Paul Everton

Paul Everton

Рождение : 1868-09-19, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1948-02-26


Paul Everton


The Judge Steps Out
Superior Court Judge (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
На краю лезвия
Banker (uncredited)
Начало двадцатых годов прошлого века. Обеспеченный молодой человек по имени Лэрри Даррелл , в одночасье разрывает свои отношения с близкими людьми и, раздумав жениться на своей давней подруге Изабель, решает искать смысл жизни в путешествиях в дальние страны. Поиски просвещения приводят его в Гималаи. Насытившись впечатлениями, герой решает вернуться в родные пенаты, но он и не предполагает, что его возвращение сродни шагам по лезвию бритвы… В этом «Оскароносном» фильме за взаимоотношениями персонажей, страстей и натур отчетливо проступает художественно-философский анализ «вечных» тем мировой литературы: смысла жизни, назначение искусства, любви и смерти.
Wife Wanted
District Attorney Toland (uncredited)
Career-slipping movie star Carole Raymond buys in as a real estate partner of Jeff Caldwell. Actually, through his secretary, Nola Reed, Caldwell runs a matrimonial bureau and, with the aid of his associate, Lee Kirby, they defraud and blackmail a large group of lonely people. Carole, unknowingly, is used as bait for one of their victims, Walter Desmond, who "commits suicide." Reporter William Tyler thinks otherwise.
Centennial Summer
Senator (uncredited)
In 1876 Philadelphia, two sisters vie for the affections of a Frenchman who's come to town to prepare the French pavilion for the Centennial exposition.
Бог ей судья
The Judge (uncredited)
Писатель Ричард Харланд женится на прекрасной Эллен Берент, однако вскоре счастье молодых супругов омрачается: сначала умирает брат Ричарда, а потом у Хелен случается выкидыш. Ричард начинает понимать, что эти несчастья каким-то образом связаны с болезненной ревностью его жены.
Nob Hill
Undetermined Role (uncredited)
A Barbary Coast saloon owner hopes to marry his way into San Francisco's high society. Directed by Henry Hathaway, the film was released in 1945.
Judge Westcott (uncredited)
Сюжет вращается вокруг политической карьеры Вудро Вильсона, начиная с его решения покинуть пост в Принстоне, чтобы стать губернатором в Нью-Джерси, и заканчивая последующим повышением до поста президента США.
Behind Prison Walls
A reworking of a familiar theme, the story finds scheming steel tycoon James J. MacGlennon (Tully Marshall) and his high-minded lawyer son Jonathan (Alan Baxter) simultaneously ending up behind bars. While incarcerated, Jonathan tries to mend his larcenous father's ways, thereby drawing closer to his not-so-bad dad.
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Speaker (uncredited)
By popular consensus, Allan Jones' best Universal mini-musical of the 1940s was the timely When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Jones is cast as war hero Johnny Kovacs, who wearies of the adulation heaped upon him and takes refuge under an assumed name in a theatrical boarding house. Here he befriends orchestra leader Phil Spitalny and his all-girl aggregation, including the inimitable Evelyn and Her Magic Violin. When Army officials trace Johnny to the boarding house, his new friends assume that he's a deserter and try to convince him to return to duty.
The Silver Bullet
George Lee
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
Sarah's Guest
Лидия МакМиллан, красивая, независимая, пожилая женщина, которая никогда не была замужем, через сорок лет встречается со своими тремя поклонниками, с которыми когда-то её связывали романтические отношения. В воспоминаниях они возвращаются в своё прошлое, которое казалось прекрасным. Все эти годы мужчины задавали себе вопрос: почему она не выбрала никого из них. А разгадка была в четвёртом, единственном, кого она любила по-настоящему....
You, the People
Mayor James W. 'Jim' Wheelock
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short features a big city crime boss's attempt to use his crime "machine" to fraudulently win reelection for the current corrupt mayor. By using several illegal tactics, and aided by voter apathy, the crime boss nearly continues his control of the city.
Воскресни, любовь моя
Husband (Uncredited)
Американский летчик Том Мартин, ожидает приговора в испанской тюрьме в 1939 году. К власти пришли фашисты и его приговорили к смерти, как раз перед исполнением приговора в тюрьму прибывает репортерша Августа Неш и помогает летчику совершить дерзкий побег, при условии эксклюзивного интервью. Августа и Том симпатизируют друг другу, однако для нее карьера на первом месте, Том так же не желает связывать себя, особенно накануне грядущей войны. Только судьба распоряжается иначе, влюбленных влечет друг к другу все сильнее, как вдруг действительно начинается война, она заставляет обоих принять важные и судьбоносные для них решения. Встретятся ли они вновь и вернуться ли домой?
Mexican Spitfire Out West
Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings
Triple Justice
Lawyer Rufus Tatum
Brad Henderson arrives in Star City just in time to witness three men rob a bank of $30,000 and kill a teller. Charged for the crime and jailed, Brad realizes he must escape and track down the real killers since the only one who can prove his innocence is his friend, Sheriff Bill Gregory, who has been shot and will not soon regain consciousness. Chasing down the robbers one by one, he eventually discovers the identity of the gang's ringleader.
Hired Wife
Board Member
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
Men Against the Sky
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Prairie Law
Judge Ben Curry
Judge Curry is selling Austin's land to nesters and his men are rustling his cattle to provide beef. When the Sheriff accuses butcher Gore of possessing stolen beef, Gore kills him. Curry then holds a quick election to change the county seat so he can preside at the trial. But Brill gets the Governor to change it back and this leads to the big shootout between Curry's men and Brill and the ranchers.
Abe Lincoln in Illinois
Minor Role (uncredited)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
Five Little Peppers at Home
Thomas J. Townsend
The second entry in the four "Five Little Peppers" films finds the family struggling to keep their copper mine when their elderly business partner becomes ill.
Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President
Joe and Ethel Turp are up in arms when their faithful old mailman is fired. Unable to get satisfaction on a municipal level, Joe and Ethel plead their mailman's case to the President himself.
Five Little Peppers And How They Grew
The first of four films in the "Five Little Peppers" series, based on Margaret Sinclair's popular book, about a widowed mother and her five children. In this one the family inherits co-ownership in a copper mine.
Wisecracking showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself trapped in a Wyoming town when her new employer closes the show prematurely. She meets ranch foreman Charles "Slim" Martin when he accuses her of lifting his wallet and ends up being hired as a maid for ranch owners Cliff and Sybil, who are attempting to mend their rocky marriage after Sybil's infidelity with a cowboy.
Trapped in the Sky
General Mooyp
In this exciting spy drama, enemy agents endeavor to steal the plans for a top secret silent aircraft. The plane's inventor wants to sell his invention to other countries but his government will only allow it if the test flights fail. The prototype is sabotaged and crashes on the first test, killing the pilot. The commanding officer shoulders the blame and ends up court-martialed. He then goes to the enemy agents and wins their trust.
Hotel Imperial
Troupe Manager (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Юнион Пасифик
Rev. Dr. Todd (uncredited)
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
Whispering Enemies
Prison Warden
Meet the man who stayed just inside the law with a brand new racket...
The Great Man Votes
Mr. Offer
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Stand Up and Fight
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
The Strange Case of Dr. Meade
Dr. Hazard
In this drama, a New York physician takes a much-needed vacation down South. Unfortunately, he encounters a nurse working in the backwoods and ends up helping her to combat an epidemic that rages through the mountain communities. The doctor she works for prefers traditional herbs to modern medicine.
Сумасшедшая мисс Ментон
Newspaper Editor (uncredited)
Богатая светская львица Мелса Ментон возвращается с костюмированной вечеринки в предутренние часы, когда видит выбегающего из соседнего пустующего особняка богатого банкира знакомого мужчину, который ее даже не замечает. Любопытство пересиливает и Мелса заходит в дом, где натыкается на труп. Девушка в ужасе сбегает, оставив свою накидку. Приехавшая через 10 минут полиция, видя как одета девушка, слушая ее путанную речь, и зная ее сумасбродную репутацию, мало ей верит, но что более важно — в доме не обнаружено трупа. Редактор газеты Питер Эймс считает, что это последний инцидент еще одна шутка из серии шалостей, на которые способна веселая девушка и ее подруги и пишет о них статью, полную сарказма. Взбешенная Мелса врывается в редакцию и объявляет о своем намерении подать в суд за клевету. Питер очарован взрывной энергией девушки и решает, что он на ней женится. А Мелса и ее подруги решают самостоятельно предпринять расследование и найти убийцу, для того чтобы защитить свою репутацию.
Prison Break
Judge at Joaquin's Trial
Story of a tuna fisherman who has been wrongfully convicted of a murder he did not commit. His exemplary behavior in prison ensures that he is up for early parole. He realizes, however, that his movements will be limited, and he will be unable to join and wed his beloved. The only solution is to escape and hunt down the real killer, himself.
Gov. Spaulding
A new inmate at a juvenile reformatory tries to organize a mass breakout.
Gun Law
John Blaine
Finding a man alone in the desert, Marshal Tom is relieved - of his horse, clothes and water. When he catches up to Raven, he finds him dying from drinking bad water. When he gets to Gunsight, everyone thinks that he is the outlaw Raven and he plays it out so that he can end lawlessness.
The Beloved Brat
Judge Harris
Roberta Morgan is being raised in a wealthy home where her mother is occupied with her society-club activities and her father is immersed in his business activities. She also feels that the household staff is against her and that no one understands her needs and problems. Things spiral out of control.
Весело мы живем
Senator Harlan
Дворецкий Батлер Гросвенор обнаруживает за завтраком, что фамильное серебро украдено бродягой, которого хозяйка Эмили Килборн приняла под свое крыло в качестве шофера, в своей последней попытке реформы пригреть и обласкать опустившихся бродяг, создавая этим много напряжения среди остальных членов семьи. Обиженная Эмили клянется больше не принимать участия в облагораживании «павших на дно» к вящей радости своего мужа и взрослых детей, однако позже в их дверь стучится очередной «бродяга» Уэйд Ролинс, который на самом деле является писателем. У него сломался автомобиль и он постучался, что бы позвонить. Его затрапезный вид ввел в заблуждение и дворецкого, и дочерей хозяйки Джерри и Марион и саму хозяйку.
Midnight Intruder
John Clark Reitter Sr.
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
The Great Garrick
Innkeeper of Adam and Eve
A British actor insults a French acting group only to fall victim to a prank that might destroy his career.
Over the Goal
Grantland T. Haines
The Carlton State star quarterback is wrongly thrown in jail, almost guaranteeing a major loss as well as costing the college a donation which would save the school from closing.
Жизнь Эмиля Золя
Assistant Chief of Staff
Биографический фильм об известном французском писателе Эмиле Золя и о его участии в деле офицера Дрейфуса.
Они не забудут
Governor Mountford
Южный город потрясен скандалом: девушка-подросток Мари Клей убита в День памяти Конфедерации. Эндрю Гриффин, мелкий адвокат с политическими амбициями, видит в этом преступлении свой билет в Сенат, нужно только найти правильную жертву и обвинить её в убийстве. Он выбирает Роберта Хейла, северянина, учителя Мэри в бизнес-школе, где она и была убита. Несмотря на то, что все улики против Хейла косвенные, Гриффин как безжалостный репортер создает в СМИ волну ненависти и предрассудков в отношении учителя.
Мистер Дидс переезжает в город
Farmer (uncredited)
Лонгфеллоу Дидс, деревенщина из Вермонта, наследует огромное состояние своего дяди и за одну ночь становится известен всей стране. Весь городок собирается на вокзале, чтобы проводить Дидса, поэта, играющего на трубе, в Нью-Йорк, где он должен вступить во владение дядюшкиным капиталом и переехать в огромный особняк. Циничный газетчик МакУэйд не верит в имидж простого честного человека, созданный Дидсу в прессе. Он поручает красавице Бэйб Беннетт взять у парня интервью и дает ей недвусмысленные инструкции. Журналистка притворяется, что теряет сознание у входа в особняк. Галантный Дидс поднимает ее на руки, заботится. Она сообщает ему, что осталась без работы и постепенно начинает вытягивать информацию…
Here Comes Flossie!
A clumsy handyman mixes up a mail-order bride and a prize cow, both named "Flossie," with humorous results.
The Girl Habit
Bit part (uncredited)
A Lothario tries to get arrested as protection from the gangster husband who has threatened him.
That Royle Girl
George Baretta
Joan Royle, beautiful but naive model who came from the slums, falls for Fred Ketlar, the leader of a dance band. When Fred's estranged wife Adele is murdered, Fred is arrested and convicted of the crime. Joan believes that the real murderer is Baretta, a gangster who was keeping Adele as his mistress
Cappy Ricks
Capt. Kendall
When seaman Matt Peasley and his friend, Murphy (Hugh Cameron), go ashore in San Francisco, they save Florrie Ricks (Agnes Ayers) from a couple of robbers. Matt falls in love with Florrie, whose father is ship owner Cappy Ricks (Charles S. Abbe).
The Conquest of Canaan
Happy Farley
Joe Louden is an outcast in the small town of Canaan, and is especially disliked by Judge Pike. There is one inhabitant, however, who is fond of Joe -- the pretty but poor Ariel Tabor. But she inherits some money and goes to Paris with her father.
John Stover
Carlotta Darley (Dean) is engaged to Homer Carleton (Crosby), but regrets that Homer is not as tall and handsome as the butler Peter (Kerry).
The Eagle's Eye
Captain Franz von Papen
A criminologist and a government agent team up to expose a ring of German spies.
Life's Whirlpool
B.J. Hendrix
Ethel Barrymore plays the wife of an abusive country squire. So nasty is her husband that he all but forces her to seek solace in the arms of her former sweetheart (played by Alan Hale in his leading-man period). Their clandestine relationship finally comes out in the open when the nasty husband is killed by his irate tenants.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
A writer bets a publisher friend that he can write a 10,000-word novel in 24 hours. The publisher takes the bet, and gives him the "only key" to his Baldpate Inn, which has been closed for the winter, so he can write in complete seclusion. Things start heating up, though, when a succession of people who also have keys to the inn begin showing up.
The Last of the Carnabys
Charles Etheridge
The affluent Carnabys have now dwindled in fortune and family, leaving just Lucy and her brother, Gordon in financial straits. Situations escalate as they struggle to pay their bills and deal with Gordon's gambling debts.
A Message to Garcia
The Spanish ambassador
Filmed in Cuba, A Message to Garcia is an adventure story based on the writings of Elbert Hubbard
The Quitter
W.E. Willet
When his friends decide that "Happy Jack" Lewis needs a wife, they place an ad in the paper for one. Glad Mason replies and sends her picture. Jack's pals decide she is the one, and after he sees her picture, Jack thinks so too -- until the saloon proprietor points out that maybe she doesn't look anything like her photo. In fact, she could be an old hag!