Lalita Pawar

Lalita Pawar

Рождение : 1916-04-17, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Смерть : 1998-02-24


Родилась 18 апреля 1916 года в Индоре, Мадхья Прадеш, Индия. Была замужем за режиссёром трюковых фильмов Г.П. Паваром, который создал с её участием последние немые и первые звуковые фильмы. В результате неудачного выстрела во время съёмок в 1942 году у актрисы был повреждён левый глаз. Таким образом она должна была оставить ведущие роли, и переключиться на характерные роли. Стала очень известной тем, что играла материнские роли, особенно властных матерей или свекровей. Ушла из жизни 24 февраля 1998 года в Пуне, Махараштра, Индия.


Lalita Pawar


Limited Manuski
Sadanand Borse lives a middle-classed lifestyle along with his pregnant wife, Urmila, in a small town in India. While returning home from work on his motorbike, he accidentally knocks down a deceased child in a funeral procession. From thence on, Sadanand Borse and Urmila will experience terror and fear as they will soon be stalked by two goons, Srirang and Govind, who want to avenge the deceased child's humiliation.
Laundry lady
Gopichand Verma is a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of India. He re-locates to scenic Ooty and decides to live there in a palatial home. He has a cook/servant in Badriprasad Chaurasia. When Chaurasia wins a lottery, he quits, and Verma hires a woman by the name of Nandini in his place. He soon finds out that there is a mystery behind Nandini and her presence in his house, apart from the fact that she is mentally imbalanced. When he probes further, he finds that she is claiming to be his illegitimate daughter. He does accept her and decides to let her live there, but his wife, his son, his sister, his son-in-law, and daughter have other plans - for they have hired notorious hit-man Samar Khan to abduct and kill Nandini at any cost. Is Nandini really Verma's daughter? Why would the Verma family want her dead?
Деревенская красавица Дурга ведет довольно мирное существование, пока ее отец-цыган не попадает в плохие книги Тхакура Дхарампала Сингха и не подвергается жестокому избиению. Он присоединяется к банде грабителей и мстит Тхакуру, который, в свою очередь, убивает его семью. Дурга беспомощно наблюдает, как ее семья умирает, а полиция отказывается вмешиваться против могущественного и влиятельного Тхакура, оставляя ей только один выбор: объединить усилия с отцом и самой стать головорезом и грабительницей - и сделать ее одной из самых влиятельных индийских полицейских. разыскиваемых преступников.
Treasure hidden in an abandoned Shiva temple attracts both good and evil characters to it, but can they retrieve the priceless gold and jewels before the earthquake (Zalzala) hits?
Север и юг
Raja's grandmother
Они разные, как два полюса, как Север и Юг, и все же неразлучны, как близнецы. Сын богача Шанкаран всем сердцем верит бедняку Радже, вступившемуся за него в драке… и не подозревает, что все это часть хитроумного плана, а на кону, пожалуй, нечто большее, чем несколько синяков и ссадин. И план Раджи уже начинает сбываться…
Защитники родины
Radha's maternal grandma
Красавицу Радху после трагической гибели отца в автокатастрофе выдают замуж за Нареша Пури. Во время церемонии бракосочетания появляется молодой человек по имени Арун и заявляет, что он муж Радхи. Невеста в свою очередь говорит, что в первый раз видит самозванца. Спустя несколько дней Нареша задерживают за контрабанду. В тюрьме один из заключенных Махавир опознает в нем насильника, который лишил чести его сестру Вимлу. И это всего лишь завязка интригующего сюжета, который таит в себе немало сюрпризов.
Два мгновения любви
Paro's mom
Восьмилетний Сунил живет со своим отцом Ашоком в роскошном поместье. Папа души не чает в сыне, и тот отвечает ему взаимностью. Свою маму мальчик даже не помнит, а на вопрос к няне, что с ней, получает уклончивый ответ.
Счастливый дом
Satyanarayan's Mother
Гирдхарилал (Кадер Хан) очень богатый и состоятельный человек. Он нажил множество врагов. Один из его врагов просит нищего выдать себя за Гирдхарилала за плату, на которую нищий соглашается. Происходит переключение, когда настоящего Гирдхарилала похищают. Череда веселых и комичных событий сменяется тем, что нищий пытается притвориться богатым магнатом-левшой.
Любовь и Бог
Kais' Mother
Based on the ill-fated love story of Laila and Majnu, this version shows them as inseparable childhood sweethearts, and subsequently as each others lovers. They want to get married, but as their fathers' (Emir E Basra, and Emir E Yemen respectively) are sworn enemies of each other, they are not permitted to see other, leave alone get married. Separated from each other, they long and pine for each other.
Ram Tere Kitne Nam
Peturam is an overweight, albeit sensitive young man, who is head over heels in love with beautiful Radha, the sister of Tej Singh, and would like to marry her. When he proposes to marry her, Tej makes fun of him, asks him to gather together at least 10 lakh rupees before he can even be considered as a prospective groom. Crestfallen, Peturam re-locates to Bombay city, where he starts to work driving a taxi, and buying lottery tickets, all quite in vain, as he finds himself quite far away from his target of 10 lakh rupees. Then one day he meets with a Bollywood film-maker, who decides to give him a chance in movies. The movie turns out to be a success, making Peturam, who is now known as Ram Kumar, a millionaire overnight. Pleased with his success and ensuring that he has more than enough to satisfy Tej Singh, Ram triumphantly returns to his home-town in his chauffeur-driven Mercedes Benz - only to find out that Radha has already been married to a man named
Ложь и правда
Иногда мы используем немного лжи, чтобы успокоить детей. Двое маленьких детей и их отец — маленькая дружная семья, где детям не хватает материнской любви. Дети есть дети: они привязались к одной женщине и убеждают отца принять ее как их мать. И он соглашается. Когда все уже шло своим чередом, отец внезапно умирает в результате несчастного случая. Женщина делала все, чтобы сделать приемных детей счастливыми, но судьба распорядилась иначе .
Purana Mandir
Suman lives a wealthy lifestyle along with her widower dad, Thakur Ranvir Singh, and an unmarried aunt, Damyanti, in a palatial house in Bombay. They are direct descendants of Raja Hariman Singh of Bijapur. When Ranvir finds out that Suman is in love with a middle-classed male, Sanjay, he expresses displeasure and forbids her to ever see him again. When she persists, he tells her that there is a curse on the entire family - a curse that was inflicted 200 years ago by a blood-thirsty, flesh-eating demon named Samri.
Кара богов
Шанкар в детстве рано потерял родителей. Отец погиб от рук негодяев, укравших статую с драгоценностями из храма. В тот же день мать с сестрой заживо сгорели в доме. Маленький Шанкар, оставшись сиротой, потерял веру во Всевышнего и стал безбожником и атеистом. Прошло два десятилетия. Шанкар со своим другом Балбиром зарабатывают мошенничеством. Во время одного из ограблений они знакомятся с Гаури. Вместе эта троица выходят на след банды контрабандистов, управляемой одноглазым главарем по прозвищу «Тигр».
Прими меня
Когда Мастер нашёл на дороге ребёнка, он не знал, что Чутка станет ему дороже жизни. Чутка рос и не чувствовал себя сиротой. Мог ли он догадываться, что девушка с плаката в его комнате окажется его мамой, с которой судьба так жестоко его разлучила?
Муж и жена
Mrs. Kumar
Молодые девушки мечтают выйти замуж за прекрасного принца... Они даже согласны представиться своему суженному на фотографии. Но, что их ждет в будущей супружеской жизни, не знает никто. Две наши героини — одна девушка строгих правил и одна — современная натура — попадают в череду ситуаций, из которых не так то легко выбраться. И вот тут то на помощь молодежи приходит мудрая супружеская пара. Они реалистично показывают молодым как надо себя вести мужу и жене...
A wealthy businessman is murdered for the sake of wealth. His daughter Sapna is in love with Vinod. Dhanpat Rai, the businessman's cousin, despises Sapna's relationship with Vinod and sends her to a hostel. However the two decide to go straight with Dhanpat Rai and head to his grand manor. Soon the lovers find Dhanpat Rai dead and stuffed in a suitcase. Sapna and Vinod pair up with the police to speed up the investigation. Meanwhile the other members in the manor are being brutally killed by a burnt-face assailant, who has plans of his own.
Mrs. Gomes
Все началось с простого лотерейного билета. Билета, который оказался благодаря стечению обстоятельств в руках простого официанта Намдева и оказался не только счастливым выигрышем, но и сигналом к трагедии. В результате из четырех друзей, претендовавших на выигрыш, один был убит, один посажен в тюрьму, а с выигрышем скрылись Даму и Рагу... Но спустя десять лет злодейка Судьба отыгралась на них, владельцах шикарного отеля, по полной программе.
Крепкая дружба
Когда Бишан был маленьким у него погиб отец и кроме Кишана у мальчика в детстве не было друзей. Когда ребята подросли, из тюрьмы выходит дядя Бишана, который был виновен в смерти его отца. Дядя вместе с повзрослевшим сыном Джагдишем просит прощения у семьи погибшего. Мать Бишана прощает брата за трагедию. Вскоре Бишан отправляется учиться заграницу и женится, а по возвращении домой помогает Кишану, у которого обнаружились хорошие вокальные данные, стать эстрадным певцом. Концерты Кишана пользуются огромным успехом, а вот у Бишана началась полоса неудач. Дядя и кузен присвоили все его имущество, жена с сыном ушли из дома, а сам Бишан вынужден похитить яхту со школьницами и требовать у родителей выкуп за них.
Same Night Again
Hostel Warden
Dr. Vijay is a psychiatrist and is in love with a beautiful young woman named Asha. He is stunned when another doctor refers Asha to him, as Asha has been having hallucinations and nightmares of a woman who comes to attack her and choke her to death so much so that her hostel warden has asked her to leave. Vijay hypnotizes Asha, and is successful in driving away her fears. Asha, her friend, Shobha, and Vijay travel to Asha's residence out in the countryside to celebrate her birthday, which they do with lot of pomp and merriment. Shortly thereafter, Asha sees a grotesque woman, quite different from the one she has been having nightmares about, walking in the hallway of her house, but whose motive is also the same - her death.
Чёрные тучи
После убийства отца сестры-близнецы Рекха и Рашми живут одни в поместье. Рашми встречается с сыном управляющего Кишором , что очень не нравится Рекхе, которая думает только о сестре, забыв о собственной личной жизни. Рекха отправляет Рашми в Париж, в художественную школу, а сама встречает необычного незнакомца по имени Прем , и вскоре они объявляют о помолвке. Перед помолвкой Рекха отписывает Рашми свою долю наследства, а в ночь помолвки ее пытаются убить, сбросив в реку. Все считают Рекху мертвой, однако она выжила. Под именем Рашми она возвращается в родной дом, надеясь найти убийцу и одновременно страшась, что им может оказаться Прем. А может, это Кишор? Или кто-то еще, прекрасно знакомый с обитателями поместья? Тот ли это человек, что убил отца сестер? Рекхе предстоит много открытий, потому что в ее поместье почти все - не те, кем кажутся, а убийца только и ждет момента, чтобы нанести новый удар.
Sau Din Saas Ke
Widowed Bhavanidevi rules her palatial home with an iron hand. Nothing is permitted to be touched or moved without her permission and approval. She has two sons, and one daughter. She dotes on her daughter, Shobha, and son-in-law, Khubchand. When her eldest son marries a young woman, Sheela, Bhavani is enraged because Sheela did not bring in enough dowry. To teach Sheela a lesson, she burns her foot, leaving a petrified Sheela submissive and open to even more abuse. When Bhavani's second son gets married without her permission, she is angered even more, and will not have anything to do with her new daughter-in-law, Durga. When Durga insists on living there, she is permitted to do so, not knowing that she has now entered a household where she will be another abused and submissive slave to her dominating mother-in-law.
Widower Amar is well-off financially and lives in a house with his daughter and servant Dayal. His sister and brother-in-law want him to marry again so that his daughter can have the love and care of a woman. Amar reluctantly agrees. Together they set out to check out two sisters, Shobha, and Sheela. Amar goes as Dayal, and Dayal goes as Amar, as Amar is not sure if a step-mother will be able to bestow care and love as a real mother. They arrive at the household of Durga, Shanti Swarup, Renu, Sheela, and their servant Geeta. They begin to settle down, Dayal in a spacious room, and Amar in the servant's quarters, which consists of an untidy room with no electricity. It is not long before Amar finds out that he is attracted to Geeta, and not to the two sisters, but in his present state, he cannot reveal himself and openly propose marriage. In the meantime, Durga starts getting suspicious about Amar and starts wondering if Amar is actually a servant or a crook.
Duniya Meri Jeb Mein
A student in a prestigious college, Vishal Khanna believes he lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his businessman brother, Karan. Vishal meets with and falls in love with Neeta, the only daughter of wealthy widower, Gulabchand. Gulabchand meets with Karan and both finalize Vishal and Neeta's marriage. Then things spiral out of control when Gulabchand is killed while Karan is run over by a lorry, and ends up losing both his legs. Vishal undertakes to look after the now crippled Karan, but has more surprises to face when Police Inspector Yadav informs him that Karan was never a businessman, but a trapeze artiste in Amar Circus, and is also a suspect of a daring robbery and the murder of Gulabchand.
Прости, Аруна
Mrs. Chandra
Аджай, бедняк, и Аруна, дочь богача-адвоката, любят друг друга. Желая во что бы то ни стало выбиться в люди, разбогатеть, обрести тем самым право на брак с Аруной, Аджай организует маленькую фирму, но становится жертвой заговора крупных бизнесменов и попадает на скамью подсудимых. Аруна остается верной своему возлюбленному и в беде. Но...
Оковы любви
Рыбачка Махува живет в деревне вместе со своим овдовевшим отцом. Однажды океан выносит на побережье неизвестного мужчину. Вид его порядком пугает жителей, но местный пуджари решает приютить и накормить его. Неизвестный, очевидно, потерял память и пуджари нарекает его Кишан. Вскоре после этого Кишан, плененный красотой Махувы, влюбляется в неё женится на ней. Примерно через два месяца Кишан уезжает в город продавать рыбу и не возвращается домой. Обратясь в полицию, Махува узнает, что пропавший Кишан — на самом деле бизнесмен из Бомбея и зовут его Мохан Кханна. Он богат и помолвлен с Миной Мехрой, с которой его связывает давнишняя взаимная привязанность.
Gopal's mother
Kuku Rai belongs to a wealthy family, and lives with her businessman dad and housewife mom. Since she is of marriageable age, her parents want her to get married to a young man named Ajit, who also comes from a wealthy family. But romantic and adventurous Kuku refuses to do so, and runs away from home. On the run she meets with a truck-driver named Gopal alias Gopi and both of them fall in love with each other.
Констебль Джанту
Констебль Джанту смел и отважен, хотя и очень наивен. Влюбившись в слепую продавщицу цветов Сунайну, он хочет жениться на ней. Но дядя девушки не собирается отпускать племянницу и готов на всё, чтобы разлучить молодых людей.
Zarina's Mother
An honest lawyer, Vishwanath is implicated and imprisoned at the behest of powerful underworld don, GNK and his associates. After his release from prison, Vishwanath decides to seek vengeance, but finds out that it is virtually impossible to do this through due process of law. So he decides to change his identity, hire a gang of crooks and assassins, to carry out his vendetta. Not realizing that in doing this he is alienating himself from the love of his life, Soni; and making himself a wanted man by the police, leaving his crippled sister, Munni and mom, Shanti to fend for themselves, and at the mercy of GNK and his associates.
Tumhari Kasam
Vidya (Moushumi Chatterjee) and Raja (Raju Shrestha) live in poverty. They get separated due to certain circumstances. Vidya starts working at Anand's (Jeetendra) house as a maid. Raja is forced to beg for a local gang. While Vidya is attending to her chores, the alcoholic, Anand, tries to molest her. She escapes but is unfortunately hit by a speeding vehicle driven by Sunil Verma (Navin Nischol). This accident makes her visually impaired. The guilt-ridden Anand wants to apologize to Vidya. Will she accept the apology? Will Vidya reunite with her brother?
Головокружительная история
Mrs. Kumar
Болливудский продюсер Мани Бабу снимает в своём фильме знаменитого актера Рави Кумара. Во время съёмок межну ними возникает спор, вечером режиссёра находят убитым, а нож оказывается в руках у Рави. Рави убегает от полиции и попадает в руки разбойника Шер Сингха. Разбойник оказывается фанатом актёра и соглашается ему помочь
Мать Шалини пытается отравить всю свою семью, когда она терпит финансовый крах, но Шалини вмешивается и обещает улучшить их финансовое положение. Вскоре семья Шалини процветает, но ее источник дохода ставится под сомнение.
Jay Vejay
When the rulers of Malwa, Pushpapuri and Paanchal find out that their respective kingdoms are under attack by Jung forces, they consolidate their wealth, hide it underground, surrounded by 3 statutes of Hindu Deities, hide it's location in 3 different necklaces, which are then handed over from generation to generation of their respective queens. 200 years later Shamsher Jung attacks and takes over the kingdom of Malwa, forcing Maharaj Dharampal Singh to flee and be eventually be separated from his wife, and two sons, Jay and Vejay. Years later Dharampal is still in hiding away from his wife, Jay has been brought by a bandit named Bhavani Singh, and is now known and feared as Sher Singh, while Vejay is the Senapati of none other than Malwa's Maharaj, Diler Jung, the son of Shamsher. Everyone's path will collide, albeit unknowingly, when they confront each other and race to be the first to take possession of the hidden wealth.
Dream Girl
The story revolves around a young woman (Hema Malini), who plays five different characters in the film – Sapna, Padma, Champabai, Dream girl, and Rajkumari, to steal money in order to maintain a home for orphans.
Два незнакомца
Amit's Neighbour
Амит беден, но молод и полон надежд. Он безумно влюбляется в красавицу Рекху и женится на ней. Но Рекха мечтает о славе и богатстве, она хочет стать знаменитой танцовщицей и ее не радуют ни семейные радости, ни родившийся сын. Однажды в их доме появляется старый друг Алита. Он богат и балует Рекху подарками. При странных обстоятельствах Амит исчезает. Спустя годы Рекха становится знаменитой и богатой, но оказывается, что Амит жив и приходится платить по старым, тяжелым счетам...
Indrani (Indu) Sinha (Raakhee) is the eldest child in the Sinha household, consisting of her elderly and ill father, Chandranath (A.K. Hangal); two younger sisters and a younger brother. She loves Dr. Sagar Varma (Parikshat Sahni), who looks after her ailing dad, and hopes to marry her soon. His mother approves of Indu, but would like her to leave everthing behind, and look after her son and the household, which is not acceptable to Indu. Misfortune visits the Sinha household and Chandranath passes away, leaving the entire responsiblity of the household on Indu's shoulders. She decides to open a school for children, and her siblings help her. She refuses Sagar's offer of living at his house. Sagar and Indu decide to marry after the children grow up and are well settled.
Bundal Baaz
Rajaram's Mausi
A poor Rajaram pretends to be wealthy in order to get married to his sweetheart, much to the displeasure of her father. Everything changes when Rajaram finds a bottle containing a 20000 year old genie that will help him for one year.
Khel Khel Mein
Naive Ajay Anand (Rishi Kapoor) first few days in a hostel are marred by ragging and bullying at the hands of Vikram (Rakesh Roshan) and his friends. Eventually this leads to a fight, and then to a strong friendship between the two, and Ajay gets admitted to this group. Vikram's pastime is mainly playing practical jokes and tricks. One day they decide to play such a trick on Ghanshyamdas Johari (Jankidas), demanding a ransom of Rs.5000/- or else, and they use the name of "Black Cobra". They get the money, but Ghanshyamdas is killed the next day. The police are on their tracks, and so is the mysterious "Black Cobra", who is real, and not a figment of imagination. Written by rAjOo (
Naya Din Nai Raat
Sushma believes that she is too young to get married, but her father, Lalla Banarsilal insists, and she runs away. Her adventures take her to a lonely wealthy widower with a cute daughter named Guddi; a drunken lout in a brothel; Dr. Kruparam, a psychiatrist, who admits her in his mental hospital; a dreaded bandit who has killed his tormentor, cut him into pieces and fed them to birds, and who still on a killing spree; Pandit Gorakhnath who lives a double life - as a priest and as a smuggler; a leper Dhanraj, who once was a very wealthy man, but is now shunned by everyone; a transvestite stage actor; and a hunter who saves Sushma's life by shooting dead a man-eating lion. As things spiral out of control for Sushma, there is yet one more male she has to meet, and it is this meeting that will change her life even more.
Do Phool
A wealthy man disowns his two irresponsible sons to teach them a lesson. One of them plays a prank by claiming that he has murdered his brother but soon, a mysterious body stuns everyone.
Bombay to Goa
The lives of Atmaram and his wife are turned upside down when they see their daughter, Mala's pictures in a magazine. They arrange for Mala's marriage with the son of Ramlal. Mala is opposed to marrying anyone who she has not met, and is at the same time thrilled that the two persons she trusted, one Sharma, and the other Verma had actually submitted her pictures to a magazine, and were now willing to sign her up for a Bollywood movie. Mala is not able to understand her parents' opposition on her way to fame, and runs away from home with a lot of money to Goa.
Известный неизвестный
Совершая паломничество, Лакшми находит в храме ребенка и усыновляет его. Ее муж, вернувшись из тюрьмы, называет приёмыша Раму. Лакшми пытается дать сыну образование, но отец воспитывает Раму по-своему. Мальчик учится играть в азартные игры и занимается контрабандой. Вскоре в жизни Раму появляется Мала. Узнав о его занятиях, она заставляет его исправиться. Раму завязывает с криминалом и находит работу. Но его мир переворачивается, когда инспектор Хемант, преследуя бандитов, убивает Лакшми. Выберется ли он из ада, откуда пыталась спасти его Мала?.
Sarita Singh
Kumar Sen is an artist of eminence, a talented painter, and a renowned sculptor; and like the majority of his clan, he has a sensitive introvert. But no artist can achieve any degree of brilliance in his work. Miss Asha Varma is the only niece of a retired, jovial old pensioner, Ashok Varma, and she is truly the light of Kumar's life. One stormy night, Kumar tries to hold Ashok Varma to his unsaid promise of giving him asha's hand in marriage. But the interview ends in unpleasantness for both of them, as angrily the old man ordered Kumar never to darken his doorstep again. Soon after Ashok Varma is strangled to death. Asha's beau Rajesh is arrested for Ashok's murder. The whole drama unfolds in court and truth prevails, who really murdered Ashok Varma and whether Rajesh is innocent or guilty.
Mrs. D'Sa / Matron
Ананд Сайгал старается брать от жизни все. Он наслаждается буквально каждым моментом своей жизни, принимая каждый новый день, как дар свыше. Доктор Бхаскара Банерджи, благодаря знакомству с Анандом, написал книгу, которая дала ему возможность получить очень престижную награду. Ананд Сайгал полностью изменил к лучшему жизнь доктора, когда тот переживал очень серьезный жизненный кризис.
Naya Zamana
A hopeful writer, poor but educated Anoop attacks the ruthless exploitation of the lower classes by the rich with his fiery speeches. But his uncompromising principles could stand in the way of the connections he'll need if he hopes to reach a larger audience with his message. A liaison with a wealthy family could bring the exposure and success Anoop desires, but at what cost?
Unorthodox, honest, simple-minded, and unemployed Gopi is blamed for a theft he did not commit, and gets thrown out of his home by his elder step-brother.
Man Ki Aankhen
Film starring Waheeda Rehman, Dharmendra and Sujit Kumar
A poor woman feels unwelcome in her husband's family
Suhana Safar
Bus Passenger
Sapna sets out on a journey to meet her dream man, a poet called Ujjwala, when she comes across Sunil.
Gayetridevi Singh
When Ajay (Sunil Dutt) meets Asha (Asha Parekh), he mistakenly believes she's wealthy. The fact that she's not, however, doesn't prevent him from becoming smitten, and the couple soon marries with the full blessings of Ajay's family. Poverty is one thing, though, and childlessness quite another -- which Asha finds out the hard way. When she fails to produce an heir for the clan posthaste, her mother-in-law begins a search for her replacement.
A Teacher from Siddharth College, Balraj Dutt (Sunil Dutt) from a well-known, wealthy, and reputed family falls in love with a former prostitute, Madhvi (Waheeda Rehman) and despite of opposition from his family, marries her, complications arise. The elder brother (Rehman), now married, recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent romantic nights with her. Then arrives Vinod (Ramesh Deo), a family friend, from the United States of America, with full approval for the marriage until he actually meets and then he too recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent some romantic nights with her. How will Madhvi continue to live her married life with the mirror reflecting her past?
Tumse Achha Kaun Hai
In order to get medical treatment for his sister, a brother faces challenges when he is hired to subdue three out-of-control heiresses.
Сын прокурора
Mrs. Sharma
Властная и жестокая мать не хочет свадьбы сына с девушкой из бедной семьи. Она приказывает сказать сыну, что его любимая умерла и умалчивает о том, что у него родился сын. Проходят годы… Став известным прокурором, наш герой встречает на суде молодого и талантливого адвоката. Вступает с ним в настоящую борьбу за правду, он еще не знает что этот адвокат его сын…
Shortly after independence India faces terrorists attacks in Assam. A group of concerned citizens, who are not connected with the government, decide to do something to stop this carnage. Spy Sunil Mehra (Dharmendra) must travel to Beirut and foil the terror group.
Neel Kamal
A newly married woman begins to sleepwalk, and her husband suspects she is inadvertently connecting with a lover from a past life.
Младшая невестка
После смерти матери маленького Кишана отвезли жить к его сводной сестре Кадамини. Злобная и скандальная Кадамини согласилась заботиться о брате только в надежде завладеть его имуществом. Ее муж Невин закрывает глаза на поведение своей жены. Но жена младшего брата Бипина Хема не в силах терпеть несправедливость. Она всячески поддерживает маленького Кишана. Однажды она заболевает и Кишан с ужасом узнает, что она болеет той же болезнью, от которой умерла его мать. Отчаявшись, что он может потерять единственного человека в мире, который его любит, Кишан по-детски пытается найти спасти Хему.
A woman responsible for her mother and 7 siblings faces challenges after marrying a widower with 6 children.
Bahu Begum
On the day of her marriage, the bride goes missing. She ends up in a brothel, compelling her wealthy husband to pretend that all is well to keep the family's honor intact.
Noor Jahan, the empress of the Mughal empire, becomes the favourite wife of Emperor Jahangir and steadily begins to exert more influence on the throne through her love for him.
Fatima Begum
Meet Pyarelal, a simple-minded, naive young man, orphaned at birth, living with a Muslim landlady, Fatima, who treats him like her son. When the police arrest Pyarelal on the charge of murder, no one really believes that this harmless man could harm anyone, leave alone kill. Their belief is shattered when Pyarelal openly admits in Court that he has indeed committed this crime, and demands capital punishment for it.
Цветок и камень
Mrs. Jeevan Ram
В город приходит страшная болезнь и косит людей направо и налево. Многие жители уезжают. Так сделала и семья молодой женщины, бросив ее одну, больную в большом и богатом доме. В дом проникает бандит и вор, но, увидев умирающую девушку, он выхаживает ее и девушка выздоравливает. Она не хочет прощать свою семью, которая оставила ее умирать и уезжает. Это настоящая любовь, хотя препятствий на ее пути будет много…
Seema's Mother
Seema lives a wealthy lifestyle with her widowed mom in Bombay, India. Her mother is a compassionate soul who rents out several rooms in a self-owned building, which is occupied by very poor and nearly destitute people. Seema's mom often ends up looking after her tenants financially and also gives them ample time to find money to pay the rent. Seema, who wants a luxurious lifestyle, has sold the building to Bihari, and is all set to evict the tenants forcibly. Watch what happens when Seema's mother and Rajan decide to confront her to try and stop this sale.
Love in Tokyo
Gayetridevi sends her son, Ashok to get her grandson from Japan. Gayetridevi had an elder son, who married a girl of Japanese origin without her blessings. She wants Ashok to get married to Sarita, but Ashok does not show any interest in Sarita. In Japan, Ashok meets with Asha and both fall in love. Asha's uncle wants Asha to marry Pran, but Asha does not like Pran and runs away with Ashok. Pran runs down Ashok with his car, and Ashok is hospitalized and may lose his eye-sight. Gayetridevi will soon find out which of the two girls - Asha - who she does not approve of - or Sarita, will take of her blind son.
Bhagvanti J. Lal
An ancestral property is distributed between two brothers, then a couple of years later, bitterness divides their families. An outsider in the younger brother's family tries to kill the others, which is resisted in time, and they reunite.
Mrs. Verma
Сангам - это место, где сливаются три реки. В фильме слились три жизни. Сундар, Радха и Гопал с детства росли вместе, любили друг друга и готовы были пожертвовать друг для друга самым дорогим - счастьем. Гопал так и сделал: любя Радху, которая тоже его любила, он уговорил ее выйти замуж за Сундара. Свадебное путешествие в Европу не помогло: Радха не может забыть любимого. Сундар начинает подозревать правду, и жизнь троих друзей становится невыносимой. Наконец Гопал признается во всем Сундару…
A newly-wed woman is met with abuse in her new house
Dai Maa
In this re-imagining of Du Maurier's Rebecca, a recently wed woman discovers the ghost of her husband's first wife still haunts their home.
Keshav's mom
Keshav, an alcoholic, swears off alcohol after his father's death. He loves Kamala, whose father gets him a job and fixes a marriage date. But, the marriage is cancelled when he starts drinking again.
Phoolon Ki Sej
Nirmal Verma and Karuna are attracted to each other, while the former is touring that part of the country. They get very intimate, he promises to return, and even leaves his address with her but she misplaces it. Both do meet after 5 years, and after formal introductions - get married; and she re-locates to live with him and his doctor brother, and Bhabhi, Janki. Shortly thereafter Nirmal and the rest of the family are baffled when they find out Karuna secretly leaves the house and goes to an unknown location - when confronted - she refuses to divulge anything.
Ramdas is a trusting individual, and trusts everybody around him. When times turn bad for him, he entrusts the life of his son, Bansi, to his trusted employee, Ronaklal, and departs. He regularly sends money to Ronaklal to provide for the upkeep of his son, but Ronaklal uses this money to educate his son, Deepak, keeps Bansi uneducated, and makes him do a lot of manual work. Years pass by, Ronaklal is now crippled, and is dependent on Bansi, as Deepak has left him, got married to a wealthy girl, and lives with his in-laws. Ronaklal is unable to show his face to Ramdas, and avoids him, and Bansi has grown up without knowing who his real father is. Will Ronaklal be able to tell Ramdas the truth when he returns, or will be just let Deepak be the sole heir to all the estate and the property?
Mrs. Dharamdas
Shekhar is a Lothario. He's also the son of the Public Prosecutor. After his philandering has exhausted his parents' patience, he takes a fancy to Saradha and contrives to put her in a compromising position. She cannot escape from marrying him after her father accepts the Public Prosecutor's proposal of a union between their offspring. Shocked by his bride's contempt for his behaviour, Shekhar resolves to wait until his wife accepts him of her own volition. When she contracts pneumonia he gains the opportunity to win her love. However, an encounter with an old flame lands him in jail and Shekhar finds himself facing his father across a courtroom, charged with murder.
Bluff Master
Ashok's Mother
Ashok, is on a lookout for a job. But that does not stop him from putting on airs and bluffing, pretending that he is from a rich family. As luck would have it, he get a job of a photographer for a fictitious tabloid - Bhukump, only to lose it, because he had the misfortune to click the photograph of the owner's daughter Seema slapping an eve teaser. Never one to give up, he somehow meets her and convinces her of his good intentions. When she falls in love with him, Ashok tries to give up bluffing. But it is too late. No one believes him.
Одно сердце - сотня горестей
Shekhar's Grandmother
Шекхар живёт в богатой семье. Однажды он принимает решение пойти против воли своей деспотичной бабушки. Та желает, чтобы её внук женился на другой девушке. В итоге, молодой человек женится на своей возлюбленной, Суните. Его не смутило даже предсказание астролога, которое гласит, что в будущем у девушки не будет детей. Бабушка узнает об этом и говорит Шекхару, что он останется без наследства, если не бросит Суниту. Чтобы не терять наследство, молодые люди выдают соседского ребёнка за своего сына.
Angara's mother
Angara and Vikram fall in love despite their family being from different clans and having a feud.
Maa Beta
Reeta's mom
Dependent on his elder brother, Bishan, Ganga and his wife, Rameshwari, are abused and asked to leave. They work hard, set up their own business, and soon become wealthy enough to even support Bishan and his wife. A pregnant Rameshwari gets the news that her husband has been killed. She subsequently gives birth to a boy, who goes missing. Will Rameshwari be ever reunited with her son?
Sita Devi Verma
Sita devi is a very strict aunt for a number of young ladies, and does not allow them to fraternize with males. Along comes Pritam disguised as an elderly Professor Khanna to break every possible rule of the aunt
Disillusioned with his wealthy friends, a man pretends to be poor and goes to live in the slums where he falls in love with a burglar's sister.
Opera House
Leela Sharma
A lover follows his sweetheart to her hometown and becomes embroiled in a murder mystery.
While Shekhar (Rajendra Kumar) falls in love with and weds Bela (Saroja Devi), the daughter of a wealthy businessman, Shekhar's sister elopes with a common thief whose family is planning to discredit her sibling. When an expensive necklace disappears, Bela's suspicions about her spouse put their union in jeopardy in this affecting film directed by T. Prakash Rao. The supporting cast includes Jayshree Gadkar and Shubha Khote.
Mrs. Roy / Memdidi
Memdidi tells a simple and endearing story of Mrs. Roy (Memdidi), who moves in as a new neighbor to the two local tough guys, Bahadur Singh (David) and Sher Khan (Jayant), with a heart of gold. Hrishikesh Mukherjee's direction and screenplay makes this movie a gem and worth watching again and again.
Rukmani (Seth Jagatnarayan's sister)
Young and attractive Sarita Choudhary lives a wealthy lifestyle with her widowed dad, Jagatnarayan in a palatial house with her aunt, Rukmani; cousin, Lalli, and a maid-servant, Manorama Lal. Her dad recruits a tutor, Arun, to teach her essay-writing, and both Arun and Sarita end up falling in love with each other, especially when Sarita finds out that he is really a famous poet by the name of 'Rahee'. But her aunt would like to see her married to her nephew, Ramu alias Romeo, and she has Jagatnarayan recruit him to teach Sarita music. Jagatnarayan himself would like Sarita to get married to the son of a wealthy man, Moti Lal, and openly rejects any alliance with Arun, who comes from a poor family. Watch what happens when Moti Lal gets an anonymous letter informing him that Sarita is not the real daughter of Jagatnarayan, and that her parentage. religion, and caste are unknown.
Hum Dono
Major. Manohar Lal Verma's mother
An Indian army captain must break bad news to a sick woman.
Shekhar's Mother
A humorless and pompous businessman goes wild when he falls in love. Now if only his domineering mother could understand his new lease on life.
Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai
Raju informs the police about a group of bandits, even though he is in love with the chief's daughter. The police set out to kill the clan and it is upto him to save the bandits and his love.
Еще в младенчестве Суджата — девочка из касты неприкасаемых, была удочерена семьей из высшей касты. Пока была маленькая Суджата не обращала внимания на то, как с ней обращаются в семье, где кроме нее росла еще одна девочка Рама, родная дочь. Но, повзрослев, Суджата поняла, что все дело в ее происхождении. Ее происхождение стало главной проблемой Суджаты в тот момент, когда в жизни девушки появился молодой человек Адхир, безумно влюбившийся в нее...
Ganga (Kanhaiya's mother)
Shanno falls for the flautist Kanhaiya, believing him to be Lord Krishna, and decides to marry him. However, she is shocked after realising that he is, in fact, the village drunkard.
Mohar starring Geeta Bali and Shammi Kapoor in the lead role
Mrs. L. D'Sa
Raj Kumar is an honest, handsome and intelligent young man. He works as a sole trader and being a painter trade, he is unable to earn a living and unable to pay rent to his kind-hearted but talkative landlady Mrs. D'sa. One day Raj finds a wallet containing money and returns it to the owner Mr Ramnath. Ramnath admires Raj and pleased with his honesty, employs him to work in his office as a clerk. Raj meets with Ramnath's maidservant Asha and soon both fall in love.
A wealthy man is thrilled about becoming a parent and is pleased when his wife gives birth to a son. However, the son’s identification gets misplaced.
Based on Umrao Jaan Ada by Mirza Hadi Ruswa.
Samrat Chandragupt
This movie depicts the personal life of Samrat Chandragupt, his trials, tribulations, and frustrations, as well as the challenges he faces to reclaim his kingdom; face-off the threat from Sikander; enlist the assistance of the Yunani Greeks; his love for Helena; and be forced to make a decision of beheading his own mother as per the laws of the land.
Thakurain Rukmani J. Singh
After an hospital accident, a wealthy male is compelled to adopt a prostitute's son. The lead protagonist is played by Raj Kapoor.
Gopal and Chanda's mom
City-bred Ramu is involved in petty crime. When his close friend Gopal asks him to go to the village and look after his mother and sister Chanda, Ramu does so. After coming to know both mother and daughter, they decide to re-locate to the big city to be together with Gopal. In the process, Ramu and Chanda fall in love with each other. Chanda wants Ramu to give up his life of crime, but will his crime partners allow Ramu to lead a normal life?
A good-hearted man is framed by his philandering cousin for murder.
Nau Do Gyarah
Madan's aunt
A sleep suspense thriller, from Vijay Anand (his directorial debut), Nau Do Gyarah is the story of Madan (Dev Anand) on his way to Bombay to inherit his uncle's estate. On the way, he picks Raksha (Kalpana Kartik), who has run away from home, rather than be married to a man she does not like. On reaching Bombay, Madan finds his uncle dead, and the estate taken over by Kuldeep, his aunt's nephew. The new will is missing. Madan has to find out, what really happened to his uncle and the missing second will. S. D. Burman's compositions embellish this fast paced and stylish thriller.
Pocket Maar
Roshan's mom
Roshan is a pickpocket whose life changes after a man he steals money from commits suicide. Driven by guilt, he sets out to repay the money to the deceased man's family.
Господин 420
Ganga Mai
Это фильм о веселом и бедном бродяге Радже, который путешествует по городам Индии, напевая веселую песенку о самом себе. Испытав в своей жизни бедность, богатство и любовь, Раджа остается честным и благородным, каким и является на самом деле простой человек.
Mr. & Mrs. '55
Seeta Devi
A young, naive heiress is forced into a 'marriage of convenience' with an unemployed cartoonist in an attempt to save her millions - a move orchestrated by the scheming aunt.
Miss Coca Cola
Miss Coca Cola is a 1955 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller film directed by Kedar Kapoor
Bahut Din Hue
Kidnapped by a villainous sorcerer, young mother Balanagamma (Pushpavalli) remains in captivity for more than 12 years, spurning her captor's sexual advances with claims of being in the midst of a long-term penance ritual. In her absence, her son has grown to adulthood -- and is determined to rescue his missing mother.
Emperor Shivaji
The film chronicles the ascent of Shivaji, the great Maratha warrior who fought for liberty from the erstwhile Muslim rulers in order to establish a secular Hindu kingdom.
The Immortal Song
Veteran director V. Shantaram spins this bio-pic about poet and musician Honaji Bala -- best know for popularizing the lavani dance form and for writing the classic raga Ghanashyam sundara shirdhara -- who reached the zenith of his creative powers just as the Maratha empire was collapsing to British invasion forces. The film shows not only Bala's passionate interest in lavani, but also his passionate interest in prostitutes -- particularly a beautiful dancer named Tamasha (Sandhya). As the Pune court bestows Bala an award for his talents, the film shows the Maratha army getting routed by the British onslaught.
Клеймо позора
Шанкар жил обычной, размеренной жизнью. Он иногда злоупотреблял алкоголем, но в целом, он ничем отличался от других. Однажды Шанкар влюбился в девушку Парвати, которая жила недалеко от него. Но вскоре на брата девушки сваливается огромное состояние, делая ее сестрой богача. После этого Шанкар долго не может прийти в себя. Он глушит свою боль алкоголем, пока однажды не отправляется на заработки в город.
Kamini (Shyama) runs over a young man (Dev Anand), who is seriously injured. Kamini visits him daily even while he is unconscious. When he recovers, she is attracted to him, and sets him up with employment with her dad Seth Mothumal's (Gope) business as a manager. He dines at Mothumal's house by Kamini, where he comes across a mute maid-servant named Asha (Nimmi). Asha is attracted to him, and he also feels attracted towards her, little knowing that his past has come to re-visit him in her form, and not knowing the changes it will bring to his life.
Banwra is a movie directed by G. Rakesh featuring Raj Kapoor, Nimmi.
Thakur ( is a proud and dignified man with an only daughter, Chanda who is of marriageable age. His wife and he receive a suitable proposal from the house of a lawyer and his wife. They accept this proposal, and make it clear to the lawyer that he is unable to afford any dowry, to which the lawyer agrees. The groom, Suraj, accepts the bride without any dowry. Then Chanda's mother-in-law gets agitated over the lack of dowry and starts harassing Chanda. The lawyer dies suddenly during a court case, and Chanda is blamed for his death. Eventually Chanda is thrown out of the house, and Suraj is unable to do anything. At this point in time, Thakur decides to sell everything and give it all to Chanda's mother-in-law, who is now planning to get Suraj married again. But will this gesture resolve Chanda's problems?
Prabhat's expansively mounted historical set at a contentious period of the Maratha empire is a biographical of Ramshastri Prabhune (1720-89), chief justice at the court of Madhavrao and later of Nana Phadnavis, and a major figure in the development of an indigenous legal code.
Diler Jagar
This silent film opens with shots of a hand distributing charity from a silver plate to a waiting crowd and tells of the good king of Magadh's fight with his evil ministers. The king is poisoned by his brother, the evil Kalsen and the infant prince Chandrapratab, smuggled out by the loyal sardar Satyapal, grows up in a forest to become the acrobat Hamir (Hamir) in love with his partner, the beautiful Saranga (Pawar, credited as 'Ambu'). Saranga is kidnapped by Kalsen's son Ramanaraj , described as 'the perfect libertine', but Kalsen takes her away from his son and attempts to seduce Saranga with promises of wealth. The fearless Hamir fights dozens of soldiers, in amateurishly staged fights, trying to liberate her. In the end Saranga, rejected by her lover for having been tempted by Kalsen's promises of wealth, dons a mask and turns into a Zorr-type avenger. Hamir is eventually recognized by the royal tattoo on his shoulder and restored to the throne as well as reunited with Saranga.