Frank Sheridan

Frank Sheridan

Рождение : 1869-06-11, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1943-11-24


Frank Sheridan


Чёрная пятница
Prison Chaplain
Во время уличной драки профессор университета Кингсли оказывается серьёзно ранен. В это же время аналогичный случай происходит с гангстером Кэнноном. Чтобы спасти своего друга, доктор Совак трансплантирует профессору часть мозга гангстера, который умирает. Но теперь Кингсли знает, где находится тайник с награбленными деньгами, которые Кэннон похитил у своего соперника Марнея. Получив мозг гангстера, Кингсли начинает вести себя соответствующим образом.
Heroes in Blue
Mike Murphy
Family heartbreak: A dedicated New York City policeman raises two sons, one following in his dad's footsteps as a cop while the other turns to crime and is arrested for murder.
City Streets
Father Ryan
When her mother dies, wheel-chair bound Winnie Brady is taken in by shopkeeper and neighbor "Uncle" Joe Carmine. Joe convinces Father Ryan to let him informally adopt her. Joe and Winnie live together with Tommy Devlin and his grandmother, Mrs. Devlin, and a dog Winnie names Muriel. Joe sells his shop to pay for an unsuccessful operation on Winnie's legs. This bankrupts Carmine, who then earns a meager living selling fruits and vegetables on the streets. Winnie is sent to live in an orphanage, and Carmine is discouraged from continuing his relationship with her. Carmine is so distraught by grief that he slowly begins to die. Winnie is brought to him by Father Ryan, and she finds the strength to stand and walk to his bedside and sings his favorite song, "Santa Maria." Later, after Winnie has acquired full use of her legs, Joe, in his new catering truck, takes the children on a picnic in the country.
A Night at the Movies
Mr. Baum (uncredited)
A Night at the Movies is a short film starring Robert Benchley. It was Benchley's greatest success since How to Sleep, and won him a contract for more short films that would be produced in New York. In this comedic short, a man and his wife suffer through a night at the movies. The film was nominated for an Academy Award at the 10th Academy Awards, held in 1937, for Best Short Subject (One-Reel).
Жизнь Эмиля Золя
M. Van Cassell
Биографический фильм об известном французском писателе Эмиле Золя и о его участии в деле офицера Дрейфуса.
A Fight to the Finish
Prison Warden
A feud between taxicab companies forms the basis of this drama. The trouble begins when the hero is double-crossed and framed for a murder by his rival with whom he was competing for the position of fleet superintendent in the city's biggest cab company.
Великий О’Мэлли
Father Patrick
Джеймс О’Мэлли проходит путь от супер-правильного полицейского, дотошно следующего букве закона, до человека, способного сопереживать проблемам окружающих. А помогает ему в этом маленькая дочка недавно арестованного им парня…
Sam Steubner
Pat's ability as a logging/mining camp fighter sets him up to box prizefighter Corrigan. Unknown to his supporters, he's actually in collusion with Corrigan to throw the fight - until he runs into reporter Maude.
Country Gentlemen
Chief of Police
After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride. When that misunderstanding is cleared up, the two conmen hatch a plot to unload all their worthless paper on the gullible citizens of Chesterville.
Murder with Pictures
Police Chief
Suspected crime boss Nate Girard beats a murder rap, and newspaper photog Kent Murdock is on the story. Girard and lawyer Redfield throw a party for the news men where Murdock romances a mystery woman who confronted Girard in front of him, but Murdock's fiancée Hester shows up. After they return to his apartment, have a fight, and she leaves, the mystery woman slips in and begs for his help. Police Inspector Bacon and the cops show up, looking for the mystery woman; Murdock hides her. Murdock goes with the cops to discuss the murder the woman is suspected of. Bacon explains (in flashback) how some photogs were setting up a shot with Girard and Redfield. When the flashbulbs popped, Redfield keeled over dead and the woman, Meg Archer, fled while the newsmen ran out to phone their papers. The newsmen (who were rounded up later as thoroly as possible) are taken into police custody, except for Murdock (who wasn't at the scene), who is given a cap on the sly by rival McGoogin. Altho ...
How to Vote
Chairman (uncredited)
A candidate has laryngitis, so his assistant must make a speech in his place. Both the speaker and his audience are soon befuddled.
Founders' Club Member (uncredited)
Блейк Нортон высокомерный щеголь - хозяин ночного клуба, пользующегося дурной славой. К нему в бар приходит девушка Мэри Блэйк, приехавшая из провинции, которая отчаялась найти работу. Он соглашается взять ее в качестве певицы, а услышав, как она поет, заключает с ней контракт. Но девушка мечтает о другой карьере, она хочет петь в опере Сан-Франциско и вдохновлять прихожан пением в хоре священника Тима Муллина. Нортон делает все, чтобы Мэри работала только у него. Он требует монопольного выполнения контракта от девушки. К негодованию Нортона закон на стороне Мэри, она в праве самостоятельно решать, как жить. Несмотря на вспыхнувшее взаимное чувство и приготовления к свадьбе, они ссорятся из-за желания Мери выступать в опере.
The Little Red Schoolhouse
Warden Gail
Upset by discipline at school, a 17-year-old runs away to New York City and learns there are worse problems than going to his little red school house.
The Voice of Bugle Ann
Uncle Nathan (uncredited)
A Missouri farmer's (Lionel Barrymore) son (Eric Linden) loves the daughter (Maureen O'Sullivan) of a neighbor who has killed the farmer's foxhound.
The Leavenworth Case
Silas Leavenworth
Director Lewis D. Collins' 1936 whodunit is about the investigation into the death of an elderly tycoon, who is murdered shortly after announcing he plans to change his will and give away his fortune.
Парень из Фриско
Mulligan - Jailer (uncredited)
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
Tom Blaine
A gambler (Larry "Buster" Crabbe) wins a ranch in a round of poker, then joins his neighbors on a rustler-ridden cattle drive to Texas.
The Spanish Cape Mystery
Walter Godfrey
Ellery Queen's vacation is interrupted when murder strikes next door to his oceanside cabin.
Woman Wanted
Judge at Baxter's Proceedings (uncredited)
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
Женщина с первой полосы
Warden (uncredited)
Эллен Гарфилд отказывается выйти замуж за корреспондента из конкурирующей газеты Курта Девлина, пока он не признает, что она также хороша в своем ремесле как любой другой мужчина. Он старается отговорить Эллен от участия присутствовать вместе с другими журналистами при исполнении смертного приговора в тюрьме, но она настаивает на своем. Когда она падает в обморок, Девлин диктует свою статью в свою редакцию, а затем слово в слово и в ее редакцию. Утром вышли одинаковые статьи в разных газетах и конечно же редакторы обоих в бешенстве…
Men Without Names
Police Captain
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Whispering Smith Speaks
Gordon Harrington, Sr.
O'Brien is "Whispering" Smith, so named because he speaks softly but knows how to fend for himself. The son of a railroad president, Smith is determined to learn the business from the ground up, so he gets a job as a track walker for his dad's rail line. While going about his duties, he meets Nan Roberts (Irene Ware), who is about to sell her Colorado ranch. Smith finds out that there are valuable tungsten deposits on her land and makes certain she won't be cheated by the villains
West Point of the Air
General Debbin in the Locker Room
An army sergeant inspires his son to become an ace flyer.
The Revenge Rider
Jed Harmon
Cowboy Tim McCoy becomes an instrument of revenge when he discovers his parents have been killed.
The Best Man Wins
Captain of the Salvage Tug
A diver saves his best friend's life but loses his own arm in doing so. Later, unable to find work because of his missing arm, he is forced to go to work for a criminal searching for lost treasures. Meanwhile his friend, who has since become a policeman, finds himself assigned to break up the crook's operation and bring in his gang--including the man who saved his life.
The Payoff
George Gorman
An honest sports columnist's greedy wife persuades him to go easy on a cheat, famous for crooked sports deals.
The Witching Hour
Police Chief
Jack Brookfield, a gambler with clairvoyant and hypnotic powers, is able to win at cards through his unique gift. But when he inadvertently hypnotizes young Clay Thorne, Thorne kills an enemy of Brookfield's while under a trance. No one believes Brookfield's protestations that Thorne is innocent of any murderous intent, so Brookfield teams up with retired lawyer Martin Prentice in hopes of saving the young man from the gallows.
Police Inspector Kellogg
A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.
Wharf Angel
The Skipper
On the wharfs of San Francisco, saloon girl Toy, also known as Mary, lives over Mother Bright's bar. When Como Murphy, a fugitive from the law, hides in her room, she falls in love with him. He explains that after he spoke out about the rights of man to a crowd, a riot ensued, during which a policeman was killed. Como took the gun from the killer, but is thought to be guilty of the crime himself. Como, who reciprocates Mary's love, spends the night with her, but leaves to keep her out of danger. He joins the crew of a ship sailing to China after he is befriended by Turk, a big lumbering sailor who is also in love with Mary. Each man is unaware that they love the same woman.
King for a Night
Prison Warden
A prizefighter is convicted of a murder that was actually committed by his sister.
В воскресенье, в обед
Officer Matt Hughes (uncredited)
Middle-aged dentist Biff Grimes reminisces about his unrequited love for beautiful Virginia Brush and her husband Hugo, his ex-friend, who betrayed him.
Mama Loves Papa
The Mayor
A woman's ceaseless badgering sends her husband on a drinking bender. Along the way, he makes a new female acquaintance.
The Man Who Dared
Sen. 'Honest John' McGuiness
An "imaginative biography" of Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago who was killed in the line of fire during an assassination attempt on President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami on February 15, 1933.
Afraid to Talk
Police Commissioner Garvey
Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.
Modest programmer denotes a young man's rise to fame in wrestling matches he doesn't realize have been "fixed", and ensuing romantic turbulence.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Honest John Kelleher
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
Okay, America!
Police Commissioner
A gossip columnist's rise to fame. Based closely on the real life of Walter Winchell.
The Last Mile
Warden Frank Lewis
Richard Walters is condemned to death for a murder he claims not to have committed. He arrives on death row just before a brutal inmate leads the other convicts in a violent uprising. Walters gets caught up in the riot, while on the outside his friends are trying to find evidence of his innocence.
Night Court
Thomas H. 'Sam' Haskins (uncredited)
A corrupt night court judge tears an innocent young family apart in his efforts to elude a special prosecutor.
Убийство в придорожной закусочной
District Attorney
Жаждущий прославиться молодой репортёр, наткнувшись на убийство, обставляет ситуацию таким образом, чтобы самому оказаться главным подозреваемым.
Broken Lullaby
A young French soldier in World War I is overcome with guilt when he kills a German soldier who, like himself, is a musically gifted conscript, each having attended the same musical conservatory in France. The fact that the incident occurred in war does not assuage his guilt. He travels to Germany to meet the man's family.
Ladies of the Big House
Warden Hecker
A woman tries to save her husband from the electric chair after both are sent to prison for a murder they didn't commit.
The Public Defender
Charles Harmer
A mysterious phantom who calls himself The Reckoner vows to expose the crooked bankers who embezzled their company's funds.
Murder by the Clock
Chief of Police
A policeman (William Boyd) investigates a woman's (Lilyan Tashman) link to murders that are preceded by a shrilling horn inside a family mausoleum.
Young Donovan's Kid
Father Dan
A crusader tries to keep a dope dealer from corrupting children.
Вольная душа
Prosecuting Attorney (uncredited)
Экранизация книги Аделы Роджерс Ст. Джонс. Известный адвокат по уголовным делам Стивен Эш (Лайонел Бэрримор) живет в Сан-Франциско, сильно пьет, терпеть не может членов своей напыщенной семьи и обожает свою своенравную дочь Джен (Норма Ширер). Однажды Стивен блестяще выигрывает процесс, защищая перед судом присяжных от обвинения в убийстве гангстера Эйса Уилфонга (Кларк Гейбл). Вечером Эйс доставляет сильно выпившего адвоката в дом его родственников на день рождения матери. Вся семья в шоке по двум причинам: от вида Стивена и присутствия Эйса. Когда члены семьи высокомерно просят Эйса покинуть дом, Джен в знак протеста уходит вместе с ним, хотя на семейном торжестве присутствует ее жених Дуайт Уинтроп (Лесли Ховард)...
Danger Lights
Ed Ryan
Head railroad man Dan is as ugly as he is honorable. When he spots a drifter who'd hopped a freight held up by a landslide, Dan offers the man a job; then he finds the man was a railroader, too, and takes him under his wing. Engaged to Mary, Dan doesn't notice the growing attraction between his protégé and his intended but focuses instead on running the railroad.
The Other Tomorrow
Dave Weaver
The Other Tomorrow, a love-triangle drama, is a lost American Pre-Code film, directed by Lloyd Bacon and produced by First National Pictures, a subsidiary of Warner Bros.
Side Street
Tom O'Farrell
Three New York Irish brothers cross paths as policeman, doctor and bootlegger.
Fast Life
A man is tried and convicted for the murder of a man who flirted with his wife., and sentenced to death However, it turns out that he is innocent of the murder and that the real killer has close ties to a powerful politician.
The Man Next Door
The story to this comedy-drama is based on the book by Emerson Hough, who was experiencing a surge of popularity because his book The Covered Wagon had recently been made into a hit film. Ranchman Colonel Wright sends his daughter Bonnie to an Eastern college to receive an education. She decides to stay in the city and sends for her father, who arrives with his foreman Curly. Even though they live in the midst of society, they are snubbed by the Easterners as uncouth.
One Exciting Night
A young orphan girl, courted by an unpleasant older suitor who has a hold over her adoptive mother, falls in love with Fairfax, a young stranger at a party. A group of bootleggers try to get away with the loot stashed previously within Fairfax's mansion; Mysterious faces peer into the windows and shadowy figures stalk the hall. One of the bootleggers is killed and the young stranger becomes the prime suspect.
Anne of Little Smoky
The Brockton
The Brockton clan considers the mountain Little Smoky their own, but then the government comes in and declares it a forest and game preserve. This doesn't stop the family, who swears they will do what they want with the land.
A Daughter of Two Worlds
Black Jerry Malone
Enlighten Thy Daughter