Несколько ленивых невоспитанных старшеклассников, не желающих оставлять частную школу, за которую платят их родители, живут одной «семьей», а работник школы Хафиз Анна относится к ним, как к родным детям. Приход нового директора угрожает счастливой жизни всей компании. Директор, добрый по натуре человек, пытается навести в школе порядок и становится предметом шуток и розыгрышей старшеклассников.
In "The Bride with the Black Veil" (1975), director Süreyya Duru continues to focus on social issues, exposing problems of the peasants and feodal relations.
After betraying his social class, denying his peasant roots and fleeing his native village, Ahmed has become a successful businessman and has found a place in the sun among the bourgeoisie. Azem, his childhood friend, has followed a quite different way. refusing the rat race, he has remained close to people of humble origin. Politically committed, he aspires to be useful to his country and more particularly to the forsaken rural world. The two former friends meet again. Due to the influence of Azem, Ahmed gradually becomes aware that his life is a failure.