Ali Düşenkalkar

Ali Düşenkalkar

Рождение : 1961-01-01, Lefkosia, Cyprus


Ali Düşenkalkar


Malazgirt 1071
The story of the war, which is the beginning of the history of Turks in Anatolia.
Bize Müsaade
The Hunt
The sudden discovery of his son's secret turns Ibrahim's traditional world upside down. Fraught with emotional conflict he takes Ismail on a fateful trip. Inspired by the biblical story of Prophet Abraham, father of all patriarchs, and his son Ismail set in present-day Cyprus, unraveling the conservative facade of the society.
My Father
After his wife's sudden death, a man takes care of his son living with a disability with help from a new employee at his struggling factory.
Hep Yek 2
Başrahip August
5 Dakkada Değişir Bütün İşler
Başkomiser Kemal
7 Centimeters
Erdem goes to high school. The principle warnes him to cut his hair for him to obey the school rules. When his parents also pressure him for the same reasons he falls into hesitation because the girl he likes, likes his hair.
Sümela'nın Şifresi Temel
Papaz Hristo
Ay Büyürken Uyuyamam
Это жизнь
Хайят, её отец и больной дед живут в доме на берегу тёмных, но безумно красивых вод Босфора. Отец Хайят владеет небольшим катером, с помощью которого не всегда законными способами кормит семью. Мать Хайят живёт в другой семье и увлечена недавно родившимся ребёнком. В целом, это довольно простая, мастерски изображённая с нужными акцентами история взросления. Портрет того, как утрачивается детство...
The Ottoman Republic
Başmabeynci İbrahim Paşa
Машины революции
В 1961 году президент Турции Джемаль Гюрсель приказывает создать автомобиль местного производства и возлагает эту обязанность на управление железных дорог Турецкой республики (TCDD). У команды из 23 инженеров есть только 130 дней до очередного Дня республики, чтобы осуществить замысел руководства. Для создания машины, которая будет названа “Революция”, 23 инженера, рискуя своей карьерой и личной жизнью, вынуждены противостоять времени, отсутствию материалов, политическим играм и многим другим бесчисленным препятствиям, встающим у них на пути.
Mommy, I'm Scared
In an apartment building where neighbors, friends, and family are living in close quarters, three male protagonists encounter three phases of manhood in Turkish society. Directors Reha Erdem's light touch and slyly amusing style do not miss the opportunity to illuminate some serious points in a strictly patriarchal society.
Kabuslar Evi: Kaçan Fırsatlar Limited
Four 40-something friends are haunted by the violent past of a divided Cyprus. Temel wants desperately to speak about the crimes of vengeance he committed as a teenager. He would like to confess about the bodies buried in the muddy patch of a dried-up salt lake, but fear holds him back from even going there. Ali participates in Temel's UN projects aimed at defusing tension between Cyprus' Greek and Turkish communities....
A Run for Money
The film is set in present-day Istanbul. Selim is a shop owner in his early forties. He sells clothing for men in his shop situated in one of the back streets of Istanbul. Selim is a family man who has devoted his life to his home and his work. He lives with his wife Ayla, his six-year-old daughter Esma and his old father in a simple flat in and old, modest neighbourhood. He has warm relations with his family. He is an affectionate father. One of his neighbours, a young widow named Nihal tries to seduce Selim, but her flirtation leaves him cold. Selim is known for his honesty and integrity among his family and friends. He is a careful spender. As a little child, he has learned that money is not easily earned. He has no tolerance for petty "trickery" met in daily life. One day, Selim finds a bag full of dollar bills (approximately 500,000$) in a cab. From that day on, Selim finds himself in a bewildered state with a bag full of money on his hands.
Deniz Bekliyordu
Стамбул под крыльями
Стамбул, 17-век, времена правления молодого султана Мурада IV. Два друга, Хезарфен Ахмет Челеби и Хасан Лагари Челеби одержимы идеей летать. Хасан строит ракеты, наращивая их мощность и надеясь долететь до луны, полагая, что до нее не так уж и далеко. Ахмет же одержим иным планом – летать подобно птицам. Используя попавшие к нему в руки бумаги Леонардо да Винчи, он строит балансирный планер. А их друг, журналист и летописец Эвлия Челеби записывает все это в свои хроники, благодаря которым имена этих людей сохранились до наших дней. Но на дворе все-таки 17-й век..
The Blue Exile
Mavi Sürgün is a fictionalized account of one period of the life of a Turkish journalist who was condemned to exile for an article he wrote in 1925. He turned his punishment into a reward by creating a little paradise in what is today the holiday resort, Bodrum. In fact he is considered by some to be the first ecologist. The film concentrates on this latter aspect of his character and through flashbacks portrays the inner turmoil of a man who is trying to come to terms with his past. The slow pace is somewhat of a drawback, the flashbacks are often confusing and the protagonist is not always very convincing. But the photography of the country side is exceptional Kenan Ormanlar and the short appearance by a very theatrical Hanna Schygulla of Fassbinder fame adds a little spice to the drama.
Oh, Moon!
A young girl with a vivid imagination exasperates her grandparents when she begins communicating with the ghost of her mother.