Victor Rebengiuc

Victor Rebengiuc

Рождение : 1933-02-10, Bucureşti, Romania


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Victor Rebengiuc (known in full as Victor-George Rebengiuc; born February 10, 1933) is an award-winning Romanian film and stage actor, also known as a civil society activist. Since 1957, he has been a member of the Bulandra Theater company, acting in more than 200 roles on that stage alone. Having had his breakthrough performance with Liviu Ciulei's The Forest of the Hanged, Rebengiuc became a major figure in Romanian cinema, and became especially known for his 1986 appearance in Stere Gulea's Moromeţii. He also starred in films by Dan Piţa (Tănase Scatiu; Dreptate în lanţuri; Faleze de nisip; The Man of the Day) and Lucian Pintilie (De ce trag clopotele, Mitică?; Balanţa; Too Late; Last Stop Paradise; Niki and Flo; Tertium non datur). Rebengiuc was celebrated for his stage performances, appearing in plays directed by, among others, Ciulei, Radu Penciulescu, Andrei Şerban, Cătălina Buzoianu, Yuri Kordonsky, Gábor Tompa and Alexandru Dabija. The former husband of actress Anca Vereşti, he is married to Mariana Mihuţ, his Bulandra colleague. Rebengiuc's life under the communist regime provided him an anti-communist perspective, and some of his 1980s films were censored or banned by the country's officials. In 1989, he took part in the Romanian Revolution, when he was among the people who stormed into the Romanian Television building and broadcast the downfall of Nicolae Ceauşescu and an end to communist rule. Rebengiuc subsequently spoke out against political forces he believes stand for the regime's legacy in modern society, and called for the retrospective condemnation of communism. As a public figure, he has had a brief career in politics, and, since the mid-1990s, endorses non-governmental organizations. Description above from the Wikipedia article Victor Rebengiuc, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Victor Rebengiuc
Victor Rebengiuc


dl. Antonescu
Через две недели после трагической гибели жены, в дом к вдовцу приходит застенчивый молодой человек. Он сообщает, что последние пять месяцев был любовником его жены. Любовник обращается к Александру с просьбой помочь ему справиться с отчаянием, вызванным смертью их любимой.
Untamed Romania
Narrator (voice)
Untamed Romania provides insight into the stunning natural wonders of Romania, with the Carpathian Mountains, the Danube Delta, and Transylvania as its major areas of interest.
When an elderly man returns to his family home after decades of absence, the apparition of his childhood sweetheart triggers a rewind to the life-changing events from his youth.
Casting Call
Victor Rebengiuc is an unknown actor from Bucharest. He is called to audition for a "miracle lotion" commercial. A satire about the actors' problems in Romania.
Stan Paraschiv
Валахия, начало 19-го века. Румынские князи медленно движутся по пути модернизации, но реальность порой отсылает их к стародавним временам и особенностям старинного менталитета.
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania. Since the village has been deserted for many decades, his son and his biographer decide to reconstruct the whole space from scratch and present it as a populated place.
The Japanese Dog
When a flood strikes Costache's village in Romania, his wife Maria and all of their possessions are swept away. Now in a village shelter, Costache refuses to sell his land and move onward. He has plans to re-build and refuses help and advice from his neighbors. The village is all he has left, except for an estranged son now living in Tokyo. But when his son Ticu hears of his mother's death and father's plight, he arrives unexpectedly with his Japanese wife and son to bring Costache back home with him. This will not be simple. Ticu fled Romania with many issues left unresolved, the biggest being his relationship with his father. Now there is a whole new family for Costache to deal with, old scores to settle, and painful goodbyes to say.
Стрижка, бритье и кран
Пожилой парикмахер встречает давнего врага.
Призрак отца
Uncle Petre
Сами — единственный человек, который может знать что-то о дедушке Траума, еврее румынского происхождения. Символическое путешествие в поисках корней будет наполнено опасностями, неизведанным и фантастическим, но за любопытство Трауму воздастся сполна…
Tertium non datur
In 1944, a Russian agent was infiltrated into the command of the Nazi army in the north of Ukraine. Its mission: to discover enemy plans so that the Russian army can destroy the Germans and put an end to the war.
Во вторник после Рождества
Поль и Адриана женаты уже десять лет и воспитывают восьмилетнюю дочь Мару. Шесть месяцев назад Поль завел себе любовницу — зубного врача Ралуку. Пытаясь распределить время, оставшееся до Рождества между посещениями Ралуки, поиском подарков и вечерами в кругу семьи, Поль решает самому в последний раз отвести Мару к Ралуке. Но у Адрианы неожиданно меняется расписание, и женщины впервые встречаются. Эта встреча, хоть и не переросшая в открытое противостояние, ставит Поля перед непростым выбором.
Medal of Honor
Accidentally receiving a Romanian Medal of Honor, a 75-years-old retiree uses it to regain respect from his family.
După ea
Stefan is a young manager in a big advertising agency, happily married and having a young daughter. He suddenly falls in love with a woman he sees on the street, at a light stop. His life changes completely as he is desperately trying to find the woman of his dreams. —Cristina Oprescu
Tertium Non Datur
In the Ukrainian steppe, toward the end of World War II, the German and Romanian troops are retreating in the face of the unstoppable Red Army. A Romanian military unit has set up its headquarters in a deserted school. A visit of high-ranking Wehrmacht officers is suddenly announced. Hope is awakened: will they receive new orders? But disappointment comes quickly.
Блок Кента и пакет кофе
Отец и сын встречаются в ресторане, чтобы обсудить дела. Между двумя поколениями возникает непонимание…
Ники Арделян, полковник запаса
Niki Ardelean
Пожилой полковник запаса Николаэ и его жена недавно похоронили сына, а их единственная дочь Ангела вот-вот должна получить американскую визу и навсегда уехать вместе с мужем в США. Решение оставить родителей одних дается Ангеле непросто. Николаэ разрывается между желанием знать, что дочь счастлива, и быть с ней рядом, и тоже тяжело переживает ее отъезд. Зато это решение целиком одобряет отец ее мужа, Флориан, считающий, что в Румынии молодым делать нечего, будущего здесь нет, тогда как в Америке для них открыты огромные возможности.
Tandrețea lăcustelor
Corrupt ex-communist politicians in 90s Romania rule the country, with younger politicians vying to take their place.
Конечная остановка – рай
Grigore Cafanu
Мицу — свинопас. Однажды, возвращаясь домой, он видит Норику — официантку в придорожном трактире. Он сразу же влюбляется в нее, и они решают остаться вместе, несмотря на протесты хозяина заведения и приказ о призыве на военную службу. Главный герой дезертирует из армии и женится в церкви на любимой девушке. Беглеца ловит военная полиция и случайно застреливает. А спустя некоторое время, Норика приходит в ту же церковь, чтобы крестить новорожденного ребенка.
The Man of the Day
gral. Vladescu
Too Late
Elephant Foot
An inexperienced prosecutor becomes involved with a local woman while investigating a miner's death.
Earth's Most Beloved Son
The life-story confession of a prisoner waiting for his trial. Victor Petrini, a promising intellectual in the 1950s and a lecturer in Philosophy is arrested by the repressive secret police, wrongly accused of espionage, and sentenced to prison and forced labor.
The Oak
Village mayor
A description of Romania before Ceausescu's downfall, through the story of Nela. Daughter of a former colonel of the Securitate, the romanian political police. She refused to become as her sister, an agent of this Securitate, and lives with her father. After he died, she leaves Bucharest, and ends up in a little town, where she meets Mitica, a surgeon, another herself, laughing of everything.
Death of an Artist
Manole Crudu
Two artists, father and son, are at odds regarding the meaning of their art.
The Secret of the Secret Weapon
Imparatul Rosu
In this allegorical fairy-tale, peaceful and warlike knights vie for the hand of a beautiful princess, while a discussion of disco goes on around them. She favors a peaceful knight, while her father and his advisors like the ones carrying around a lot of weapons.
The Moromete Family
Ilie Moromete
Story of a family. Problems, marriage, taxes, revenge, friendship, army, life and much more.
Starting Over
Drama directed by Visarion Alexa.
The Forest Woman
Busuioc (Victor Rebengiuc), un taran bogat din Curtici isi trimite fiul Iorgovan (Adrian Pintea), impreuna cu servitorul Sofron (Serban Ionescu) in satul vecin pentru a gasi oameni la munca campului. Iorgovan este indragostit de Simina (Manuela Harabor), fiica unui taran sarac, dintr-un sat de munte, in cautarea careia pleaca. Cum si Simina ii impartaseste sentimentele ea accepta sa vina la culesul recoltei impreuna cu tatal sau. Sentimentele lui Iorgovan sunt confuze, este slab si sfasiat intre dragostea sincera pentru Simina si obstacolul prejudecatilor si diferentelor de pozitie sociala. In acest timp Sofron, tanarul servitor al acestuia, se indragosteste la randu-i de Simina. Infruntarea dintre cei doi pretendenti devine din ce in ce mai acuta, fapt care va limpezi atitudinea fiecaruia fata de femeia pe care amandoi o iubesc.
The Kid
The Director
A metaphor film, in which a group a pupils are going out on a trip. There are various happenings in which adults are interpreting in different ways and give different meanings to everything.
Chained Justice
Inspired by true events, "Dreptate în lanturi" is a rough and poetic film, whose action is placed at the beginning of the last century. The movie sheds light on a Romanian peasant who fights against social injustice.
Sand Cliffs
The plot confronts an influential surgeon and a carpenter accused to have stolen the doctor's personal belongings from the beach. The neurotic doctor involves himself in the inquiry, ultimately directing the interrogation. The burglary victim, Theodor Hristea, a surgeon at the peak of his career and social life, self-confident and well connected, his girlfriend, Cristina and their common friend, Stefan - find themselves on holiday near the summer resort of Mamaia. The doctor has a detective passion and accuses – just on account of a physical resemblance with the real thief - a young carpenter who happens to come at the same beach the day following the burglary. The police is summoned and The Kid is sent to trial. The doctor plays an active part in the investigation. Although the doctor's girlfriend and his friend doubt the identity of the accused, the surgeon insists in being right and succeeds in sending the innocent young man to prison.
Sword Swallower
Eroul orb
The movie describes the life of a former circus artist who earns his living from the presentation in villages and towns of a sensational number entitled "Sword Swallower".
Ion Cristian
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?
Based on a theatrical text by Romanian writer Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), who was a bitter and funny witness of the turn-of-the-20th-century Romanian bourgeois mores, Carnival Scenes manages to preserve and further enhance the slightly hysteric atmosphere of his plays. Pintilie creates a strange combination of carnival scenes which is brought to the screen as a burlesque, fast-paced, screwball comedy with a meditative undertone. This film was banned in Romania for a decade until the death of Ceausescu in 1989 and was only released after the 1989 revolution.
Stefan Luchian
Victor Filotti
Recreating the early twentieth century in Bucharest, leading to an unforgettable journey to the cultural space of Romania bohemia. The film follows the life of one of the famous for his landscapes and still lifes most renowned painters of Romania.
Un echipaj pentru Singapore
Grigore Olteanu
Man in Overcoat
Dan Stamatiad
Threatening letters, phone calls in the middle of the night... Who is threatening engineer Stamatiad?
The Cyanide and the Raindrop
Major Luca
Investigation into the death of a modest cashier.
Doctor Poenaru
Doctor Mircea Poenaru
In 1919, young Doctor Poenaru is sent to be the director at a country hospital. On his way there he meets a formar army comrade, now a lawyer. An ideological and philosophical dispute ensues, the two following different paths in life.
Пророк, золото и трансильванцы
Ezekiel 'The Prophet' Waltrobe
В конце 19 века два брата из Трансильвании едут в Америку в поисках третьего брата, который покинул Румынию десять лет назад. Они встречают пророка-мормонского проповедника в американском штате Юта, и в конечном счете помогут делу правосудия в деревнях, где пророк окажется диктатором и эксплуататором живущих там золотоискателей.
The Mace with Three Seals
Mihai Viteazul
At the end of the 16th century, Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave dreams of uniting the kingdoms of Wallachia,Transylvania and Moldavia into a single country known as The United Principalities.
A Lost Letter
Stefan Tipatescu
The plot take place in 1883 in a small provincial town in Romania, where the corrupt establishment decide everything, including - of course - who will be the "elected" representative to the national Senate. A love letter from the bachelor mayor to the wife of the local party chief, gets lost and found by a drunk party supporter. The letter finds its way to the opposition party, which decide to use the letter by blackmailing the powerful local "camarilla", and to get his own man to represent the county. What follows is not easy to guess...
A Summer Tale
Tănase Scatiu
The rise and fall of the opportunistic Tănase Scatiu, a boyar in 19th century Wallachia.
The Wall
Ofiter SS
At the beginning of the 40's, Victor (Gabriel Oseciuc) is a young Communist who has been hiding for months in a built-in room to print out on his own the free newspaper Communist Command.
The Romanian Musketeer
Monsieur De Lamar / Herr Baron
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
Димитрие Кантемир
La Mare
Фильм о жизни Дмитрия Кантемира и молдавского народа с ноября 1710 - июль 1711 годов. Турецкие войска готовятся к войне с Россией. Султан вверил ему престол Молдавии. Кантемир тайно установил связи с Петром I и заключил с ним военно - политический договор, по которому Россия брала Молдавию под свой протекторат, обязывалась помочь изгнать турок и восстановить прежние границы молдавского государства. В войне Молдавия на стороне России против турок. Россия совместно с Молдавией выиграли.
Horia Baniciu
О событиях 1948 года в Румынии. После разгрома столичных банд уцелевшие преступники скрылись в горах. Кровавые события разыгрались в одном из небольших селений. В неравную борьбу с бандитами вступил Михай Роман, бывший комиссар полиции, ставший майором госбезопасности...
Seven Days
Dan Nicolescu
This movie presents 7 days of a secret agent's life. Unlike most other movies that glamorize secret agents, this one shows the routine, nitty gritty work.
Long Way to Tipperary
Horia Baniciu
The movie is about the historic moment in which the PNȚ political party has attempted to form a government in exile to counteract the Petru Groza Russian puppet government. Obviously this is seen through the lenses of communist propaganda.
The Conspiracy
Horia Baniciu
A propaganda movie about the confrontation between the communists and secret police, legionaires in Romania.
Young engineer Doru is called to the Prosecutor's Office and questioned on his wife's unlawful ways of making money. Soon he'll learn about her true character and he'll regret having broken up with Livia, a woman who truly loved him.
The Castle of the Condemned
Cpt. Vasiliu
After the Nazi troops retreat from Czechoslovakia, some troops are left behind and choose to fight to death holding a castle instead of surrendering to the soviets.
Boga Sisters
This is about the lives of three sisters during the second World War in Romania. Based on the homonymous play by Horia Lovinescu.
The Longest Night
The action takes place during the Second World War. Unexpectedly in a train compartment a fugitive - British captive - appears among the passengers. The human solidarity is stronger than the fear, and they do their best to save him.
Лес повешенных
Apostol Bologa
Первая мировая война. В австро-венгерской армии вынуждены воевать люди разных национальностей, живущие в Габсбургской империи. Румынский лейтенант Болога участвует в вынесении смертного приговора чеху Свободе за дезертирство. Это лишает Бологу душевного спокойствия — он сомневается в необходимости такой меры наказания. А когда он должен осудить двенадцать румынских крестьян за то, что они обрабатывали свои поля в прифронтовой зоне, Болога чувствует, что не может вынести им смертный приговор…
Морской кот
Cpt. Cernea
В Министерстве госбезопасности Румынии стало известно, что иностранная разведка охотится за планами голубых рудников, где добывается стратегическое сырьё. Выполнением этого задания занимается банда под руководством шпиона по кличке Морской кот.
Мужчина рядом с тобой
Молодой инженер ненадолго приезжает в Бухарест, где встречает Корину, девушку, которую любил со студенческих лет. Они женятся, и девушка бросает работу юриста, следуя за своим мужем на большую стройку.
Сентиментальная повесть
Молодой талантливый и всеми уважаемый врач Джорджи оставляет работу в столичной больнице и уезжает работать в отдалённый рыбацкий посёлок. Трудно приходится Джорджи на новом месте, где рыбаки предпочитают знахарку врачу. Скука и неустроенность жизни раздражают его жену Ирину, и она возвращается в город. Через некоторое время, когда Джорджи удалось победить недоверие рыбаков, завоевать их уважение и любовь, он уговорил Ирину вернуться. Во время шумного и весёлого праздника Ирина неосторожно поднялась на обрывистый берег и, упав, разбилась насмерть.
В центре фильма история двух молодых специалистов Андрея и Ливиу, их разное отношение к труду, к своему авторитету и к дружбе.
Iorgu Hartulary
Музыкальный фильм о становлении национального оперного театра Румынии во второй половине XIX столетия. В центре - жизнь и артистическая деятельность знаменитой румынской оперной певицы Хариклеи Хартулар, выступавшей под псевдонимом Дарклэ.
Мост будет взорван
Lt. Ion Oprea
23 августа 1944 года. В пограничный город в Трансильвании доходят сведения о перевороте, совершенном в Бухаресте. Командующий гарнизоном лейтенант Ион Опря получает приказ от новых властей во чтобы то ни стало задержать продвижение немецких войск, которые после выхода Румынии из войны пытаются прорваться вглубь территории бывшего союзника. Имеющимися под командованием офицера силами сделать это невозможно, но на помощь кадровым военным приходит рабочее ополчение, во главе со старым коммунистом Думой.