Roberto Leoni

Roberto Leoni


Roberto Leoni
Roberto Leoni


The Serpent's Gift
In every man there lies a woman who can be awakened. The prohibited book De Serpentis Munere. Alchemical formulae able to change male DNA in female. Mysterious radioactive water. A biologist and a Vatican priest in search of the truth.
The Serpent's Gift
In every man there lies a woman who can be awakened. The prohibited book De Serpentis Munere. Alchemical formulae able to change male DNA in female. Mysterious radioactive water. A biologist and a Vatican priest in search of the truth.
Dalla parte giusta
Dalla parte giusta
Dalla parte giusta
Si fa presto a dire amore...
A caro prezzo
The Dark Tale
It is the story of a terrorist who manages to escape during a transfer by sea and lands on a remote desert island where there is a large mansion inhabited by a little girl about 9 years old, a girl of 18, and their housekeeper.
The Dark Tale
It is the story of a terrorist who manages to escape during a transfer by sea and lands on a remote desert island where there is a large mansion inhabited by a little girl about 9 years old, a girl of 18, and their housekeeper.
The Dark Tale
It is the story of a terrorist who manages to escape during a transfer by sea and lands on a remote desert island where there is a large mansion inhabited by a little girl about 9 years old, a girl of 18, and their housekeeper.
Casablanca Express
It is 1942 and the conflict between the U.S. and Germany is getting heated, U.S. Intelligence soon discovers that the Natzis are planning to capture Winston Churchill. In order to protect him they send commando Al Cooper to guard Churchill who is going by train to Casablanca where he will meet with Roosevelt and Stalin.
Casablanca Express
It is 1942 and the conflict between the U.S. and Germany is getting heated, U.S. Intelligence soon discovers that the Natzis are planning to capture Winston Churchill. In order to protect him they send commando Al Cooper to guard Churchill who is going by train to Casablanca where he will meet with Roosevelt and Stalin.
Святая кровь
Молодой парень по имени Феникс находится в больнице для душевнобольных. В детстве он стал свидетелем того, как его отец-циркач отрезал руки своей жене, религиозной фанатичке и лидеру секты «Святой крови», и покончил с собой. Парень сбегает из лечебницы и находит свою выжившую безрукую мать. Феникс сидит целыми днями дома, помогает матери готовить еду и пытается изобрести формулу невидимости. По мере того, как Феникса начинают посещать воспоминания детства, в городе начинается череда жестоких убийств…
Святая кровь
Молодой парень по имени Феникс находится в больнице для душевнобольных. В детстве он стал свидетелем того, как его отец-циркач отрезал руки своей жене, религиозной фанатичке и лидеру секты «Святой крови», и покончил с собой. Парень сбегает из лечебницы и находит свою выжившую безрукую мать. Феникс сидит целыми днями дома, помогает матери готовить еду и пытается изобрести формулу невидимости. По мере того, как Феникса начинают посещать воспоминания детства, в городе начинается череда жестоких убийств…
Miami Cops
Richard Roundtree takes on thugs on the streets of Miami.
Miami Cops
Richard Roundtree takes on thugs on the streets of Miami.
Американский рикша
Скотт Эдвардс (Митчел Гэйлорд) учится в колледже в Майами, в свободное время подрабатывая велорикшей. Катая по городу богатых туристов, он однажды оказывается в обьятиях красотки Джоанны Симпсон (Виктория Праути), которая на борту яхты пытается соблазнить его. Но неожиданно в самый интересный момент ситуация резко меняется - Скотт обнаруживает, что его снимает на видеокамеру неизвестный ему человек и дерётся с ним. Затем он убегает, а потом выясняет, что тот с кем он дрался, сын евангелического проповедника - убит… Далее его приключения продолжаются и он знакомится с телепроповедником Мортомом, который на деле вовсе не столь благочестив, как кажется. Чтобы найти настоящего убийцу и очистить своё имя от обвинений, он прибегает к помощи китайской предсказательницы и стриптизерши, которые помогают ему в поиске...
Una donna da scoprire
Inglorious Bastards 2: Hell's Heroes
Disgruntled Sgt. Darkin has to protect a senator who's visiting a Vietnam village. Senator gets assassinated by the Vietcong, and Darkin gets arrested for AWOL. When the Vietcong attacks the base, he and others escape. Now what?
Brothers in Blood
War is Hell... especially NAM. A group of battle weary soldiers in Vietnam are trapped behind enemy lines. There is no way back. No help on the way. It's only a matter of time and these guys intend to "Die Fighting". Bo Svenson and Peter Hooten together again (Inglorious Bastards) join the Late, great Werner Porchat (as a part-time drag queen commando) in this explosive Italian commando film.
The Trap
A woman becomes obsessed with a man she can't have, and carries the torch for more than 15 years.
Wild Team
A South American rebel leader in exile in Miami is given one last chance to overthrow his successor, a brutal dictator, by a multi-national mining group out to exploit his countries' mineral resources.
Wild Team
A South American rebel leader in exile in Miami is given one last chance to overthrow his successor, a brutal dictator, by a multi-national mining group out to exploit his countries' mineral resources.
Carabinieri si nasce
Let's Make It Clear
The young manager of a small television station loses his sight following an accident. When he buys her back, thanks to a new accident, he discovers that his wife is cheating on him, that his best friend has sold the television and that the girl he was falling in love with is only an investigator of the insurance company.
The Last Warrior
After a nuclear holocaust, as the rest of society regresses to primitivism, a small, "elite" group that has managed to escape radioactive contamination takes it upon itself to exterminate those it sees as "unfit", including certain members of its own group.
Vieni avanti cretino
Associate Producer
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Vieni avanti cretino
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Vieni avanti cretino
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Gian Burrasca
Good Like Bread
Lisetta (Carmen Russo) a high-priced call-girl, that entertained her eccentric clients in her apartment and in empty theaters over opera! She met Filippo (Saverio Marconi), a bumbling astronomer , and after a series of mishaps, they got married.
How to Lose a Wife and Find a Lover
Alberto deceived by his wife, goes to some place in the mountains to escape. There he meets a woman who was there for the same reasons that he was.
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.
Street People
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Street People
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Как роза у носа
Давно живет в Лондоне итальянец Антонио. Так давно, что и забыл, когда стал величать себя Энтони Уилсоном. И вот спустя много лет раздался телефонный звонок из Сицилии, моментально заставивший Энтони вспомнить, каковы его «корни». Дон Джорландо из Палермо сказал ему тоном, не терпящим возражений: «Встречай розу. И держи нос ближе к ней». Знатоки мафиозного жаргона объяснили Энтони: роза — значит девственница. Про нос — значит следи, чтобы она девственницей и осталась. А не то!..
Giro girotondo... con il sesso è bello il mondo
It is the year 2010 and, due to extreme overpopulation, casual sexual activity has been outlawed. An innocent young girl named Little Red Riding Hood makes her way across the countryside encountering all manner of people exhibiting sexual perversion from both sides of the law. As she witnesses these lewd acts, she dreams of a time when these sexual unions weren't forbidden and people were free to act on their impulses.
Bang, and the Angels Sing
A gangster comedy with music by Les Humphries and the Les Humphries Singers.
The Cat from Brooklyn Wants to Be a Detective
The Master Touch
A master thief, just out of prison, concocts a risky final score that would net him over a million dollars.
Мой дорогой убийца
Неуловимый убийца устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне - к давнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти. Он встречается с людьми, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в расследовании, а следующей же ночью приходит убийца... Как же найти маньяка, если его основная улика - рисунок маленькой девочки?
Мой дорогой убийца
Неуловимый убийца устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне - к давнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти. Он встречается с людьми, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в расследовании, а следующей же ночью приходит убийца... Как же найти маньяка, если его основная улика - рисунок маленькой девочки?
Eat It - Mangiala
An industrialist tries to find an advertising gimmick for his canned meat product "Eat it!". In the fields he finds a savage individual who has reduced himself to two functions only: eating huge amounts of food and making love. So he uses this savage man for his advertising purposes by making the public believe that his meat is an aphrodisiac. Some time later the strange being loses his "gifts". The industrialist tries to replace him, but the incredible amounts of meat he eats turns him into a cow! (Digitmovies)