Carlo McCormick


Баския: Взрыв реальности
История художника Жана-Мишеля Баския от первых шагов в искусстве до момента продажи своей первой картины. Портрет художника в юности — заразительный жанр документалистики, особенно когда место становления — Нью-Йорк рубежа 70-х и 80-х на пороге катастрофы. В разорённом городе, где пустые дома поджигали для сбора страховых денег, гаитянский парень в свободном пальто и выбритым лбом выглядел как ещё один полубездомный художник, с которым не случится ничего хорошего
Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict
Bouncing between Europe and the United States as often as she would between lovers, Peggy Guggenheim’s life was as swirling as the design of her uncle’s museum, and reads more like fiction than any reality imaginable. Peggy Guggenheim – Art Addict offers a rare look into Guggenheim’s world: blending the abstract, the colorful, the surreal and the salacious, to portray a life that was as complex and unpredictable as the artwork Peggy revered and the artists she pushed forward.
HR Giger Revealed
The film offers a unique insight into the world of Giger's creation and his private life. In addition to the interview with the artist himself, a considerable part of the documentary is formed by interviews with personalities such as Ernst Fuchs, Stanislav Grof and Debbie Harry. Though the authors do not avoid particular developmental periods of Giger's work, the main purpose was not to create the artist's biography. In this case, it is more likely considered to be an authentic perspective on the peculiar world of this Swiss surrealist artist.
Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 2: The Firstborn is Dead)
A short film to accompany the reissue of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album The Firstborn is Dead (originally released in 1985). The result is a determinedly human portrait of the unique body of work produced by the band over the last 25 years, told through those who have lived and loved the music, including close collaborators.
Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 1: From Her to Eternity)
A short film to accompany the reissue of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album From Her to Eternity (originally released in 1984). The result is a determinedly human portrait of the unique body of work produced by the band over the last 25 years, told through those who have lived and loved the music, including close collaborators.
The Universe of Keith Haring
A portrait of New York artist Keith Haring. The film looks to Haring as an artistic role model for his preternatural talent, of course, but also for his infectious lust for life that had him as committed to social activism and teaching children as to his latest painting.
Scrolls to Screen: A Brief History of Anime
A short documentary on Japanese animation featured on the DVD for The Animatrix (2003).