Frustrated by the liberal left and what he deems the destruction of the country he risked his life for, reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider) is ordered by the court to keep his distance from the local high school with the American flag on the back of his El Camino or face a fine and jail time. In an ultimate exhibition of patriotism, he sets forth a series of events that just may get him killed in his own front yard.
Frustrated by the liberal left and what he deems the destruction of the country he risked his life for, reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider) is ordered by the court to keep his distance from the local high school with the American flag on the back of his El Camino or face a fine and jail time. In an ultimate exhibition of patriotism, he sets forth a series of events that just may get him killed in his own front yard.
Quint North
Frustrated by the liberal left and what he deems the destruction of the country he risked his life for, reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider) is ordered by the court to keep his distance from the local high school with the American flag on the back of his El Camino or face a fine and jail time. In an ultimate exhibition of patriotism, he sets forth a series of events that just may get him killed in his own front yard.
Executive Producer
В 1809 году Меривезер Льюис (из знаменитого дуэта Льюиса и Кларка) умер от огнестрельных ранений в местечке Гриндерс на тропе Натчез. Совершил ли он, будучи в то время губернатором территории Луизиана, самоубийство, как принято считать? Или его конец был гораздо более зловещим? Запутанные версии смерти исследователя и землемера Льюиса в отдаленном трактире в Теннесси выдумывает его друг Александр Уилсон во время напряженной встречи с Присциллой Гриндер - единственной свидетельницей последней ночи жизни американского исследователя.
James Neely
В 1809 году Меривезер Льюис (из знаменитого дуэта Льюиса и Кларка) умер от огнестрельных ранений в местечке Гриндерс на тропе Натчез. Совершил ли он, будучи в то время губернатором территории Луизиана, самоубийство, как принято считать? Или его конец был гораздо более зловещим? Запутанные версии смерти исследователя и землемера Льюиса в отдаленном трактире в Теннесси выдумывает его друг Александр Уилсон во время напряженной встречи с Присциллой Гриндер - единственной свидетельницей последней ночи жизни американского исследователя.
The Songbirds guitar museum hosted the world's largest collection of vintage guitars. Covid-19's devastating blow to the music industry forced the museum to permanently close. This documentary film explores the final hours and cultural impact of this special collection.
В небольшом городке на Среднем Западе США начинают свершаться чудеса, когда таинственная женщина привозит в город "исцеляющую" лошадь Аделину.
Duke Marietta
This picks right up after the events of "Stand On It!" (2020) with the lovable characters being offered $2.5 million for a single game of Texas Hold'em, which takes them to multiple locations by various means of travel to play the card turns- with absurd hilarity ensuing.
This picks right up after the events of "Stand On It!" (2020) with the lovable characters being offered $2.5 million for a single game of Texas Hold'em, which takes them to multiple locations by various means of travel to play the card turns- with absurd hilarity ensuing.
This picks right up after the events of "Stand On It!" (2020) with the lovable characters being offered $2.5 million for a single game of Texas Hold'em, which takes them to multiple locations by various means of travel to play the card turns- with absurd hilarity ensuing.
Joe Winter
Years after their personal and professional breakup, the singing duo of Georgia and Joe Winter agree to reunite after their daughter, Belle, asks them to participate in a Christmas Charity concert, only to find themselves getting back in tune on stage and off.
An animated reimaging of the largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta's history, with upwards of 88,000 people forced from their homes.
Shock jock Adam finds himself on the road to fame and fortune. But when it all falls apart, life takes a romantic detour he never could have expected.
Justice Byron White
В начале 1970-х Америка была раздроблена судебным разбирательством в Техасе: девушка под псевдонимом Джейн Роу подала иск против штата, не позволившего ей прервать беременность по собственному желанию. Десятки судей, врачей и активистов самого разного толка столкнулись в схватке за собственные убеждения, проталкивая свои аргументы и используя любые возможные уловки ради решения конфликта. Вся страна оказалась вовлечена в баталию, целью которой было дать ответ на вопрос: имеют ли женщины право на аборт?
Grandpa Gene
То, что начиналось как недельное приключение с друзьями, быстро превратилось в ужасающую борьбу за выживание на Лестнице. В 1997 году мальчик отправляется на охоту со своим дедушкой, однако глубоко в лесу они находят таинственную лестницу. Их исчезновение повергает в шок местных жителей. Двадцать лет спустя группа путешественников отправляется в продолжительный поход по той же тропе. С каждым шагом вдали от цивилизации их все глубже затягивает в коварную ловушку горной местности, где их ждёт та же зловещая лестница.
John Holiday
Лорен - трудолюбивый менеджер по рекламе, начинает влюбляться в Пола, консультанта, призванного ей на помощь в работе над важнейшим проектом в её жизни. Вот только никто и не догадывается, что на самом деле Пол - Принц Эдвард, член королевской семьи из Кандашира, притворившийся простым смертным.
Get your CB out and come up with a good "handle" cause it's time to roll!
Legendary but tired ex-television star Duke Marietta is bet half a million dollars against his big rig that he can't for real what Burt Reynolds did for pretend in "Smokey and the Bandit!"
With many winks and nods to both the movie and Dukes of Hazzard, this Tongue-in-cheek adventure is not only aware it's a movie but that it's a movie within a movie!
A great action packed laughed fill ride for that Southern car comedy fan in you or a great introduction to folks unaware of the thrill of a fast car.
Get your CB out and come up with a good "handle" cause it's time to roll!
Legendary but tired ex-television star Duke Marietta is bet half a million dollars against his big rig that he can't for real what Burt Reynolds did for pretend in "Smokey and the Bandit!"
With many winks and nods to both the movie and Dukes of Hazzard, this Tongue-in-cheek adventure is not only aware it's a movie but that it's a movie within a movie!
A great action packed laughed fill ride for that Southern car comedy fan in you or a great introduction to folks unaware of the thrill of a fast car.
Duke Marietta
Get your CB out and come up with a good "handle" cause it's time to roll!
Legendary but tired ex-television star Duke Marietta is bet half a million dollars against his big rig that he can't for real what Burt Reynolds did for pretend in "Smokey and the Bandit!"
With many winks and nods to both the movie and Dukes of Hazzard, this Tongue-in-cheek adventure is not only aware it's a movie but that it's a movie within a movie!
A great action packed laughed fill ride for that Southern car comedy fan in you or a great introduction to folks unaware of the thrill of a fast car.
Sparks fly between a famous model and a farmer with a young daughter when she visits her childhood home. The town is in danger of losing their beloved Santaland festival, but miracles can happen with a little love, family, and faith.
Ken Sharp
Уставшая от травли Кассандра Эванс молится, чтобы её заклятый враг, звезда социальных сетей, поняла, каково это - побыть в её шкуре. Её молитва услышана, и девочки неожиданно меняются местами.
Dr. Holden
A desperate marine biker’s life is turned upside-down when he is united with the sassy 9-year-old daughter he never knew existed.
В одном городке, где о родео уже почти позабыли, вдруг появляется молодой ковбой. В красавца на коне влюбляется дочь городского советника, который готов пойти на все, чтобы предотвратить возвращение давней традиции...
Father John
A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?
With the impending foreclose of the family Ranch, Rebecca struggles with her rebellious daughter Grace who is still not over the death of her father Mike.
Martin Dwyer
A Desperate man gets involved in a risky plan to smuggle emeralds across the Mexican border in order to save his daughter's life. When the deal goes awry, he is left for dead.
A down-and-out actor unwittingly causes controversy when he sells miniature cars online during Christmastime.
A down-and-out actor unwittingly causes controversy when he sells miniature cars online during Christmastime.
John Schneider
A down-and-out actor unwittingly causes controversy when he sells miniature cars online during Christmastime.
Daniel Bernard
Inspired by the true events of Luke Benjamin Bernard. His spiritual and physical transformation is told through the life of two brothers.
A martial artist, trained by the military to become an assassin, begins to question himself after killing someone who didn't deserve to die. He now must face not only his demons, but his ...
Greg Palmer
It’s just weeks before Christmas when Ellie gets a call to return home to help her father on the family’s poinsettia farm. The family business is on the line to deliver tens of thousands of plants for the town’s annual parade. The problem is — the poinsettias have yet to turn red! As Ellie searches for the solution, she is reminded of where her heart truly lies as she falls in love with both her roots and a local botanist.
Человечество наблюдает НЛО веками. Но приблизились ли мы хоть на шаг к разгадке тайны НЛО сейчас, когда технический прогресс достиг невероятных высот? В фильме рассматриваются самые громкие сенсации, связанные с неопознанными летающими объектами. Здесь вы услышите рассказы о похищениях людей пришельцами и о других загадочных явлениях, о которых уфологии предпочитают не говорить. Многие наблюдения и выводы авторов удивят вас и заставят задуматься - не только об НЛО, но и о жизни в целом. Эта работа, в которой собраны воедино важнейшие факты, стала прорывом в изучении НЛО как явления. Неожиданные и даже путающие выводы, к которым приходят его создатели, имеют огромное значение для каждого из нас. Важной особенностью фильма является то что в нем данная тема рассматривается в том числе и с точки зрения Христианства и Библии.
After their parents were killed in a mysterious car accident, Emily and her younger siblings moved to a small Louisiana town. Soon strange things start to happen, giving the siblings the feeling that they're being watched.
Three lifelong friends get hired to drive a 1972 Vista Cruiser from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the Phillippines only to find it's full of illegal pot.
Three lifelong friends get hired to drive a 1972 Vista Cruiser from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the Phillippines only to find it's full of illegal pot.
Three lifelong friends get hired to drive a 1972 Vista Cruiser from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the Phillippines only to find it's full of illegal pot.
Three lifelong friends get hired to drive a 1972 Vista Cruiser from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the Phillippines only to find it's full of illegal pot.
Dr. Gerry Connor
Celebrated fiction writer and former priest, Colin Hampstead, and his wife, Kayleigh, are tormented by the ghost of her late sister, as the details of her grisly death are slowly uncovered.
Two High School Couples explore Friendship and dating along dissimiliar lines, leading to Courage and Transformation for one teen and a personal crisis for Another.
Colt Montana
When country music legend Colt Montana suddenly dies, his 2 estranged sons return to the fold, and pay their respects. But before either son can claim the (generous) inheritance, they'll have to fulfill their fathers' last wish; reconnecting with their family by enduring a challenging road trip..
Executive Producer
A fast food clerk's life spins out of control when he meets a cute but murderous hitchhiker.
A fast food clerk's life spins out of control when he meets a cute but murderous hitchhiker.
A fast food clerk's life spins out of control when he meets a cute but murderous hitchhiker.
Huff Hoyle
A single and strikingly beautiful interior designer, enjoying success in San Francisco, returns to her Louisiana hometown because of a family tragedy, ten years after running away.
Группа школьников едет отдыхать на весенние каникулы во Флориду, но по пути у них ломается машина. В расположенном наподалёку от них магазине они знакомятся с Роем - добрым, хоть и странноватым мужчиной. Он соглашается починить им машину и даже селит у себя в доме, в котором, по его рассказам, много лет назад произошли ужасные события.
Five horror icons ditch an unprofitable autograph signing convention to earn some extra cash haunting an RV park, but find themselves being haunted instead.
Five horror icons ditch an unprofitable autograph signing convention to earn some extra cash haunting an RV park, but find themselves being haunted instead.
Five horror icons ditch an unprofitable autograph signing convention to earn some extra cash haunting an RV park, but find themselves being haunted instead.
Five horror icons ditch an unprofitable autograph signing convention to earn some extra cash haunting an RV park, but find themselves being haunted instead.
Detective Johnson
Бывший солдат Вьетнама, в пьяном угаре убивает своего старшего сына, а младшего делает глухим. Спустя пять лет, его выпускают досрочно. Младший сын решает отомстить за брата.
Paul Sharpe
A drag racer becomes a paraplegic, but he undergoes a religious conversion.
Sheriff Payden
When the reckless actions of an out-of-control LAPD officer get his partner killed in a deadly hostage situation, he gets suspended from the police force and heads to Mexico to face off against corrupt cops.
The journey continues from WWJD as the drifter (John Schneider) arrives into a new town - inspiring a group of people to live as Jesus would. A troubled teen heads down the wrong path dragging his brother along with him. A young woman struggles with the pressures of being in a romantic relationship. A family hopes to reunite with their estranged father. When the local pastor Joseph loses his faith in the lord the Drifter leads the pastor and the community on an improbable journey back to faith and redemption.
Bookstore owner Emma believes in fairy tales. Although she has yet to be swept away by prince charming, she sees real knight in shining armor potential with a new suitor, Landon. As Emma balances time with Landon and saving her bookstore with once irritating business consultant, Eric, however, she weighs storybook romance against genuine commitment. While she sorts out her feelings toward Landon and Eric, as well as toward love and romance, Emma begins to realize that fairytale endings aren't always by the book.
Torn apart by the loss of her mother, young Amanda spends time at a ranch owned by a business tycoon. When his spoiled daughter rejects their new horse, Amanda proves that Misty is a true champion and restores her happiness in the process.
William Beck
10,000 Days ago, Comet 23 struck Earth with the magnitude of all the nuclear weapons in the world sending the planet into a deep freeze. Now, 27 years in the future, those who survived are locked in an epic battle of life or death.
Hilary Bishop of Poitiers
Uncover one of the greatest and darkest deceptions of our time - the conspiracy to cover up the Church's true identity.
Rob Gollant
Road to the Open is an offbeat comedy about a has-been doubles tennis team, single parenthood, the quest for love, and a once in a lifetime shot at greatness.
Chief Tate
Two kids on the run from a scary life come across two adults running away from their past.
Sam Doonby
A handsome drifter, without a past, gets off an interstate bus in a small Texas town and finds work at Leroy's Country Blues Bar....and the mystery begins.
Coach Wayne Hornbuckle
Based on the award-winning novel by Rusty Whitener, Season of Miracles follows the Robins, an underdog Little League team through their 1974 season with newcomer and autistic baseball savant, Rafer. Team leader Zack takes Rafer under his wing despite taunting from their rivals, the Hawks.
Executive Producer
"SNL" alum Rob Schneider takes to the stage (as himself) to examine the bizarre nature of fame, the woes of aging and the virtue of sweatpants. Known for his off-the-wall characters, Schneider opens up about his own life, which can be equally zany.
Молодая бразильская художница Анжи, пытаясь расстаться со свой прежней жизнью, отправляется в путешествие по стране. Убегая от своего прошлого в поисках смысла жизни, Анжи находит не только себя, но и любовь в ее многочисленных формах…
Caden Welles is living life as large as any 20-year-old could dream … until his eyes are opened to a world few Americans know still exists: a thriving human-trafficking trade. Spurred by a true purpose, an unlikely new friendship, and the prayers of his mother and girlfriend, Caden begins an unlikely search to rescue a young girl.
Preston Stormer (voice)
An army of EVIL brains invade Hero Factory city to turn everyone into evil monsters. But the heroes are stronger than ever and ready to save the city.
An unforgiving sun, a parched earth, and a failed economy have left a small Texas town desolate. For ten years Promise, Texas has known nothing but one curse after another. It's barren, broken, and dying, leaving a town full of despair. When a couple finds a boy walking along a dusty road, alone in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a mat tucked under his arm, they pick him up in hopes of helping him. What they don't realize is that he has come to help them and the residents of Promise. No one knows who he is or where he came from. Some think he's an answer to prayer. Others think he's a runaway or a false prophet. And the only thing this boy will say about himself is that he's here to help. The town's sheriff, Brody, is determined to uncover the truth. But Brody has his own problems trying to hold a dying town together. Miracle after miracle takes place and the residents of Promise embrace the boy... Written by Mike Norris
Hardflip follows the story of Caleb (Randy Wayne) a young skater whose ill mother (Rosanna Arquette) and absent father (John Schneider) leave him reaching for the only hope he has...becoming a sponsored skater. After his mother falls ill, Caleb finds a stack of old love letters. He sets out to find the father he never knew and inadvertently begins a journey he never could have expected. This story explores what happens when we let go of our anger and pain and forgive those who have hurt us most.
Sheriff Gilley
After Nicky, the son of a New Jersey mob boss, is framed for a murder he didn't commit, he goes on the run and ends up in a small town in Tennessee where he's taken in by Trina. At first, Nicky is as suspicious of their moonshine as they are of his fake tan, but he soon bonds with the residents to take down Gilley, the town's corrupt sheriff. Written by Jake Seaborn
Johnny Reno
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
Luke Rogers was the ideal "Christian". Now in his mid-twenties, Luke has found himself far from the good Christian life he used to lead.
Roger Wade
An offshore drilling accident triggers the release of a giant prehistoric shark. When marine biologist Kat Carmichael arrives, she runs up against corporate front man Roger Wade, who plots with Stewart to disrupt her investigation. With the help of Skipper Chuck and disc jockey Dynamite Stevens, Kat tries to find a way to defeat the monster which has evolved to a state where it can walk on dry land and fly...it's the SUPER SHARK!
Serving her country is an honour for Judith (GiGi Erneta: Friday NIght Lights, Vernonica Mars), an army nurse whose Vietnam veteran father (William Devane: Knots Landing, 24) taught her the importance of sacrifice. After a tour in Iraq, she returns home and combats severe post-traumatic stress in the form of nightmares. She and her father share a loving bond strengthened by military camaraderie. Envious of their relationship, her brothers (led by John Schneider: The Dukes of Hazzard) shockingly rebuff her... a snub that intensifies when their father dies suddenly. Faced with the task of healing her family and mind, she relies on her faith to fight the battle. But she also battles post traumatic stress initiated by a P.O.W. experience when she fought for her life and the salvation of a fellow American solider while in captivity. When a secret is revealed, the brothers must find a way to humble themselves and make amends.
OCTOBER BABY is the coming of age story of a beautiful and naive college freshman who discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.
Preston Stormer (voice)
The Hero Factory's mission: to build the bravest, most advanced Heroes in the galaxy! When rookie Rocka responds to a civilian distress call from the planet Quatros.
Jim Harwood
Jim and his research team study the Canadian Lynx every year. This year, he has to take his rebelling 16 year-old daughter, Emmy, with him. But the lynx are missing. As Jim and his team try to find why, something stalks them--a predator no prey can escape.
Preston Stormer (voice)
Heroes Preston Stormer, Mark Surge, William Furno, and Natalie Breez are outgunned by Fire Lord and his gang of Fire Villains and Surge makes a sacrifice to save the others. After they escape, Stormer, Furno, and Breez are upgraded to more powerful 2.0 versions with the “upgrade” technique and then go back to save Surge. Fire Lord captures Stormer and tells them of the Fire Villains’ history as mining bots. Corrupted by power, the Fire Villains sought to become more and more powerful. Stormer, Furno, and Breez then capture the Fire Villains with the help of Nathan Evo and Julius Nex.
Pastor Frank
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Preston Stormer (voice)
Добро пожаловать на Фабрику Героев!
Здесь создают самых совершенных Героев. Их миссия — защищать вселенную от зла. Во главе команды Альфа стоит бесстрашный лидер Стормер, за ним следуют мастера своего дела Балк и Стрингер, а также новобранцы Фурно, Бриз и Сурж.
Они сражаются с такими ужасными монстрами, как ядовитый Корродер, вооруженный вращающимися клинками Ротор, и импульсивный снайпер Эксплод. Но эти негодяи работают не одни. Герой-отступник из прошлого Стормера хочет уничтожить Фабрику Героев и погрузить всю галактику в хаос. Для того чтобы остановить его, Героям понадобятся все их силы, смекалка и отвага.
Ronnie Barnes
A past-his-prime professional golfer plays small time tourneys to re-qualify for the PGA.
Detective Frank Walker
После разнузданной ночи с тремя красавицами сын убитого миллионера оказывается вовлеченным в темную историю. Он вступает в игру, которая сулит наслаждение, но превращается в борьбу за жизнь.
The Drifter
The citizens of a small town lose their faith day by day. Poverty and hardships have been hard on them... when all of a sudden something changes. Their faith is reborn. And a question rises inside them: "What would Jesus do?"
An Amish man comes to Hollywood to be a missionary, and gets cast as Satan on a nighttime soap opera.
У 25-летнего юноши начинается роман с матерью-одиночкой, живущей по соседству. Основной преградой в их отношениях становится то, что главная героиня существенно старше своего избранника.
Tanner Gray
Just a few weeks before her wedding, dance teacher Cyd Merriman comes face-to-face with the father she never knew. As they deal with the emotional repercussions of his return, they must decide together whether to sell the dance studio that has been in the family for generations to a real estate developer.
Growing up in Wisconsin, Austin Roberts (Chris Carmack, The OC) was groomed to play professional hockey since the moment he could strap on skates. Now he's on his way to try out for a Florida team, but along the way will re-discover one of his other true loves: extreme water skiing
Pastor John Gunn
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
Frank Higgins
After moving to the country to start life anew after their child's death, photographer Shawn Burnett and his wife, Helen, begin to suspect that a ramshackle cabin on their property is haunted by the malevolent spirit of a long-dead witch who once lived there.
Bartlett Henry
Когда группа туристов достигает деревушки Элленсдорф, они к своему удивлению обнаруживают, что все жители деревни одного возраста, никто никогда не болеет, и хлеба всегда в изобилии. Однако эта благодать является результатом древнего договора с ОГРЭ. За это внешнее благополучие жителям деревушки приходиться расплачиваться человеческими жертвоприношениями…
Daniel Wilder
A fisherman and his family fight to take down a greedy real estate developer who has released toxins into the ocean, turning the area's sharks into bloodthirsty hunters.
Paul White
Сидни, поступив в колледж, намерена присоединиться к студенческому сестринству, основанному в свое время ее матерью. Правда, у девушки отпадает к этому всякая охота, когда она выясняет, что в некогда славном сообществе ныне заправляет выскочка-блондинка Рейчел. И тогда Сидни примыкает к семерке «изгоев» колледжа и начинает войну против Рейчел…
Jim Kliekan
A recently-orphaned 12 year old boy moves to a new town to live with his aunt and uncle, and finds an unlikely mentor in the town loner, who helps him build the soap box racer he dreamed of crafting with his dad.
Sheriff James Riley
Останки конечностей съеденного заживо бедолаги, найденных в районе озера, взбудоражили маленький городок. Шериф города вместе с натуралистом из Нью-Йорка, оказавшейся бывшей его возлюбленной, и эксцентричным охотником возглавляет команду, призванную пресечь в корне нежелательные повторы ситуации. Но не ожидайте однозначного! Людей начинает пожирать невидимый монстр. Зловещее зрелище кровавого противоборства держит всех горожан в безудержном страхе, а публику в невероятном напряжении.
JR Collier
J.R. Collier, once the world's greatest race driver, is losing his family because he can't get racing out of his blood. His scheme to "go legit" by acquiring and reselling exotic cars -- cars he acquires by suckering the owners into racing for the pink slip -- runs afoul of the bad guys when he wins one car that has something in it that they will kill for.
J.R. Collier, once the world's greatest race driver, is losing his family because he can't get racing out of his blood. His scheme to "go legit" by acquiring and reselling exotic cars -- cars he acquires by suckering the owners into racing for the pink slip -- runs afoul of the bad guys when he wins one car that has something in it that they will kill for.
Gary Zimmerman
Lifestyles and attitudes clash in this faith-based dramedy when a young man finds himself torn between his current girlfriend and an old flame at the funeral of a friend.
Mr. Edward Merriman
Действие фильма происходит в Вирджинии в 1775 году, накануне Войны за независимость североамериканских колоний от Великобритании.
Дьюс отправляется по приглашению своего бывшего сутенера на отдых в Амстердам и в итоге понимает, что его вновь хотят вернуть в бизнес эскорт услуг для женщин. Не то, чтобы Дьюс был против — платят неплохо, но, во-первых, у него уже есть постоянная подружка, а во-вторых, у европейских женщин слишком бурная сексуальная фантазия…
Когда девятилетняя девочка пишет письмо Санта-Клаусу с просьбой прислать ей маму, директор телестанции узнает об этом и поручает репортеру сделать сюжет об этой истории. С помощью няни-мужчины репортер узнает, что на Рождество желания действительно исполняются.
Joel Wallace
Когда девятилетняя девочка пишет письмо Санта-Клаусу с просьбой прислать ей маму, директор телестанции узнает об этом и поручает репортеру сделать сюжет об этой истории. С помощью няни-мужчины репортер узнает, что на Рождество желания действительно исполняются.
Однажды проснувшись, популярная, но довольно неприятная в общении примадонна средней школы, понимает, что она стала… 30-летним мужчиной, мягко выражаясь, совсем не фотомодельного вида.Во время того, как она пробует выяснить, почему это случилось и как, черт возьми, она может вернуть свой прежний облик, девушка начинает понимать насколько поверхностной и недалекой она была раньше.
Tom Dobbs
Overwhelmed by a disastrous lightning storm that his son predicted, a man must learn to trust his son in order to save his family and the whole community.
Какие только странные пути порой не ведут к исполнению желаний! Простак Марвин всю жизнь мечтал стать крутым полицейским. Но тщетно. Не было счастья, да несчастье помогло: попав в автокатастрофу, герой был спасен от смерти слегка чокнутым доктором Уайлдером. Вышедшие из строя внутренние органы Марвина тот заменил на органы разных животных, благодаря чему его пациент не только выздоровел, но и обрел таланты своих доноров. Используя новые возможности, герой наконец становится настоящим суперкопом, но… Вместе с отличными рефлексами, силой и выносливостью Марвин получил от зверей и их дремучие инстинкты, внезапно и всегда не вовремя пробуждающиеся!
Bo Duke
The Duke Boys and company travel to Hollywood to sell some musical recordings in order to raise money to build a new hospital in Hazzard County. However, when their recordings and money are stolen, they wind up on the run from mysterious hitmen, sleazy record producers, Russian gangsters, and vicious loan sharks.
Chad Symmonz
"Снежный день" - дар небес! С наступлением зимы каждый школьник мечтает о том, чтобы этот день пришел. И если вдруг Господь смилостивится и ниспошлет его детям в качестве сюрприза, настанет настоящий праздник. В этот день все дороги исчезнут под толщей снега, дома утонут в сугробах, занятия в ненавистной школе отменят, и можно будет веселиться вовсю... В этот раз снега навалило огромное количество! Злобный директор школы был позорно закидан снежками и вынужден в "принудительном" порядке отменить занятия. Юным героям этого фильма, детям эксцентричного ведущего прогноза погоды, невероятно повезло. Старший сын Хэл уже в двух шагах от того, чтобы пригласить на свидание самую красивую девушку школы. А младшей сестре Хэла и ее друзьям предстоит опасный поединок со зловещим "снегоуборщиком" и его жуткой машиной.
Sam Churchill
A multi-million-dollar real restate swindle, teenage pornography, arson, kidnapping, and even murder are all part of Sam Churchill's first official case as a private investigator in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.
An intimate move of the star from Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza, Highway to Heaven-Michael Landon and his son, Michael Landon Jr's portayal of the star's divorce and the break-up of the family and the healing of wounds that only God can provide.
Michael Landon
Michael Landon Jr. directs this biographical story of his television star father, 'Michael Landon' (John Schneider). The film deals with the scarring that Michael Jr. felt after his parents divorce when he was 15 and looks at his father's philandering ways. Michael Jr. is the son of Landon's second wife 'Lynn Noe'), who was deserted when Landon took up with a make-up artist on the set of Little House on the Prairie (1974).
Bo Duke
На этот раз простые американские парни пытаются спасти родной городок и ферму дяди от неуемных планов по застройке злобной Мамы Макс.
Jack Hatch
A coming-of-age story, adapted from Irv Ruckman's 1984 novel, about a teenager who bonds with his stepfather while the Blainsworth, Nebraska farm family battles a series of killer twisters.
Tommy Towne
A con man mining promoter (John Schnieder, a drunk, has-been miner (Bruce Weitz), a lovely widow (Rebecca Jenkins) and her troubled son (Jonathon Jackson) head off into the mountains to find the long dead Ruby Silver mine. Along the way, they find themselves.
Davy Crockett
In the beginning of the 19th Century many Anglosaxons are settling in the Mexican province of Texas. As the years go by, political conflicts between the settlers and the Mexican government are escalating which would lead to war and Texan independence.
Professor Collins
Профессиональный фотограф, страдающий боязнью перед реальными сексуальными контактами, отправляется на остров Эдем, где расположена частная клиника, более напоминающая бордель. Перед этим в аэропорту он случайно сфотографировал некоего Омара, разыскиваемого полицей всего мира. Детективы Шейла и Фред отправляются за ним под видом пациентов, надеясь, что Омар приедет туда, чтобы ликвидировать неосторожного фотографа вместе с единственным в мире снимком Омара.
Assigned to deliver a prototype car to a press conference for the Governor, things are complicated by a fraudulent Bandit who ends up stealing Bandit's rig AND the prototype. Now Bandit has to find out who's out to ruin his life and recover the car before the Governor's career is crucified by Big Bob on his radio show and while avoiding a determined Sheriff Buford Enright.
Three people, including a pregnant woman, embark on a yachting excursion during a hurricane.
Slick amoral con man Mickey is out to fleece attractive women. But three of them join forces to bring him to justice.
Dennis 'Hardball' Bakelenekoff
A pair of bounty hunters are forced to team up to catch a ruthless criminal.
David Miller
David Miller is a Vietnam vet who renounced violence and became a minister after he was forced to blow up a Viet Cong kid in self defense, but years later, when David's wife Gail and daughter Kim are killed by a group of terrorists led by Ali Aboud, in a massacre at an airport in Rome, Italy, David is devastated. Going against his faith, David sets out to find and kill Ali Aboud.
Объявляется о начале самой невероятной автогонки по дорогам Америки. Правил практически не существует. Участвовать могут все, кто хоть немного разбирается в педалях. Поэтому в гонщики записываются все, кому не лень. А виной всему — шериф штата, который сорвал участие в гонках настоящих спортсменов. Но соревнования от этого не только не проигрывают, а становятся настоящим приключением.
Jim Tully
A girl from Beverly Hills tries to find her fathers opal mine in the Australian outback.
Two brothers' lives are changed forever when they hit the road to a snowbound Alaskan village. Brother Ray and Pete had been feuding for years. So, when their ailing father asks them to drive a semitruck full of gifts and supplies from California to the isolated Alaskan village of Willow Creek, they agree ---- reluctantly. Along the way, they pick up trouble when they're joined by Jessie, who is Ray's estranged wife and Pete's ex-girlfriend. Then, a blizzard strands the truck deep in the Alaskan wilderness. Miles from help, with time running our fast, they realize only a miracle can save them. But, as they are about to be reminded, Christmas...is the season for miracles.
Carl Willis
В окрестностях одной из ферм в штате Теннесси как-то ночью упал метеорит. На следующую ночь из него вытекла странная коричневая жижа, тут же слившаяся с водой в ручье и смешавшаяся с почвой. Наутро поля покрылись буйной порослью и налились соком яблоки в садах. Вот только никто поначалу не заметил, что внутри плодов и овощей — гниль, черви и прочая ядовитая гадость. А когда заметили, то оказалось уже поздно…
Одинокий дилижанс пересекает бескрайние прерии дикого Запада, населенные индейцами, весьма недружелюбно настроенными к белым людям. В нем, волею судьбы собираются очень разные люди — банкир — пьяница, беременная женщина, дочь военного, аферист, пьяница — доктор и женщина, волею случая зарабатывающая на жизнь проституцией. С ними произойдет много чего по дороге, и закончить это опасное путешествие суждено будет не всем.
Cliff Adams
У агента по борьбе с наркомафией злодеи из южноамериканской кокаиновой империи похищают подружку. Агент в одиночку отправляется на спасение девушки и разносит их осиное гнездо.
Gus Brown
Two ex-GIs, a fast-talking hustler from Detroit and an Oklahoma hayseed, just returned from WWII, team up with the latter's bubble-headed fiancée to make a killing racing on the Southern dogtrack circuit they had bought. An unsold series pilot.
Dan The Forest Ranger (voice)
"The Raccoons and the Lost Star" is the last totally original Raccoons .... On a far-away planet, Cyril Sneer plots his takeover of earth.
Eddie Macon
Несправедливо осужденный Эдди Макон совершает побег из тюрьмы и пытается переправиться в Мексику, преследуемый по пятам полицейским.
Nick Callohan
Nick is a writer full of hope, Lisa is a promising singer. They both have heartache after becoming single, but soon their newly formed friendship starts to develop into something more.
George Burns celebrates his new-found status as a celebrity sex symbol with guests and collection of beautiful women of all ages. With singing, dancing and a discussion on sex symbols through the ages.
Самая блестящая, дорогая и утомительная видеосъемка в истории телевидения состоялась в пятницу, 19 февраля 1982 года, в нью-йоркском Radio City Music Hall. Мероприятие, за которое покупатели билетов платили до 1000 долларов за место (без учета налогов как взнос в Фонд актеров), было объявлено «Ночь сотни звёзд», но на самом деле в нем приняли участие около 230 звезд. И большая часть аудитории из 5800 человек заранее не подозревала, что они платят за просмотр телевизионной записи, сопровождающейся долгим ожиданием смены декораций и костюмов, перемоткой ленты и тому подобным. Исполнительный продюсер Александр Коэн подсчитал, что 5800 мест в Radio City Music Hall были распроданы по цене от 25 до 1000 долларов. Производство самого шоу стоило около 4 миллионов долларов, и ожидалось, что оно принесет около 2 миллионов долларов за новое дополнение к дому престарелых Актерского фонда в Энглвуде, штат Нью-Джерси. Считается, что ABC заплатила более 5 миллионов долларов за телевизионные права.
Charley Cross
TV movie 1981 Vacationing Georgia construction worker (John Schneider) meets and falls for Manhattan's comely Director of Urban Renewal (Marilu Henner) and despite her initial rejection of him, sets out to build a dream house for both of them.
John Schneider stars in a musical tribute to his home state of Georgia with guest stars Ray Charles and Barbara Mandrell
Cowboy Extra in Crowd Scene (uncredited)
Парочка водителей, Бандит и Снеговик, берутся перевезти грузовик контрабандного пива из Тексарканы в Атланту за 48 часов. Схема проста: пока Бандит отвлекает полицейских, Снеговик спокойно на грузовике едет за ним. В то же время шериф Бьюфорд Джастис решает во что бы то не стало поймать Бандита, так как невеста его сына сбежала со свадьбы и села к Бандиту в машину…
A young boy emerges from a coma after a fall down an abandoned mine shaft. His family is confronted by dark, threatening spirits and the possibility that the child in their home might no longer be their son.
A fictional drama based on actual events. CANDLES is the story of the Camp Scott Murders where three small girls were brutally raped and murdered at a Girl Scout camp in Oklahoma back in 1977. A young woman reporter is assigned to cover the story of the decade and searches for 37 years to find the real killer.