Zéu Britto

Рождение : 1977-02-19, Jequié, Bahia, Brazil


Não Se Aceitam Devoluções
Gosto se Discute
Augusto is the chef of a fine restaurant, established for years, which is down due to the success of a former pupil, Patrick, who works in a food truck right in the square in front of the establishment. . Due to the situation, the bank, which is also a partner in the restaurant, appoints the strict Cristina to be the new manager. She immediately runs into Augusto, as she wants to change the local routine in order to make it profitable. But, amidst the pressure to create a new menu, Augusto starts to have a rare syndrome that makes him lose his taste buds.
Uma Loucura de Mulher
A woman leaves her career in dancing to dedicate her life to her husband, a famous politician. Fifteen years after, she leaves her luxurious life to resume what she left behind years ago.
Пилигрим: Пауло Коэльо
Representante Crowley
Хроника восхождения звезды Пауло Коэльо, которая рассказывает, как человек, обремененный жизненными проблемами, стал одним из самых значимых писателей в истории Бразилии.
Elite Cup
Pai do capitão
Police officer Jorge Capitão is a competent BOP captain and a Brazilian idol. But after he saved Argentina's greatest ace from a kidnapping, on the eve of the World Cup, he ended up becoming the nation's number 1 public enemy. Expelled from the corporation and discredited by the people, Captain must relearn how to work as a team to avoid an attempt on the Pope in the final of the tournament. That's when the sex shop manager Bia Alpinistinha, a medium and her very crazy mother, enters the scene.
Trampolim do Forte
Fã Clube
Генералы песчаных карьеров
Aurélio dos Santos
Банда беспризорников под предводительством отчаянного Педро Пули держит в страхе всю Байю. В народе их называют «песчаными капитанами». Они готовы сражаться за кусок хлеба, и не позавидуешь тем, кто окажется у них на пути — эти мальчишки опасны и жестоки. Однако и у них есть сердца, есть желание любить и быть любимыми. Однажды в их компании появляется девушка по имени Дора со своим младшим братом, чьи родители умерли от оспы. Добрая, отзывчивая и бесстрашная Дора быстро вливается в ребячий коллектив, заменяя беспризорникам и сестру, и мать. Вместе они совершают немало дерзких налетов, не подозревая, что дни их воровской «коммуны» сочтены…
A Guerra dos Rocha
Clumsy old lady Dina Rocha lives with her son Marcelo. After a series of incidents at home, she moves to her house in Santa Teresa. She meets her friend Nonô and she pays a visit to her old friend. Her sons do not know where she is and they go to the hospitals and morgues. Coincidently there is the body of an old lady smashed by a truck and they believe that she is their mother. Meanwhile two smalltime thieves break in Nonô's house and keep the two old ladies locked in the bathroom. During the funeral of Dina Rocha, the dysfunctional families have a quarrel disputing their heritage.
Basic Sanitation: The Movie
When they discover their town lacks funding for a sewage system, but does have a federal grant to make a movie, a group of villagers decide to make a sci-fi joint about a monster who lives in the building site of a septic tank.
A Grande Família: O Filme
Porteiro 1967
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore
Stay with Me Tonight
Agente funerário
The musician and writer of the comic book "Ghost with Heart of Stone" Eduardo meets the gorgeous Laura, who is engaged and close to her marriage, in a bookstore and immediately they fall in love for each other. Sooner they get married, and one night, Eduardo unexpectedly dies, but his soul does not move to the Third World. He meets the Ghost with Heart of Stone stranded in his house, stalking his beloved next door neighbor D. Mariana and he asks to the ghost how he can communicate and say farewell to Laura.
The Machine
In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.
The Machine
Doido Cantador
In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.
Miguel's Destiny
This beloved Brazilian parody of Shakespeare in Love tells the story of Miguel's relentless furiculite. For better or worse, it is his aim to conquer every single ass in the county, right up to the toughest of them all: the governor's.
Лисбела и преступник
Лисбела — молодая женщина, которая любит ходить в кино. Лелеу - мошенник, который путешествует из города в город, продавая всевозможные вещи и выступая в качестве церемониймейстера для некоторых дрянных номеров, таких как женщина, которая превращается в гориллу. Он знакомится с Инаурой, сексуальной красивой женщиной, которая оказывается женой самого устрашающего киллера в этом районе. Наемный убийца узнает об измене жены и преследует Лелеу, который должен срочно уйти. В другом городе он встречает и сразу же влюбляется в Лизбелу, которая помолвлена с Дугласом, деревенщиной, который изо всех сил пытается сойти за космополита из Рио-де-Жанейро.