Wilhelm Sperber


Rebel Flight to Cuba
Production Manager
A group of criminals hijacks a plane, intending to fly it to Cuba.
Китти и огромный мир
Основатель Рима, легендарный Ромул, дабы заселить основанный им город, объявил, что в нем найдется убежище всем изгнанным и преследуемым! Так город Рим стал заселяться беглыми рабами, разбойниками и искателями приключений. Но всё это были мужчины! Чтобы решить проблему продолжения рода Ромул посылает сватов в соседнее племя сабинян. Только старейшины в резкой форме отказали им, ссылаясь на неблагонадежность женихов. Тогда решено было девушек выкрасть или заманить… устроив красочную спортивную олимпиаду?
Перед заходом солнца
Executive Producer
Пожилой промышленник Матиас Клаузен после смерти жены потерял радость жизни. Его не утешает и привязанность к своим отпрыскам, которые из эгоизма думают только о защите своих интересов. Поэтому, когда Клаузен влюбляется в молодую женщину, которую нанимает секретарём, дети понимают, что она может стать их мачехой.
Das Bad auf der Tenne
Line Producer
A comedy directed by Paul Martin.
Die Junggesellenfalle
Glück aus Ohio
a movie by Heinz Paul
The Trip to Marrakesh
Armande, the wife of surgeon Colbert, has numerous love affairs and pursues Jacques, whom Armande’s girlfriend Liliane has in her sights.
Production Manager
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Yvette. Die Tochter einer Kurtisane
Production Manager
Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Versprich mir nichts!
Production Manager
Maler Pratt, an artist, refuses to sell his paintings as he thinks that they still need improvement before being publicly exhibited, but his wife Monika thinks differently and sells them because she thinks they are good...and they need the money. As he only signs an "M" on his work, Monika has no difficulty in claiming she is "M", but problems arrive when she is commissioned to do a large mural and Maler refuses to help her out. However, his creative spirit gets the best of him and he does the mural which is widely acclaimed to be a great work of art. Felder , an art dealer, is not overly pleased with this turn of events as he has been pleading with Monika to divorce her shiftless husband and marry him.