to mechanize to increase profits, the mine's pit ponies are scheduled to be destroyed. So, three children plan to steal them to keep them safe. But when they're caught, it's up to the mine owners and the miners themselves to decide what's right
Queen Jemima
Shaw's comedy of ideologies looks forty years to the future at the impossibility of government as the British cabinet and monarchy face a day of "crisis" for the country. King Magnus is happy to engage a prime minister seeking to transform the nation into a constitutional monarchy, but who truly rules in this democracy: the king, the government or the businessmen? And do any of them care about the people?
Estella Fitzjohn
General Fitzhugh, an ageing Lothario has an over-active eye for a pretty woman. Despite a long and satisfying career as a seducer extraordinaire, something always seems to get in the way of his bedding the breathtakingly lovely Ghislaine, a more-than-willing town local.
Young couple Mark and Jane are forced to thrash out marital problems in a borrowed room in Jane’s parents’ tiny house. Meanwhile, Jane’s cousin, Jim - back from the war in Korea - and Mark’s involvement in left-wing politics place further strain on the relationship. Can grandfather help?
Vicky Hobson
Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid the expense of marriage settlements at £500 each, his eldest daughter Maggie rebels.
Morag McLeod
A starchy parliamentary delegation is sent to a remote Scottish Highlands community, where the residents are protesting the poor condition of their road by withholding their taxes, and spend a few days among the locals.
Milly and her friends have been going on holiday together ever since they've known each other. This summer they return to one of their favourite haunts, a beautiful Irish country hotel. It's a place full of fond memories for all of them, but on this occasion their sense of ease and comfort is destroyed when a terrible secret is revealed.