Nele Mueller-Stöfen

Nele Mueller-Stöfen

Рождение : 1967-05-07, Hamburg, Germany


Nele Mueller-Stöfen


Die Sterntaler des Glücks
Luise Lenzen
Zurück ans Meer
Frieda Mortensen
Вся моя любовь
Фильм рассказывает о двух братьях и сестре. Они все достигли той точки, когда нужно что-то быстро изменить, пока не началась вторая половина их жизни. И среди хаоса и неудач они ищут путь, который приведет их к счастью.
Вся моя любовь
Фильм рассказывает о двух братьях и сестре. Они все достигли той точки, когда нужно что-то быстро изменить, пока не началась вторая половина их жизни. И среди хаоса и неудач они ищут путь, который приведет их к счастью.
Family Party
On the 70th birthday of famous piano virtuoso Hannes Westhoff, a celebration is to take place at the patriarch's estate. For this occasion, his second wife Anne not only invited Westhoff's three sons Max, Fredrik and Gregor, but also their mother, Westhoff's ex-wife Renate. While Anne tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere, old conflicts resurface among the family. With tensions already high, things take a turn for the dramatic when son Max reveals shocking news.
Better Late Than Never
Catrin Hoffmann
Catrin wants to know it again: With over 40 she dared to jump back to the University of Marburg. The married mother wants to finish her medical studies, which she stopped many years ago because of her pregnancy. The classmates on campus are relaxed in the age of their children. Her husband Frank feels left sitting in Berlin. And after a fierce flirtation with an attractive student, her marriage is finally in crisis. Nevertheless, Catrin is determined to make her dream come true. Better late than never.
Ten-year-old Jack has to take care of his little brother, six-year-old Manuel, every day from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. When Manuel suffers an accident, their lives change forever.
Ten-year-old Jack has to take care of his little brother, six-year-old Manuel, every day from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. When Manuel suffers an accident, their lives change forever.
Tschüss Papa
My Sisters
How should you spend your time if your days are numbered? This is the question facing Linda, a young woman suffering from a congenital heart defect. Contrary to her doctors’ expectations she has managed to survive to celebrate her thirtieth birthday, but with an operation looming, Linda nonetheless feels a deep need to spend what might be her last weekend with her two sisters: Katharina who is older, and Clara who is younger than her. Linda must use their journey, which begins at their family’s weekend house and ends in Paris, to examine the ways in which her family has been fundamentally affected by her illness; she must also consider how much she can expect from herself and her sisters – faced as they are with the possibility of her death.
Fischer fischt Frau
Antje Kocken
Verschollen am Kap
Helen Schwuhr
Heute keine Entlassung
Jenny Franzen
Der Mann auf der Brücke
Jana Schweiger
Einer bleibt sitzen
Julia Brenner
Der Herrscher von Edessa
Camilla Malik
The Heart Is a Dark Forest
A woman's life is destroyed when she discovers that her husband has another family.
Guten Morgen, Herr Grothe
Sibylle Grothe
Das Kommando
Oberfeldarzt Angelika Leisen
Der Solist - Kuriertag
Sabine Jäger
Der Solist - In eigener Sache
Sabine Jäger
Das Staatsgeheimnis
Ein tödliches Wochenende
Sabine Jung
Виктор Фогель - Король рекламы
Как вчерашний неудачник заработал состояние на безумных выходках? Еще вчера его вышвыривали из офисов за нелепый вид. Теперь все иначе: все подражают Виктору Фогелю. За его идеи по рекламе платят бешеные деньги, ему поручают разработку рекламной кампании для новой модели Опеля. Получив работу своей мечты, Фогель тут же находит и девушку своей мечты — художницу Розу, которую случайно встречает на вечеринке. Но не все так радужно: теперь Виктору придется выбирать между любовью и карьерой, чувствами и деньгами.
Ein Zwilling zuviel
Frau2 sucht HappyEnd
Anne Kampe
Zwei, die füreinander bestimmt sind, finden sich trotzdem.
Liane Goldhofer
Ben & Maria - Liebe auf den zweiten Blick
Doppeltes Spiel mit Anne
Beckmann und Markowski: Gehetzt
Carol Grischka
Jimmy the Kid
The Sex Thief
Petra professionally works as a thief abroad to finance the studies of her younger sister Franziska in Germany.
Annas Fluch-Tödliche Gedanken
Luise Beier
Single sucht Nachwuchs
Das Finale
Hotel Mama - Die Rückkehr der Kinder
Die sieben Feuer des Todes
Der stille Herr Genardy
Hedwig Otten
Buddies - Leben auf der Überholspur
Udos Freundin
Peanuts – Die Bank zahlt alles
Hotel Mama
Linda Behrens
Der Leihmann
Tanja Willer
One of My Oldest Friends
A comedy directed by Rainer Kaufmann.