Veit Harlan

Veit Harlan

Рождение : 1899-09-22, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 1964-04-13


Veit Harlan was born on September 22, 1899 in Berlin, Germany. He was a director and actor, known for Die goldene Stadt (1942), Der große König (1942) and Jud Süß (1940). He was married to Kristina Söderbaum, Hilde Körber and Dora Gerson. He died on April 13, 1964 in Capri, Italy.


Veit Harlan


100 Years of the UFA
Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
The intricate history of UFA, a film production company founded in 1917 that has survived the Weimar Republic, the Nazi regime, the Adenauer era and the many and tumultuous events of contemporary Germany, and has always been the epicenter of the German film industry.
Die blonde Frau des Maharadscha
I'll Carry You on My Hands
Любовь бывает ядом
Магдалена Кёлер возвращается домой после окончания закрытой христианской школы. Не имея никакого опыта жизни вне стен этого заведения, девушка быстро попадает под влияние не самых чистоплотных людей. Знакомство с натурщицей Рут приводит её в мастерскую художника Роберта Фербера. Очарованная интеллигентным молодым человеком, коренным образом отличающимся от всех, кого Магдалена встречала ранее, она с первого взгляда влюбляется в него и соглашается позировать обнажённой. Портрет Магдалены вызывает фурор на выставке, но только не у её отца-пастора и его круга общения. Суровый священник изгоняет дочь, но и для Роберта девушка была всего лишь мимолётным увлечением. Оказавшись вне семьи, Магдалена находит приют на самом дне общества, где правят бал наркотики и продажная любовь…
В отличие от нас с вами
Клаус, молодой человек, юный художник в послевоенном Берлине. У него есть друг, одноклассник Манфред, он сочиняет стихи и повести. Манфред знакомит его с Борисом, искусствоведом и продавцом антиквариата. Борис любит заниматься опекой над молодыми людьми, собирает их в своём доме, где они слушают электронную музыку, обсуждают поэзию, ведут интеллектуальные беседы. Семья Клауса обеспокоена подозрительными знакомствами сына и решает любыми путями избавить его от этой компании.
Изменник Германии
Япония весной 1941 года. Немецкий коммунист Ричард Зорге, советский разведчик, работает корреспондентом газеты в Японии. Никто не знает, что он должен искать для Советов возможные немецкие планы нападения на СССР, а также возможное участие Японии в нем. Для этого он создал шпионскую сеть "Сверчок" в Токио. Для работы Зорге крайне важны его отношения с японцем Осаки и послом Германии. На самом деле он сталкивается с ничего не подозревающей секретарем сообщения Катариной фон Вербер, имеющей важную информацию, которая даже включает планы японской атаки на Пёрл-Харбор. Эти выводы, которые были бы решающими заранее для войны, Рихард Зорге немедленно сообщает в Москву, если бы только Сталин поверил в эту новость...
Circus Girl
A circus story
Circus Girl
A circus story
Stars Over Colombo
Die blaue Stunde
Hanna Amon
Hanna Amon and her brother Thomas live on an estate they've inherited from their parents. Local veterinarian Brunner loves Hanna from afar, and Thomas is in love with the daughter of the local mayor. Love, however, doesn't always mean happiness, as both Hanna and Thomas are soon to find out.
Hanna Amon
Hanna Amon and her brother Thomas live on an estate they've inherited from their parents. Local veterinarian Brunner loves Hanna from afar, and Thomas is in love with the daughter of the local mayor. Love, however, doesn't always mean happiness, as both Hanna and Thomas are soon to find out.
Eyes of Love
Executive Producer
Eyes of Love
Unsterbliche Geliebte
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
The Great Sacrifice
Äls, a young woman from Sweden living in Hamburg in the summer months attracts a newly married explorer, Albrecht Froben who has just returned to his native city. But although Äls seems to be 'life itself', she suffers from a tropical disease which is slowly killing her. Froben is torn between Äls and his wife Octavia, who he seen as a kind of 'heavenly' counterpart to the earthy and beguiling Äls.
The Great Sacrifice
Äls, a young woman from Sweden living in Hamburg in the summer months attracts a newly married explorer, Albrecht Froben who has just returned to his native city. But although Äls seems to be 'life itself', she suffers from a tropical disease which is slowly killing her. Froben is torn between Äls and his wife Octavia, who he seen as a kind of 'heavenly' counterpart to the earthy and beguiling Äls.
A man and a woman struggle to stifle their love for each other, even after he moves away to travel the world and she marries a suitor.
A man and a woman struggle to stifle their love for each other, even after he moves away to travel the world and she marries a suitor.
A man and a woman struggle to stifle their love for each other, even after he moves away to travel the world and she marries a suitor.
The Golden City
Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.
The Golden City
Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.
The Golden City
Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.
The Great King
King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia is engaged in a major battle against the Austrian army at Kunersdorf, and things aren't going well. The Austrians are inflicting major casualties, and his army is beginning to crumble. Defeat seems inevitable when a combination of events gives him hope that he may pull victory from the jaws of defeat after all.
The Great King
Executive Producer
King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia is engaged in a major battle against the Austrian army at Kunersdorf, and things aren't going well. The Austrians are inflicting major casualties, and his army is beginning to crumble. Defeat seems inevitable when a combination of events gives him hope that he may pull victory from the jaws of defeat after all.
Pedro soll hängen
Еврей Зюсс
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
Еврей Зюсс
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
The Journey to Tilsit
From the same Sudermann story that inspired Murnau's Sunrise (1927). A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident.
The Journey to Tilsit
From the same Sudermann story that inspired Murnau's Sunrise (1927). A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident.
The Immortal Heart
Nuremberg durting the time of Albrecht Durer and the famous geographer Martin Behaim: the locksmith Peter Henlein is looking for a way to make bullets more accurate by designing a new form. Just as he welds together two round balls into an elongated shape, he believes he's discovered that his assistant Konrad is trying to alienate his wife from him. There is a struggle, during which Henlein's new kind of bullet strikes him in the chest. The doctor, unaware that there are two bullets lodged in his body, because there was only one shot, only removes one.
Covered Tracks
Séraphine and her mother arrive in Paris to visit the 1867 World Exhibition. In an overcrowded city they must be accommodated in separate hotels. During the night the mother, who wasn't feeling very well, gets suddenly worse. When next morning Séraphine goes to meet her every trace of her presence has disappeared and everybody denies having ever met her. The bewildered young woman must find someone who believes her. Previous version of So Long at the Fair (1950).
Covered Tracks
Séraphine and her mother arrive in Paris to visit the 1867 World Exhibition. In an overcrowded city they must be accommodated in separate hotels. During the night the mother, who wasn't feeling very well, gets suddenly worse. When next morning Séraphine goes to meet her every trace of her presence has disappeared and everybody denies having ever met her. The bewildered young woman must find someone who believes her. Previous version of So Long at the Fair (1950).
Germany, 1890: Having just gotten his high-school diploma, Hans leaves for Heidelberg to begin his university studies. But first, he wants to visit his uncle, Pastor Hoppe, in the small village of Rosenau. It's here that he again meets his cousin and childhood friend Annie. Annie is the illegitimate child of Pastor Hoppe's sister, who's left the upbringing of her offspring to the man-of-the-cloth. Conservative chaplain Schigorski continually tries to convince Annie to join the nearby cloister and thus "atone" for the sins of her mother. And it's getting more difficult for the fun-loving girl to escape the chaplain's harrassment. When Hans arrives, old feelings of lust come back to the surface.
My Son the Minister
Sylvia has succeeded in making her son Robert a minister in the French Republic. His old servent, Gabriel, interrupts the young man during an "erotic" conference with the singer Betty. She's there, because her politically inappropriate songs is about to get her banned from the stage, which the minister would like to prevent. A fight breaks out between Robert and Gabriel and Sylvia, his mother, has to confess to Robert, that Gabriel is actually his father. When the minister once again misbehaves, this time at a ball, his servant and father Gabriel decides that the time has come to slap his son in everyone's presence. Robert is forced to resign and a journalist from the People's Front suggests Gabriel for the post of minister. - The film was classified after the end of the german third empire as a reservation film.
The Sovereign
Der Herrscher (The Sovereign) was based on Before Sunset, a play by Gerhart Hauptmann. The great Emil Jannings stars as Mathias Clausen, a self-made businessman who is forced to do a great deal of soul-searching when his wife unexpectedly dies. Determining to start life anew, he falls in love with his secretary Inken (Marianne Hoppe) and impulsively takes a vacation to Italy. Clausen's selfish grown children, not wishing to share their father's affections -- nor his money -- with his new wife-to-be, go to court demanding that Clausen be declared mentally incompetent. Upon finding this out, Clausen flies into a rage, leaving the audience to wonder whether or not he really as gone off his trolley. Der Herrscher was directed by Veit Harlan, more famous (or notorious) for his viciously anti-Semitic Jud Suess (1940).
The Kreutzer Sonata
Maria, die Magd
Maria, die Magd
All for Veronica
Der müde Theodor
A fast-paced comedy revolving around secrets and mix-ups. Theodor is a husband who helps his expulsed niece with her careers as a singer. His wife mustn't know this so he secretly takes a job as maître d' at a big hotel. This doesn't just lead to him always being tired but to all kinds of other troubles.
Kater Lampe
Trouble Backstairs
Antonio Stradivari
Joan of Arc
France in the 15th Century: The country is marked by the wars with England and internal power struggles. King Charles sees himself powerless against the state. As emerges from the people suddenly a young woman named Johanna, who claimed that the Archangel Gabriel to be appointed, to save France. First of all doubt the king in their words, but he remembers that the people through this "help of God" is gaining new courage. With the slogan "God and the Virgin!" pulls the revivified victorious army into battle against the English-Burgundian alliance. After Johanna King Charles is crowned at Reims, there breaks the plague over the country in. Now Johanna all the blame on the disaster: God would punish believe in the country for that a heretic; if Johanna were actual a holy, she would deal also with the plague. The waning faith weakens France, England is again on the rise. But Johanna is executed as a witch. Only years later annulled the verdict of the Holy and Johanna explained.
Mein Leben für Maria Isabell
The Red Rider
Nur nicht weich werden, Susanne!
Georg Brinkmann
Der Fall Brenken
Der Unbekannte
Film by Lamac.
Enrico Tortoni, Mitglied der Truppe Manzetti
Ein Mädchen mit Prokura
Polizeiakte 909
Inose Hironari
The Anthem of Leuthen
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia of his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Die unsichtbare Front
Friseur Jonny
Herzog Karl August von Weimar
Based on Franz Lehar's operetta, about the first woman whom the great German writer Goethe fell in love with.
Schill's eleven officers
Klaus Gabain
Help! Raid!
Otto Weigandt
A Woman Branded
Ein Student
Toni van Eyck became known with her leading role in this early "Aufklärungsfilm" (education film) Gefahren der Liebe/A Woman Branded (Eugen Thiele, 1931) opposite Hans Stüwe. She played a rape victim, who finally becomes a murderess.
Revolt in the educational house
The Somnambulist
Originally named "The Clairvoyant" presenting the many talents of parapsychologist Elsbeth Günther-Geffers. First banned, later extensively reworked.
Eins + Eins = Drei
Das Mädchen mit den fünf Nullen
The Master of Nuremberg
Die Hose
A woman loses her undergarments in public. Chaos ensues.