Aldo Berti

Aldo Berti

Рождение : 1936-02-29,

Смерть : 2010-12-26


Aldo Berti


Gunmen and the Holy Ghost
The authorities of Springfield ask Spirito Santo/Holy Ghost, which in turn will require the help of Diego of Habsburg and his colourful gang, to eliminate the threat constituted by an elusive masked bandit – and arms dealer – known as Solitario.
Hey Amigo! A Toast to Your Death
Barnet, a bandit, and the eight men of his band lie waiting in a Texan village. Having confined the people of the village to their homes, they rob the stagecoach which arrives in town carrying a cargo of US $ 100,000 in gold. After the robbery, the bandits take refuge in a deserted mine but a post officer, Dove Williams, is on their track.
Ivanhoe, the Norman Swordsman
Year 1000. At the death of King Henry, Stefano Cunningam seized with the power of power making himself crowned king of England and Scotland. Ten years later, a young Norman, Ivanhoe, returning home from the Holy Land where he fought, finds the nation prey to the violence and cruelty of Stephen and his acolytes. Conducted in prison for his opposition to the usurper, Ivanhoe learns from York, former advisor to King Henry, also held prisoner, that the "Norman sword", symbol of the power of the king of England and Scotland is not in the hands of Stefano, but is guarded by a Scottish clan loyal to the dynasty of Henry.
Сартана в долине смерти
George Douglas
Известный меткий стрелок Ли Кэллоуэй соглашается помочь трем братьям-бандитам сбежать из тюрьмы при условии, что они дадут ему пятьдесят процентов украденного золота, которое они спрятали. Ли Кэллоуэй выполняет свою часть сделки, но преступники предают его и бросают умирать в пустыне. Спустя нескольких дней Ли Кэллоуэя спасает Эстер, выхаживает его, но делает это только для того, чтобы получить за него крупную награду...
Эль Пуро
Пьяный стрелок, спасаясь от пяти охотников за головами, прячется в салуне у девушки-танцовщицы. Когда его враги, узнав это, убивают девушку, он начинает мстить...
The Dirty Outlaws
An outlaw masquerades as a blind man's son in order to trick him into a cache of Gold. After a while he grows attached to the family and all goes well until the outlaws gang comes through town...
Born to Kill
Mitchell arrives in a town where a ruthless land baron is trying to take control of the entire area, eventually deciding to take sides with townspeople. Source: SWDB
Странник в городе
В практически вымерший город приезжает Незнакомец. Здесь хозяйничает банда некоего Ахилла. Жителей почти нет. Те немногие, что сидят на улицах — мертвы. Небольшая кучка людей спасается в местной церкви, кто-то, наверное, прячется дома, но их совсем не видно. И ещё есть женщина с ребёнком. После взаимного «непонимания» с бандой Ахилла, Незнакомец оказывается в её доме, — дверь её дома оказывается единственной незапертой во всём городке…
Gli amori di Angelica
Ramon the Mexican
Jack Castro
Ramon avenges his brother's murder and kills the Baxter Family. The surviving Slim Baxter joins for his revenge a troubled gang, which has also a lot to settle with Ramon. Source: SWDB
Go with God, Gringo
Bill Jackson
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
Ангел для сатаны
Vittorio, the Gardener
Готовя свою роскошную виллу к приезду племянницы, граф Монтебруно случайно находит старую статую. Вскоре выясняется, что эта статуя не лучшим образом влияет на психику девушки, результатом чего становятся различные странные происшествия и загадочные смерти.
Django, a Bullet for You
Sam Foster, a bounty hunter, is wounded during a shootout and took refuge at the home of Jimmy and Mary, two brothers who live in a small farm. She cared for and healed him, explaining the concern he feels for his brother to the company he keeps. Sam discovers that Jimmy is one of the outlaws pursued and, despite their friendship, goes on his quest to catch a bandit.
Night of Violence
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Stranger in Sacramento
Cowboy Mike Jordan kills two men in self defense and on returning to his herd finds his father and brother killed. He goes to the local sheriff to clear matters up but must settle accounts on his own.
His Women
Stefano Garbelli is employed by a pharmaceutical company. One evening Daniela, a young independent prostitute, approaches Stefano pretending to be a nurse. They get together, but Daniela has a sinister plan.
White Slave Ship
The Albatross travels from England to the New World in 1675, with a number of passengers, a couple of political prisoners along with a dozen other women convicts, these to be sold into slavery on arrival. The woman activist frees the dozen of low-cast women, and they take over the ship. After a storm, the captain takes back control of his ship. Since mutiny is punishable by death in the New World, the mutineers try to reroute the course, tossing Desny and Purdom in the brig. A practical male mutineer wants to throw the women overboard to save rations, but the women free Purdom and the captain to battle the mutineers. A British warship comes to the rescue, and the captain pardons Angeli and Purdom for having saved his life.
Пора отпусков
Gianni Marchetti
Чтобы провести отпуск в живописной сельской местности, в гостиницу в 40 километрах от Рима съезжаются горожане, и их общение между собой и с жителями колоритной провинции приводит к череде забавных ситуаций и романтических историй.
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