Makoto Sakamoto

Makoto Sakamoto

Рождение : 1977-06-17,


Makoto Sakamoto


Black Rat
Six classmates receive an email from Asuka, who they thought had committed suicide, asking them to meet her later that night. But when they are attacked by a girl in a rat mask, the students realize that someone is out for revenge!
An artist named Kurahashi and a female artist named Cheiko wait in a dentist's waiting room. The man feels attracted to the woman but says nothing to her. Later in the examining room, both patients are going under anesthesia, but the man looks over at the woman and sees the dentist and nurse taking off her clothes, while sucking her body for blood like vampires. The man and woman escape from the dentist's office, but their horror is only about to begin...
Tokyo Gore School
For Fujiwara, everything seems to be going well - he is doing well in high school, he is good looking and also a good fighter. One day, he is suddenly attacked by a group of students without any provocation. He then discovers that there is a mysterious violent game being played out in the corridors and playfrounds of Tokyo’s high schools. The game is being spread virally via the students’ mobile phones! The victims are mysteriously hypnotized and become senseless killing machines. Fujiwara must fight for his survival and to discover the game’s terrifying secret.
The Cycling Genius Is Coming!
Teru (Yuya Endo) has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. Being a cycling fanatic, who resents defeat, he joins Kamegaoka High School, which used to boast a powerful cycling club. There he meets Hatomura (Yuichi Nakamura), an ace of the club who wants to turn around the club which has deteriorated to the point of dissolution, and Yuta (Hiroki Suzuki), an aloof cycling genius with unshaken confidence in his speed who does not allow others to follow him. Meeting a rival that is faster than him for the first time, Teru joins the club in order to challenge them. His only interest, however, is his own cycling speed. Joining the club teaches Teru the importance of teamwork to support the lead cyclist and to place priority on the victory of the team. --AsianWiki
Nodame Cantabile in Europe
Hashimoto Yohei
This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki's story, the story tells about Chiaki's dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.
Fly, Daddy, Fly
Suzuki’s world is shattered when his teenage daughter is brutally attacked. The assailant, Ishihara, son of a politician, brazenly mocks Suzuki as he throws him cover-up money. Angry, Suzuki finds he has no answer to Ishihara and in venting his anger, loses his daughter’s trust too. A sleep-deprived, crazed Suzuki goes to Ishihara’s school wielding a knife. He does not find Ishihara, but instead forms an alliance with an odd group of school misfits called the Zombies. The group’s elusive leader, Pak Sun Shin, decides to train Suzuki, who quits his job and embarks on a punishing programme to win back freedom for his daughter.
The All-Out Nine: Field of Nightmares
Train Man
The purportedly true story of a 23-year-old otaku (Japanese geek) who intervened when a drunk man was harassing a woman on a train. The otaku ultimately started dating with her and chronicled his event and his dates with the woman (who became known as "Hermès") on the Japanese mega-BBS 2channel.
Ha пoxopoны нacтoятeля oднoгo xpaмa в пpoвинции Япoнии пpиeзжaeт cтpaннaя инocтpaнкa. Hиктo нe знaeт, oткyдa oнa и зaчeм пpиexaлa. Ho былo виднo, чтo eй нeкyдa вoзвpaщaтьcя. Taк oнa и ocтaлacь пoмoгaть в xpaмe. Джeннифep, a пo-мecтнoмy — Дзэнифa, дaжe co cвoим cкyдным япoнcким быcтpo нaшлa co вceми oбитaтeлями xpaмa oбщий язык. Kpoмe oднoгo тиxoгo пapeнькa. Oн вceгдa дepжaлcя oтдeльнo oт дpyгиx, пpoвoдя вce дни нaпpoлeт нa cвoeм пoлe. Житeли xpaмa зa глaзa нaзывaли eгo «Юнoшeй A». Иcпытывaя иcкpeнний интepec к oдинoкoмy, вceгдa пoгpyжeннoмy в ceбя, пapню, Дзэнифa нaчинaeт дeлaть пepвыe шaги для знaкoмcтвa. И oднaжды oн нaзoвeт eй cвoe имя и paccкaжeт пeчaльнyю cкaзкy из cвoeй жизни. A oнa пoдapит этoй cкaзкe cчacтливый кoнeц.
Хана и Алиса
Ataro The Crazed
Хана и Алиса — две лучшие подруги и вместе учатся в одной школе. На станции они замечают мальчика и обе влюбляются в него. Однажды, когда Хана тайно следовала за мальчиком домой, она увидела, как он врезался в стену и упал в обморок. Когда он приходит в себя, она решает выдать себя за его подругу, а его самого убедить в том, что у него амнезия.
Королевская битва 2
Osamu Kasai
Прошло три года после окончания «Королевской битвы». Мир все глубже погружается в пучину насилия. Сюя и Норико, которым удалось выжить в первой битве и бежать с острова, разыскиваются как опасные преступники. Сюя возглавляет террористическую группу «Дикая семерка», объявившую тотальную войну жестокому миру взрослых, заставляющих подростков убивать друг друга. Тем временем 42 выпускника средней школы, отправившись на курорт, просыпаются в электронных ошейниках со взрывчаткой. Учитель Рики объявляет, что их класс избран для проведения «Королевской битвы II». Если они смогут высадиться на отдаленный остров и за три дня найти и уничтожить группу террористов во главе с особо опасным преступником Сюя Нанахарой, то останутся жить. Если нет — все они умрут…
Love Song
In 1985 Hokkaido, Akiko gets close to a record store clerk after he lends her his copy of a Yutaka Ozaki album.